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Reporting in

Posted on Saturday 5 June 2021 @ 20:06 by Ensign Roger Bumble

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Bridge/Ready room
Timeline: Mission Day 7 1130
1191 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Roger didn't have a clue what the current mission status of things was but after finding his shared quarters and dumping his kitbag, he knew he had to report in. He could meet his bunkmate later.

After a few days cooped up with the civilian crew on that small vessel, all of whom had seemed rather creepy to him he was happy to be on a bigger ship and amongst Federation people again.

"Bridge," he told the turbolift. Smoothing his red hair down, he pulled his uniform straighter and slapped on that winning Bumble smile as the doors opened.

Wow there seemed to be some activity going on. Walking forward he approached someone on Ops. "Ensign Bumble. I'm reporting in, can you direct me to Captain Jones please?"

"The Captain .. well she's not here at present Ensign but the second officer is in the ready room. In fact he's just become the second officer."

The ops person indicated the door to the ready room and decided it was probably better for Lieutenant McPhee to clue the new guy in as well other than Caroline Miller had left suddenly and Lieutenant McPhee was now second officer she hadn't much more to share.

"Sounds like your having some fun," Roger smiled. "Thanks." He walked over and pressed the chime.

Mathias was still reeling from the sudden status change, his arm hurting and still needing to get it worked on. Caroline gone to be with her dying grandmother. Captain Jones hopefully being rescued "Come!" his voice growled out, his face a bit pale. Tea he needed some tea.

"Would you like something?" Mathias trying to be civil his back turned towards whomever had come in.

"Ensign Bumble reporting in sir," Roger said standing to attention. He watched the man replicate some tea and his brain suddenly had the idea that a bitter lemon would be nice. He wondered if he would be offered or if his next stop was somewhere he could locate refreshment. They hadn't had replicators on the civilian vessel. He had been on some weird rations.

"What sort of tea would you like, Ensign Bumble?" his back still turned. Mathias had placed in his order for some ginger tea. He was fumbling slightly with his arm in a sling, but was still managing.

"I'm not a fan of tea sir. Could I request a bitter lemon?" Roger asked. "If I may, what happened to your arm?"

"Bitter Lemon it is." Mathias giving the order to the replicator. When it was ready he turned around and carried the bitter lemon to Ensign Bumble "I took a graze from a Klingon Disruptor." he stated, handing the drink to Roger. He then retrieved his drink, taking it to the desk where the Captain would normally sit. He set his drink down pulled out his PADD noticing a message flashing on his PADD. He touched the PADD to see what the message was, as he picked up his tea.

There was one, it was from Caroline HELP. SOS. seeing the message, the cup slipped from his hand, falling to the floor, spilling its contents. His face going pale. "No! No! No!" sinking into the chair. Mathias slammed his fist upon the desk, "What happened? Oh Caroline!"

"Sir?" Roger said watching him. "Is everything alright?"

Tears glimmering in his eyes, Mathias looked over at Roger, "No... its not . My beloved... she is in trouble. She had just left a little while ago, on a ship she was supposed to take to see her dying grandmother. It wasn't true... I just received an SOS, a call for help, from her..." he looked at Roger, his eyes narrowing, "You just arrived via ship, could it be same ship she was to take to go see her grandmother?"

"Yes, she must have," Roger said knowing why the female he had walked past exiting the transporter room was so familiar now. "Commander Miller entered the transporter room just as I left. I'm sorry sir. I've only spoken to her once. I knew she looked familiar but my brain didn't catch up. I was too excited to be here. I noticed nothing untoward on that transport but that said I spent most of my time alone in my bunk reading."

Michael leaned forward with a rather intense gaze, "Anything you might remember, a brief meeting of the crew? Even if you were just in the bunk you might have met someone there?" hoping that this new arrival may have a clue as to who may have taken Caroline, " Maybe the name of the ship. Anything to start the search!"

“Well a couple of times in the mess they mentioned this hot piece of arse they were going to pick up. I mean I thought it was just men being all bravo you know. The ship erm it was called the Psema. It's a private vessel. They pass through 308 sometimes taking on odd jobs. When they heard I was needing a ride out to you they approached me. I put some feelers out, ” he shrugged.

Mathias frowned as he listened to Counselor Bumble's information about the talk of the men, the dour expression was changing as he heard the rest of the information, his eyes lighting up and a smile breaking out, brilliant like the sun, from behind a cloud. "Oh.. thank you!" leaping up from the chair, knocking it backwards in his elation, he tempered his emotional display though, realizing that even though there was a name of the ship, still was possibly a needle in the haystack. Maybe his Aunt would know about them or another of his relatives that lived on the station.

"Your words have certainly given me some hope in finding Caroline, Ensign Bumble." An analysing expression crossing his McPhee's face, beginning to make plans of some sort, especially whom he could contact for possible information.

"Well I hope we find her too. If she's missing I'm ... oh sir I'm running things aren't I in counselling," the reality of it just hit him.

"Yes you are, kind of unexpected eh? Much like me being placed as Third Officer." Mathia remarked. "You are my first reporting in meeting. Congratulations." giving him a nod. "I should enter you in as doing such. I do believe you'll probably have a long list of people who will be needing to see you. Hopefully they will be amenable to seeing you, without you chasing them down."

"Well we counsellors have our ways sir. Many a person has decided to make us chase them. We have creative ways, they teach it at the academy," Roger quipped. "Am I dismissed sir? I can tell you are busy and concerned for your beloved. I also hope that Commander Miller is found soon and safe."

Mathias nodded, "Yes, you are dismissed, and thank you. You have helped immensely." he said with a small smile.


●● Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin

Ensign Roger Bumble
USS Merlin


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