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Blood in the Water

Posted on Friday 4 June 2021 @ 16:17 by Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Major David Scarlet

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
1058 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Scarlet walked into room and looked around slowly. He walked over to to the pool and stretched out his muscles as much as he dared. He was wearing a pair of tight fitting black trunks that came down mid calf. His chest was covered in course hair that obscured his muscles from view. He wasn't toned and svelte, but he had never been. Always depending on his size and strength in a conflict.

Speaking of conflict, he looked around to see if he could spot the Doctor so this could get started.

"Lieutenant!" Anya announced as she approached David from the other end of the therapy centre. "I would say I have been looking forward to seeing you again but that would be a monumental lie... Put this one!"
She handed him some swimwear and indicated with her free hand the changing facilities before crossing her arms and scowling at him.

Scarlet pulled on one of the legs of his trunks and let it snap back against his skin. "These standard issue trunks will be fine."

He returned Anya's scowl with one of his own. "Let's get this over with before I have to spend more time in your company than In have too."

"At least we are on the same page there!" she turned as she spoke and moved towards the pool, easily sliding into the water feeling suddenly very at home. It was at just the right temperature making her feel comfortable and relaxed instantly. It was just unfortunate about the company she would be keeping.
"If you could start by drowning that would be ideal, I could return to my other duties then. If you insist on not drowning then I will need to see you swimming as best you can. I will keep pace and observe the injury site!"

Scarlet lowered himself into the pool and then dunked himself completely beneith the surface before popping back up and taking a breath. While he knew he was nowhere nearly as competent in the water as the doctor, he knew his way around.

"So tell me Doc," Scarlet began as he laid back in the water and began doing the back stroke. "What's the ratio of piss to vinegar running through your veins?"

"In your case Lieutenant lets just say the ratio is one to one akin to matter and anti matter in the warp core!"
The fact that matter and antimatter was released into the warp core under controlled explosive conditions was not lost on her and she felt it correctly reflected the relationship the two had developed.

Scarlet couldn't help but chuckle. "Come on Doc. You can do better than that. Or maybe I thought too highly of you and you wit."

Rolling over in the water, Scarlet began doing the breast stroke and kicked his legs juat below the surface of the water, keeping them breaking the surface and splashing about.

"Besides, engineering isn't a forte for either of us except for target practice." He reached the end of the pool and pushed off to go back the way he came.

"I'm not sure if I should be flattered or disgusted that you have been thinking about me Lieutenant... Besides, to quote an Andorian expression, there is nothing attractive about you 'Pink Skins' in the least".
She dived under the water, allowing the nictitating membranes cover her eyes so she could still see underwater. His knee was not in the best shape but having said that, the injury itself was nothing major and easily corrected. She brought herself topside once more, her lips pulled tight into a smile. "You will be glad to know Lieutenant that your injury isn't that bad. A few sessions in the pool, perhaps a very minor operation if the physio does not take... You will need to keep up the swimming and lay of the weight training on your legs for a time however!"

"Works for me doc." Scarlet replied between strokes. "Promise me that if I do start to drown you won't attempt mouth to mouth. There are some things worse than death."

"I will put on your permeant medial file not to resuscitate under any circumstances!"
She forced a smile happy to oblige with the request that she had taken to the next level.

"And I'll make sure your tactical armor is up to par the next time you accompany us on a mission." He treaded water for a moment. "Unlike you I won't take any joy in the death of a crewmate. Even one as callous and unprofessional as you."

Anya's anger flared white hot at his comment and before she knew what she was doing her hand lashed out with cat like speed and ferocity striking his cheek with full force.
"How dare you you arrogant ignorant pathetic little man... I do not take the death of a crewmate lightly, I never have and the death of my entire crew has haunted me for years... I see every one of their faces every night before I go to bed and I have to live with the memory that I was powerless to help any of them... twelve long years in a Reman mine may have made me bitter and angry but life is the most precious thing... bastard!"

With that she climbed out of the pool and with tears cutting swaths down her cheeks she left the therapy room at a near run wanting nothing more than to find refuge in her quarters and hide away so she could allow the grief she still felt to take hold of her for a time.

Scarlet gritted his teeth and continued treading water as the doctor left the room. He became accutely aware of the silence that now filled the room as everyone had stopped to find out what the fuss was.

He had no issues sparing with people. At times he relished it. But just as he'd never intentionally physically harm a crew mate, he'd never intentionally push so hard to mentally or emotionally harm one either.

"Fuck." He whispered through gritted teeth.


* Major David Scarlet
Marine Company Commander
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin


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