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This complicates matters

Posted on Monday 31 January 2022 @ 11:41 by Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones

Mission: First Contact
Location: The Runabout USS Columbus
Timeline: MD7 1930
709 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


Once she was dressed, Sansa followed Hamish back into the cockpit. She ran her hand playfully over his before taking the seat next to him. "My God! I'm picking up subspace disruptions all over this sector. They weren't there before. They seem to get denser and closer together along our current heading. Whatever happened, it's in the direction of the Merlin."

Sansa had a knot forming in her stomach. Whatever had happened, the Merlin must have been very close to it.

Hamish felt like a stone hit his stomach hard. "We need to find out what is what. Let's set a course there, setting course to meet up with the Merlin." he stated.

"This could take some time. We won't be able to engage with warp engines in those subspace disruptions so it's a choice of either going through them at impulse which will add days or have the computer chart a course around them, and use auto navigation dropping out of warp when there is a course correction. It will still take longer than a direct course but it will be faster than getting through them at impulse. Looks like the computer will be doing most of the flying." she shot a sly look at Hamish, her mind still focus on what they had been doing previously.

Hamish retracted what he had put down in the computer, and then placed the course that Sansa had suggested. "Okay there we go, it has been plotted, and..." he turned his head and noticed Sansa looking at him with a sly smile. "And It looks like we maybe busy during that time." giving an answering smile, then his attention went towards the back where MU Fox was sleeping in stasis. " We also need to check on the statistics of the ship as well. I don't want us drifting helplessly either." leaning in to give Sansa a kiss.

Sansa melted into his arms once again. After a long time, she came up for air. "You're right. Come on let's go check on our passengers and make sure they are still all tucked in.

She picked up a tricorder and scanned the pod. Once she was satisfied that Mirror Fox was still in stasis, she turned her attention back to Hamish, walking sexily towards him, swaying her hips and slowly lowering the zip on her top. "Now, where were we?"

Hamish watched with great interest, then he rose from where he sat, unzipping his tunic. "Well... back to where it would be more comfortable..." his tunic top tossed to one side then he drew her in for another kiss....

A little bit later, as he held Sansa in his arms, Hamish kissed the top of Sansa's head, murmuring softly. "I love you my darling. I never thought... I never thought I would be finding myself with someone like you." he paused for a moment remembering she was about to ask him something before the warning from the cockpit had interrupted her. "Sansa, you were about to ask me a question. Do you remember what that was?"

Sansa thought back and remembered what she had been pondering. She smiled and drew herself closer to him "It can wait for now, we've only just begun here and there's no need to rush. We have all the time ahead of us. I don't know what the future will bring, I just know I want to share it with you."

"And I wish to share it with you as well. I am still reeling from how my life has completely changed and that is due to you, Sansa. We may have started out a bit rocky due to my pettiness but... I am glad that you have forgiven me for being such a moron." leaning in for another kiss, then stroking her soft silken curls of red. "I love you, Sansa. I truly do."

"I love you too, Hamish." Sansa replied.

Hamish smiled and held her close. He could feel himself start to drift off after their love making once more. The ship will alert them to when they arrived.


●● Lieutenant Hamish Teague
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin

Sansa Draxx-Jones
Marine biologist
USS Merlin


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