Designs and Progress Part 2
Posted on Friday 10 February 2023 @ 12:34 by Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Location: Captains ready room, USS Merlin
Timeline: MD21 1900
880 words - 1.8 OF Standard Post Measure
Just then, the door chime sounded.
Melody called out "Come in Commander, right on time."
Carrying a single PADD, the Vulcan chief engineer walked in. Despite his hopefully emotionless visage he actually looked a lot happier than he had weeks ago when he had first arrived on the Merlin. "Captain.." he greeted, before casting a single nod of acknowledgement to the others present.
Anya returned the acknowledgement with her own little nod of her head. Seklar was another one she had very little interaction with. Perhaps that needed to change given she was now technically his superior officer even though she was two ranks lower... 'How would that work?' she asked herself, jotting down a note on her PADD to discuss this with the Captain at a later time.
Melody smiled. "Have a seat Commander, help yourself to some food before you begin. Lieutenant Nir'anyar just gave a very comprehensive report. I trust the new engineering systems meet your expectations?"
"They exceed them though I will freely admit that my experience with transwarp systems is quite limited." Seklar reported as he sat down. "We are also making progress on the shuttle and I believe we may do actual test flights soon."
That really caught the redheaded Scottish executive officer's attention. "I will have to make certain to take a look and see what has been done." Mathias commented.
Melody took a sip of coffee. "I'm looking forward to trying out the new quantum slipstream drive." She added with a twinkle in her eye. "And the new shuttlecraft." She added in a quieter voice, casting a glance over to Mathias.
"Are there any Medical concerns with the technology that I should be aware of?"
The reports from Voyager very much in the forefront of her concerns, even if that was due to transwarp drive, there again, how different was Quantum slipstream to Transwarp? She was a medical officer and not an engineer.
"I sincerely hope not." Melody interjected. "Starfleet did send over all the medical information from their test runs and all the data collected by the crew of Voyager. No issues have arisen so far but let's keep an eye on it with regular examinations of a random selection from the crew."
"I will familiarise myself with the data post haste!" Anya was already calling the data up on her PADD and filing it for review once she was back in the comfort of her office.
"Very good," Melody said before turning back to Seklar. "Is there anything that gives you cause for concern Commander?"
Slowly, the Vulcan nodded. "My only concern is that the captain is insisting on being my co-pilot," he answered, almost stoically, "I do not approve of you risking yourself."
"Agreed!" the Chief medical officer pitched in. "He's expendable, no offence intended Commander" she jabbed a thumb in Seklar's general direction, "You are not!"
Melody sighed. "I appreciate your concern but it's really unwarranted. I know the Commander here won't let me anywhere near the new shuttle until the preliminary test flights have been conducted and the shuttle proven to be safe."
Mathias spoke up, "I did have a conversation with the captain about the worry that is being voiced, I voiced it as well. However, I feel that the Captain also has the final say about her being a part of the experiment or testing the shuttle. I feel that in this endeavour though since it is part of exploration, the captain." him looking at Melody. "Is capable of this. And I don't know of any finer pilot than the Captain. I have every confidence that she'll be able to make it back. "
"Don't you come complaining to me when you get transformed into a space lizard!" the Medical Officers' tone was tongue in cheek but conveyed her point.
"I would agree," Seklar deadpanned, taking the CMO's comment for support towards his objection, "and you are correct, you are not coming near the shuttle until it is safe for regular flight."
Melody looked gratefully at Mathias. "Thank you Number one. Good to know that I have the support of my XO." She turned back to Seklar "Commander, are you still happy with the proposed departure schedule of 0900 tomorrow morning?"
Seklar nodded. "For the Merlin, yes. She will be ready to depart."
Melody turned to Mathias "Is there anything else you want to discuss Number one?"
Mathias had a thoughtful expression in his eyes as he gazed at both Anya and Seklar. Then Mathias turned his attention back to Melody. "At this time I do not, I am looking forward to getting back to us exploring the universes." giving a smile.
"Well then might I suggest that you all get a good night's sleep, it's going to be a busy day tomorrow." She turned to Seklar "Thank you for your report Commander." She stood "I'll see you all in the morning."
●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin
○●● Lieutenant Commander Mathias McPhee
Executive Officer
USS Merlin
●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin
Commander Seklar
Chief Engineer