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True love stories never have endings

Posted on Wednesday 11 January 2023 @ 19:16 by Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Commander Caroline Miller

Mission: Revelations
Location: Deep Space 21 - Promenade
1761 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Merlin was clear of personnel, Melody and her family had left for their getaway. Mathias and Caroline where on their honeymoon and most of the other senior staff had dispersed to do their own thing during the down time. She on the other hand was still on duty having been left to oversee the refit as a representative of the Command Crew but today... Today she had given herself some much needed time off. The morning had been some time in a holosuite at Niska's with Liodra, the pair had decided to visit the Hubishian Baths on Trill. The tensions of the last few weeks had seemed to evaporate. Now she was walking the promenade, the small ration of money in her pocket burning a hole. She wanted to buy something, something traditionally Ba'ku and a tapestry, delicate, intricate and a breath taking rendering of the central Ba'ku village surrounded by rolling hills and a pink sunset.

"I will take it thank you!" she was saying to the shop attendant when she felt a presence behind her. A scent of cologne that was not displeasing but very recognisable. He had been ever the gentleman at their first meeting, however funny it had been.
"Matthew... I would recognise that Cologne anywhere!"

Matthew who had been gazing at the beautiful Anya from afar, had been drawn in closer towards her, the mermaid that was there, looking at a tapestry. "Hello Anya." the man coming closer. "That is lovely tapestry there. I love the colors."

Earlier Matthew had been exploring the station, hoping that he'd come across Anya once more. And there she was, and here he was standing near her. "And there is no body of water for us to fall into." giving quiet laugh, and a wink as he was speaking in jest. " I feel lucky in seeing you once more."

The shop attended returned with the purchase, wrapped in some soft brown paper and a darker brown ribbon holding it closed. She returned the credit chit to her pocket and tucked the self gift under her arm.
"Would you care to walk the promenade?" she asked, feeling an urge to lean in and kiss the man... It seemed impulsive though, she had after all only met the man a day or so ago. "Maybe we could stop for a bit to eat?"

Matthew's face lit up, with an answering smile, "I would love to and a bite to eat sounds lovely." crooking his elbow towards the lovely Anya. "Where shall we go first to look at? And where shall we go eat?" leading them out of the shop and back out into the busy thoroughfare of the Promenade.

"I've seen a few different places that look nice. I've seen a Bajoran restaurant, a Klingon cafe and a very high class looking Vulcan establishment!" she said idly glancing between shops and then spotting two people she had not expected to see. "Mathias, Caroline... I thought you two were on your honeymoon?"

Mathias turned with surprise seeing Anya and she was with, "Matthew? Anya?"

Matthew gave a little chuckle. "Hello Cousin, fancy seeing you here."

"Honeymoon, pffff," the blond newlywed said. "We have plans of going somewhere proper later when we get some proper shore leave. So did you two meet at our wedding?" she grinned at her best friend.

Mathias was really scrutinizing Matthew, raising an eyebrow at him. "Did you meet at the wedding? I didn't see you there."

"Well, Mathias that is because your attention was on a singular most important person right there, your lovely lady, your wife, Caroline. And my lady, welcome to the crazy family of ours." giving a laugh, walking over and giving Caroline a one armed embrace. "Congratulations on your marriage." Matthew said. Then he walked over and gave Mathias a bear hug.

"Oof my man, you still haven't lost your grip." Mathias exclaimed, once Matthew released him.

"Cousin!" Anya exclaimed avoiding eye contact with Caroline knowing she could read her better than any telepath. "You didn't say anything!" looking at Matthew.

Matthew gave Anya a sidelong glance, "Well I hadn't thought of mentioning that Mathias was my cousin, nor that Hamish is my brother, the Chief of Science on the Merlin. Sorry, I was more occupied with someone on my mind, and that was you." giving an impish smile towards Anya, this time looking her in her eyes.

Anya couldn't hold back the smile and impish giggle, already feeling Caroline's eyes boring a hole into the side of her head.

Mathias could only just shake his head, "Matthew..."

"What? Do I have to tell your or Hamish everything? After all I am not under your command." Matthew making a face at Mathias. "Oh and ooh big man being an executive offcer. Have you told mom and dad yet?"

"Well er no not as of yet." Mathias turning slightly red in the cheeks.

"And here you are busting my chops. Tsk tsk." another huge grin at the discomfort of Mathias, then Matthew laughed. "It's been way too long my cousin."

Caroline smiled wondering how much to make Anya squirm. "So, Matthew what are your intentions towards our lovely Anya? Do you play in any bands?" she added innocently.

Anya's eyes shot wide and the glare could have sent a star nova. "Caroline" she exclaimed feeling her cheeks flush a deep violet colour.

Matthew not knowing the reason for the question from Caroline. "Well now that you've asked. I am part of a band, I've not told Anya about it but its a medieval band. And my intentions towards Anya, well it depends on.. her."

"Oh that's right you play really well on the mandolin." Mathias replied.

"I can't believe you have forgotten Mathias!" giving a mock glare towards his cousin.

Anya turned her eyes from Caroline as Matthew mentioned being in a band. Her cheeks flushing even more of a violet colour, the memory of the Tellarite and the random wet floor sign rushing back to her minds eye and she could already see the snicker forming on Carolines lips.

"Relax Anya," Caroline said threading her arm through her friends and pulling her away keeping her voice low. "Although Im as curious about that Tellarite as you are. He seems nice. Hes clan McPhee so I know he's dependable .... do we get to double date now?" she asked excitably. "Hows it going to work when the Merlins off again? Are you doing long distance?"

"We've not spoken about the future yet... His assignment I think is taking him away from the area!" she said sadly not really wanting this to come to an end but also keeping her voice to a whisper so only Caroline could hear her. "It turns out that Benzite and Human physiology is suitably compatible as well!"

While the two ladies spoke to one another, Mathias looked at Matthew, "You had better be treating Anya right, Cousin."

"Since when have I not treated the ladies right who I've been out with. She's, she's just wonderful. I may have found my mermaid." Matthew remarked quietly to his cousin. "Just keep an eye out on her? I don't want to lose that beautiful woman there, but I can't tie her to me either. And who knows when she and I will cross paths again, I've got to go tend to a colony who is having some trouble." Matthew said, with a touch of sadness in his tone.

"Well my dear cousin, if the stars align right, you may well see her again. After all we'll be back in this neck of the cosmos and you'll see me and hopefully her once more. Think of that and perhaps a way will open for you." Mathias said in comfort.

"I don't know, the corps of engineers tend to go to quite a few places. We'll see though if it works out." Matthew answered.

Anya and Caroline returned from their own private aside, Anya catching the last part of Matthews statement. It filled her with a sadness she had not expected to feel, not so quickly having only known him for such a short time.
"I just wish you were shipping out with Merlin!" her words intended as an internal monologue but her brain engaged her lips without realising.

Both Matthew and Mathias turned when Anya and Caroline returned, Mathias smiling lovingly towards Caroline and Matthew his face lighting up, when seeing Anya. At Anya's words, Matthew reached out his hand towards the Benzite woman. "Oh, if only it could be possible." Matthew stated. "I am afraid though I've got only a couple of days more here, then off I go to my next assignment."

"Wait, you have to leave so soon?" Mathias exclaimed.

"I was lucky to have made it to your wedding. I hadn't known it was happening. It wasn't until I got wind of some admiral peforming a wedding ceremony for you and Caroline that I snuck in to witness it and then I met Anya here." Matthew replied. "if it weren't for our ship needing to dock here, I would have missed the wedding and also missed out a chance in meeting her." Matthew added. There was still a mournful expression in his eyes the thought of leaving, but it couldn't be helped.

Mathias gave an understanding nod. It seemed that his Cousin had fallen hard for Anya. He reached out and patted Matthew' shoulder. "Who knows, just wish upon an star and that wich could come true." he said cryptically.

He turned to Caroline, "Well love, shall we have dinner with Anya and Matthew or.." he looked back to his cousin. "Perhaps maybe we should let them have what little time they have together and make the most of it."

"Well it would be a shame for you to miss precious time with your cousin but equally I don't think we want to ruin the time they have left together," Caroline said. "What are your feelings Anya?"

"My feelings are that I don't want this to end" she said, an unusual amount of emotion tainting her voice as she took Matthews hand in hers. She soon shook it off though. "But dinner with friends would be nice!"

Matthew looked at the beautiful Benzite woman, her hand in his. "As you wish, Anya, as you wish It would be lovely." giving a gentle smile.

Mathias took Caroline's hand in his."Looks like we'll be having a wonderful meal, together then." raising Caroline's hand up to his lips and kissing it.



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