
A Little Digging

Posted on Thursday 21 April 2016 @ 23:24 by Lieutenant Commander Gregory Alein & Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D.

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: USS Merlin, DS7
1240 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure


It was the call that Neil hadn't been waiting for, one that he had hoped would never take plan. He'd been trying for the better part of two weeks to convince Greg to stay; but he'd known the man for almost fifteen years. Once Greg Alein made up his mind; not even the gods could change his opinion. This last investigation had taken its tole on the Security Officer. He made some enemies, and most of then within the Senior Staff. Neil had tried to convince him it was just part of the job but the damage was irreparable and Greg needed off.

Captain, came the voice of his Yeoman, I've got a Lieutenant Commander Barstow for you, says you were expecting him

"Patch him through R'nol," Neil stated as he took a seat behind his desk. The screen flashed for a second, as the face of a what appeared to be a human male appear. Physically he appeared about Neil's age and had that freshly minted Commanding Officer look. Neil couldn't help but smirk, thinking to himself that look will fade with time. "Commander Barstow," he greeted, "What can I do for you," he asked?

Lieutenant Commander John Barstow was sitting in the living area of the Captains Yacht USS Arthur as he waited for the comm to go through. He had sent a message ahead to the Deep Space 7 commander about the call and inquiry about a former officer, one Gregory Alein. The man had quite the record and the rumors John had heard made it look worse. As he waited for the call to go through he set the PADD he had been looking at down and caught sight of his reflection on the screen. He turned his head and jutted his chin to get a look at the unfamiliar red collar that had replaced his green one, something he was still getting used to. That was when he heard the voice, catching him in that position. Barstow turned to the screen and cleared his throat before smiling, a slight redness forming in his cheeks from being seen, "Captain, thanking you for taking my call," he replied, "I had a few questions for you about a Lieutenant Gregory Alein. I am trying to sort fact from myth here and looking at his Starfleet record isn't helping with that," the Commander explained, "I'm hoping maybe I can intercept him before Starfleet assigns him somewhere else," he added, not wanting to outright say it, but having the feeling the next assignment may not be a choice one for the officer based on everything.

Neil was a bit taken back, given Greg's record he has assumed Star Fleet would assign him to some outer region of space. "Greg," he corrected himself, "Lieutenant Alein, what in particular do you want to know about him," the Captain asked. Just about everything that made up Greg Alein was in his record.

"Well," Barstow started and leaned forward, putting his arms on his knees, "my previous posting was the Academy and I heard stories about an officer who shouldn't be in Starfleet. A womanizer, drunkard, insubordinate, etcetra, etcetra. Now, in my experience those types of stories either means an officer who is better then the rest or a screw up that slipped through psych evals and really does need to be drummed out, so, I decided to dig a little bit" he said with a shrug, having learned long ago blunt was usually best, "I see the service file, I want to know about the man."

Neil laughed, "Commander," he paused, "John.."

"I would never say that Greg was a stellar Officer," he added, "we've been friends for longer then I can remember, I consider him family. That being said, the man does have his faults. He does like the occasional drink, but who doesn't. He has had a string of very failed relationship, but he isn't exactly the settle down family type so who am I do judge. I trust him completely with my own life and that of my son, Greg is the type who would do anything to help a friend. Just don't ask questions, if you get my meaning."

Neil leaned back in the chair and chuckled, "I think Greg's biggest problem is Greg. He's let a few unfortunate situations get to him, and he's finally starting to let those be a part of the past and move on. He's a good Officer and those who serve under him trust his judgement completely... as do I."

John nodded and smirked, "so he should have been a Marine instead," he replied then sat back relaxed, "and what if I told you that my new posting is commanding officer and I was considering tapping him for my exec. I saw he was second officer, but he got bounced. How do you think he'd do with a second chance at a command spot?"

Neil wanted to jump off the chair and ask the man if he was crazy. However he knew that in order for Greg to move on and start a career, again; he'd have to stop protecting him. "I think he'd jump at the chance. He's kicked himself enough over that issue with Ambassador T'mok, seeing him finally able to move on would be a good thing."

Barstow grinned, he'd spent enough time doing security to spot micro-expressions, "good. I believe in second chances, like the flag who just gave me mine. I'll intercept his travel orders then, get him assigned to Merlin. Would you like a holo of his face when I tell him his billet?" he asked with a grin.

"Please," Neil answered. "I would very much like to see that, he won't be expecting it." Neil nodded to the Commander, "And Captain, if there is anything you need.. dirt.. blackmail material.. someone to kick his ass," he gave a coy grin, "don't hesitate to contact me."

John laughed and gave a nod, "will do, Captain, and thank you," he replied, "and likewise, if you ever need anything don't hesitate to call."

"Well Captain I will let you return to your new duty station," Neil reached up to the console on his desk, "Harrington out." With that Neil closed the channel. He truly wished he could be there when Greg found out. While it would be hard to see an old friend leave; it was nice to see what new changes this assignment would bring Tapping a button on his desk, "R'nol, I am expecting a communication from Captain Barstow of the Merlin in a short time. Notify me as soon as it comes in."

Will do Captain R'nol replied.

"This ought to be good," Neil said picking up his cup of coffee.

After the screen went black John picked up the PADD and typed a quick command into it changing Aleins travel orders but leaving the billet blank. He smiled evily, catching his new exec off guard was going to be fun. An alert pulled his attention and he moved to the cockpit just in time to see the ship drop from warp. The streaks of stars were replaced with the best sight he could see, the Excalibur USS Merlin, filling the view port.


Lieutenant Commander John "Apollo" Barstow
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

PNPC: Captain Neil Harrington
Lieutenant Greg Alein
Executive Officer
USS Merlin



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