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Take me to your leader

Posted on Monday 26 April 2021 @ 22:44 by Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: The caves, Ceti Beta 4
Timeline: MD6 0600
1512 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody came around slowly, realising she was lying on a makeshift bed in some kind of cave. There was a large opening about 500 yards away, through which came the morning sunshine. Two figures stood guarding the entrance, both of them with weapons. She soon discovered her wrists were tied behind her back and her comm badge was missing. "I really will have to complain to the concierge about this hotel." Sher muttered out loud. "This bed is like a rock, I don't care for the decor and the room service is terrible."

She struggled for a moment but finally managed to sit up. "The fact I'm not dead already, suggests you're not going to kill me anytime soon. Could I get some water in here?" She called out, a little louder.

There was a grunt from the shadows and a moment later a rough looking human male emerged carrying a metallic pitcher of some sort and a tin mug. He was wearing grubby but servicable combat fatigues in a dark grey colour with a dark brown jacket over-top. His black hair was matted to his head but otherwise if he cleaned up he might've cut a reasonable figure of a man. On his hip was a rather nasty looking disruptor pistol that was illegal in literally every part of the civilized galaxy as it was a barbaric weapon. On his thigh was a long Nausicaan knife with jagged edges just above a pair of black combat boots that looked suspiciously like they'd been taken off a Starfleet marine... very recently.

He poured a measure of water into the mug, walked over to Melody and held the mug out for her to take a drink from it whilst he held it out for her. "Drink" He said, simply. "I'm not untying you, so deal. Likewise, if you gotta go to the bathroom, you're doing it here. I'm not as stupid as your average gringo, Captain." He sneered her rank as if it were an insulting remark.

She begrudgingly took a gulp of water, then started appraising the man who stood in front of her. "And you are?" She asked looking him up and down, but also glancing around her surroundings, seeing if there was any chance of slipping away. "I should warn you that strong smells can trigger morning sickness, and you smell like you haven't bathed in a fortnight."

"I'm no one of any consequence to you, fleeter." The man said, taking the cup away and putting both it and the pitcher down on a small table nearby. "My personal bathing habits are none of your concern either. However, my current condition is as a result of a slight scuffle with your landing party - not that there's any of them left to confirm that."

Melody looked at his face. "That's a lie." She stated Calmly. "If you had killed all the away team, you'd be shouting it from the rooftops by now, not sat hiding out here licking your wounds." Melody looked around again, making it obvious this time. "Besides, when am I going to meet who's in charge here? As it's clearly not you."

"When she's good and ready to see your fat ass and not before." He replied, crossing his arms over his chest. "Frankly, I bitterly resent having to be in the same geographical region as a 'Federation Officer', but the boss pays the bills and therefore she gets what she wants. She wanted you - so we got you. When she's ready to play, I'm sure she'll make herself known to you."

"Whatever she's promised you, it won't be enough to keep you out of prison for the rest of your life. You're looking at some serious charges. Sabotaging a Federation colony, attacking a Federation starship, and killing members of its crew. Look..." Melody took a breath and leaned towards him. "We might be able to cut some kind of deal here... If you were to cooperate...."

"Oh, you mean like the deals the Federation always cuts to avoid facing the consequences of its actions?!" He snarled angrily. "That's what you people always do! You make deals with the bad guys to avoid a fight. Just like you sold out the colonists along the Cardassian border to the spoon-heads. Just like you sold out the Maquis to the Dominion. You people! You make me SICK!" He knocked the table over in an angry gesture sending the water pitcher crashing to the floor, spraying its contents everywhere. "Just sit down, shut up, and wait for someone to speak to you." He said, thrusting his face into Melody's. "The deal is you're alive when the mistress comes, said nothing about you being unharmed..."

“So you were a member of the Marquis?” Melody pushed a little further. “And now you blame the federation for what happened? But this? This Is far too cold for the Marquis? So who’s pulling your strings now then?”

"There is no Maquis! Not anymore! Not thanks to you and your people!" He raged at her, his face level with hers, spittle flying out of his mouth as he raged. "They're all dead!"

“No.” She replied calmly. “There all dead because instead of trying to negotiate and co exist with the Cardassians, you declared all out war on them. You promised people they could win when what they needed was a negotiated peace and the Maquis pushed the Cardasians straight into the arms of the Dominion.”

"Oh you and your damn 'negotation' crap!" Gall shouted and stormed around the room. "Its because of people like Picard and Sisko that we were so badly let down. Our leaders believed them! How foolish can you get!? Do you really think our people wanted to be 'handed over' to the Cardassians like we were property?! Those worlds were not just some planets... they were our homes! You had no right to force us to move out!" He pulled out his blade and waved it dangerously towards Melody. "So shut that pretty little mouth of yours and mind your manners, or I'll cut your tongue out..."

“That’s enough!” A female voice called out from the shadows. A voice which Melody recognised. A woman stepped out from the shadows holding her own pregnant belly.

“Why don’t you go somewhere and let me and the good Captain catch up?” The woman said as Melody’s mouth fell open as she looked upon the person who looked exactly like her best friend but her personality was the opposite. The mirror opposite in fact.

“You!” Melody exclaimed. “You’re suppose to be dead! What the hell are you doing here?”

“Oh come now Melody, Is that anyway to speak to an old friend. It looks like your in the club too eh?” Fox said, patting her stomach.

“We’re not friends. You impersonated my friend and tried to steal her ship.” Melody replied. She called out to him “What ever she promised you... What ever she told you... it was all lies. You know she’s from a Mirror universe and she no morals or conscious. She’ll betray you.”

Fox didn’t even bother to deny any of what she was saying. “Oh Melody... I was hoping we could be friends, but it looks like you’re not interested.” She let out a mock sigh “So I’ll have your command codes instead.”

"Mirror universe?" Gall asked. "Isn't that the place that has your evil opposites in it? How come you never told me?"

Fox blew air through her lips and turned to him. “What do you care where I come from. Not only am I paying you a lot of Latium to soothe your conscious but i promised you a way to get revenge on the Federation once and for all. So why don’t you go and torture a small animal or something while I get some information out of the good Captain here.”

She fixed Fox with a cold stare “You know I won’t tell you anything.” She looked over at Gall. “I’d watch my back around her because you’re going to find a knife in it soon.”

"I'd sooner take my chances with her than with the Federation who I know are more than happy to stick a knife in and twist." Gall sneered at her. "Gimmie a shout if you need me, boss-lady. Your latinum buys my loyalty, no matter where you came from." He waved his hand casually as he walked towards the exit. "Have fun with your friend.."

Fox sauntered over to Melody, placing a seat in front of her. From behind her back produced a very sharp knife. She sat down and smiled wickedly at her. “So.... what shall we talk about?”


●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

Mirror Amelia Fox
The Mistress
Npc Jones

Mistresses Lieutenant
NPC by Godding


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