Departure Stations
Posted on Wednesday 22 March 2023 @ 10:14 by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Edited on on Sunday 9 April 2023 @ 15:20
Where no one has gone before
Location: Main Bridge, USS Merlin
Timeline: MD 1 0900
3561 words - 7.1 OF Standard Post Measure
Melody had awoken early that morning and toured around the newly refitted Merlin for an hour or so. Now she made her way to the bridge.
She stepped off the turbolift into a hive of activity as last minute preparations for departure were being carried out.
Gregor looked up from the tactical station. " Good morning Captain, you're looking well today. All upgrades have been completed and we have a few last minute provisions being brought aboard that shall be stowed soon. "
Mathias looked towards the lift doors when Melody stepped upon the bridge, "Captain on the bridge" he announced standing up, putting a knuckle salute towards Melody, much like the sailors of old on the tall ships did. it was still odd to him, now sitting in the XO's chair. Much has happened in the days previous.
"Very good Lieutenant. Carry on," Melody replied to Gregor before heading over to the command area. She sat down next to Mathias. "Good morning Number one, ready to get back out there?"
"Yes I am quite ready to get back out there, and explore." Mathias remarked.
Anya was just milling around behind the horseshoe tactical console, Melody, Mathias and Caroline occupying the command area of the bridge in the three different chairs so she just decided to hover around until she was needed. She had never had the privilege of being on a new ship when it launched yet somehow this felt as close to that as she was likely ever to get.
"Should you not be down there with them?" Seklar asked as he walked up to the chief medical officer, "are you not the ship's second officer?"
Anya looked around at Seklar, her brain engaging and forming the cutting response 'Do you see a free chair Commander or do I need to book you in for a visual acuity examination?' but if anything, the talk with the Captain had at least done some good. She bit back the oh so Anya response and instead gave a simple reply of "I'll take that on board but I get a better view from here!"
Pete was not used to serving on the Bridge as such Goose had to remind him that he had Bridge duty. Pete jogged through the ship and once on the turbolift caught his breath. When the turbolift doors opened he stepped onto the Bridge and was slightly amazed by how large it was. As he crossed the Bridge to the helm he smiled and nodded to the Captain and the XO. "Morning Captain, Commander." Pete took his station and keyed in his access code. Once the code was in the station's holo-emmitters took over and the console converted to what looked like the panel of an old fighter jet. Complete with a gyro stick to control the flight of the ship. Pete smiled "Now that is more like it."
Caroline rolled her eyes at the pilot needing to do that with a holo console. She had more work to do with Mitchell than she ever imagined it seemed.
"Anya why are you hovering at the side? There's a further seat next to me where you sit when you're on the bridge. Let me show you," she said simply.
"I'd prefer to remain mobile... Give's me a chance to observe the different stations and maybe learn something". She smiled at Caroline already knowing she could see Anya was avoiding the command centre, despite her talk with the one person she had not expected to find but had found her at just the right moment. She also knew that Caroline wouldn't let this lay and half expected to find an appointment with her very soon!
Melody looked at Anya and gave her a smile of encouragement. She turned to Gregor "Get me the dockmaster please."
Gregor nodded. " Aye Ma'am. Docking control online Captain. "
"Dock control this is the Merlin, questing permission to depart."
A female voice replied "Permission to depart granted. All traffic is cleared on your departure vector. Safe journey."
Melody smiled "Merlin acknowledges. Helm, clear all mornings and take us out, aft thruster ahead slow."
Pete flipped a few switches in order on the panel. "All mooring lines are cleared. The Merlin is free to maneuver." When the order came to leave Pete took a deep breath and thought by the book now "Aye Captain aft thruster ahead slow." He turned a small dial and pushed the stick forward. The ship began to move forward.
Sitting at his station across from helm, Jack and sure to double check the structural integrity grid along with half the other support systems as the ship slowly got underway. On such a large ship, these systems were more important than on something like a Miranda or even an Excelsior class. “My boards all show green” he reported, looking up at the view screen.
"Thank you Lieutenant." Melody Acknowledged. "Helm, once we are clear of dry dock, lay in a course out of the Briar Patch and takes us to half impulse power."
"Aye Captain." Pete replied. His eyes stayed focused on the console in front of him. One of the old style attitude indicator showed the positioning of the ship in space. About a minute or so later the ship was cleared of the dry dock area. Pete reached over with his right hand to a throttle lever and pushed it forward. "We are on course to the Briar Patch at impulse power." Pete Mitchell was rarely nervous and yet taking this ship out of dock seemed like the most nerve wracking thing he could have ever done.
Melody turned to the engineering station. "Commander, once we are clear of the Briar Patch, shall we conduct the inaugural test flight of our new Quantum slipstream drive? Say about a 10 minute flight? According to Starfleet's estimates should get us about 300 lightyears."
"Assuming the lieutenant returns the console back to its original, more efficient lay-out rather than the archaic and energy using controls he uses now, yes ten minutes should be acceptable," Seklar answered, all but rolling his eyes at the show-off at the helm. "There is a reason consoles are designed as they are," he added, "designed to adapt to alien users, not to be changed at will."
Mathias raised an eyebrow at this, and he said quietly in answer to Seklar's comment. "That is just a holographic reconfiguration adapting to what he may like to use, instead of using buttons to use. Some find that using that sort of configuration, that it is more efficient in handling the maneuvering of a vessel, when a brief movement of a finger or hand gesture on that configuration is quicker than sliding a few buttons. Helps a person have the hand eye coordination in which to react quicker when needed. Also I have seen manual controls upon different ships with which it was easier to operate the ship when finite and refined maneuvering is needed. This includes the Enterprise E. If this is something that the Lieutenant feel comfortable with utilizing and keep this ship safe, then I do not have any trouble with this. " he took a glance towards helm. He didn't have any problem with the configuration.
He looked at Melody, "My apologies Captain but, perhaps this needs to be addressed later on, behind closed doors." Mathias also added
Kailu had been sitting at an auxiliary console at the side of the bridge. All the talk and bustle left him looking out at the bridge as it hit full swing. It was too noisy for him he thought as he listened to everyone chime in with their reports and talk of configurations of consoles. He looked at his own, he had laid it out the way he wanted, the way that suited him and he knew when he logged off it would return to the default settings and simply shrugged and turned away from the bridge to focus on bringing up any reports on the space at the edges of the Briar Patch.
Caroline left Anya to it and listened to the discussion, "You know I could weigh in psychologically here but I don't want anyone to blush and if its being sorted behind closed doors ...." she smiled and headed back to her seat. "So this new slipstream drive?" she asked changing the subject. "How does it work exactly? And how many ships have one? Is it the new standard for star ships now?"
Pete was ready to give the Vulcan engineer a piece of his mind, but the XO cut into him so Pete held his tongue. In fact he did not understand why people complained about what he did. It drew no extra power and there was no regulation that said someone could not configure his console to his liking. He knew that when he logged off the CONN it revert to its normal settings for the next user. "A ten minute flight should be more than adequate. However, Captain I would like to request permission to perform some evasive manoeuvres while in slipstream. It would be prudent to test that as well in the event we need it."
Melody frowned. "While I appreciate your adventurous spirit Lieutenant, the inertial dampeners and structural integrity field will not. Remeber this is a starship, not a fighter. The first thing to remember while navigating at warp is 'Faster than light, no left or right. Maintain a linear trajectory when possible, course corrections could fracture the hull'. And that's only at warp. The torsional stress of evasive manoeuvres on the hull at slipstream velocities could tear the ship apart and, while it would be one sure way into the record books, as this is the first test of our new engine, let's learn to walk before we run and keep the fancy flying for impulse speeds shall we?"
The butterflies came back as Pete felt like the Captain had been issuing a reprimand. All he meant to suggest was to make sure that the ship could take the stress should they need evasive while in slipstream. This first day on the Bridge definitely was not going the way he thought it would go. "Aye Captain." he said with a smirk that covered up the internal frown.
She turned to Caroline. "The new Vesta class of Starships that are currently in production is the first class to be fitted with this new drive, we're acting as the test bed to iron out any imperfections. How it works..... That's a long conversation."
Melody turned to Gregor "Open a shipwide channel Lieutenant."
Gregor nodded. " Aye Captain, The channel is open. "
"All hands this is the Captain. I'd like to welcome you all back onboard after some well deserved shore leave. I hope you're all as eager to get back out among the stars as I am and Starfleet has seen fit to upgrade the Merlin with some of its latest technology. Our mission will be primarily testing all the new equipment we have but also not forgetting Starfleet's primary mission of exploring strange new worlds.
We have also been given a new extreme long range communications array so we'll be able to keep in contact via Deep space 21. The reason for this will become apparent very soon as we will also be testing a new quantum slipstream drive and our first test flight will be as soon as we have cleared the Briar Patch. Before we being I just wanted to say a big thank you for all your hard work and I know that you will keep giving the same drive and determination and dedication to duty as you always have. To all our new crew members who have joined and for whom this will be their first mission with us I know you will all make a positive contribution to this ship and its crew."
She passed as she looked around all the faces on the bridge for a moment then concluded with "Secure primary systems and prepare for the jump to slipstream velocity." before closing the channel.
It was this moment Anya regretted declining the chair beside Caroline. She glanced around, searching for a vacant position which she could not find.
'The bridge is never fully manned until the moment you need it to be only partially manned!'
Instead she slowly made her way around, avoiding eye contact with Caroline, already able to see in her minds eye the playful I Told You So smile that would be right about now pulling at the corners of her good friends mouth. Instead she focused on the viewscreen and what she was about to witness.
Gregor smiled knowing that it was more then just the new quantum drive that would be tested today. new targeting system for the phasers and torpedoes to locking the target quicker. Upgraded power to the weapons and shielding and of course the communications array and LCARs system upgrades.
Melody then turned to Seklar. "Commander, bring the quantum drive online."
"Quantum drive online," the chief engineer reported as slender fingers slid across his console. "Ready at your command captain," he said, before gesturing towards the chief medical officer to come take his seat. He could do this while on his feet, he didn't need a seat for that.
"Helm set a course for uncharted space and standby. A 10 minute flight only."
"Yes Captain..." Pete reached over with his right hand just past the throttle lever. There was another portion of the console that looked as a navigator's console would on an old aircraft. He pushed a few buttons and turned a couple of dials. Within a minute or so he smiled. "Course laid in. Ten minute flight on your order Captain." When he programed the console Pete anticipated that the gyro stick would not be prudent at faster than light speeds. So he flipped another toggle and the console reverted to a normal console. Despite his affectations, Maverick had no want to cause this test to fail or harm anyone.
Melody smiled in anticipation. "Well then.... Let's see what she can do. Engage!"
Pete understood the reason for consoles such as the one he used at the moment, however, he missed the old stick. Missed the feeling of the ship accelerating in his hands. Upon the order he he pushed the flashing red button encircled by a yellow panel. There was a pause where it seemed that everything stopped. Outside the Merlin the navigational array began to exude a bluish stream of light. This beam began to manipulate the fabric of space time and created a subspace tunnel ahead of the Merlin. In a flash, the ship moved into the tunnel. "Slipstream initiated and the ship is holding steady. Time to exit nine minutes,"
"There are minor fluctuations in the power distribution," Seklar reported, "but the engines appear to be holding steady. For now."
"Very good Commander," Melody replied without taking her eyes off the viewscreen watching the ship travel through the swirling vortex of energy. She could feel a slight vibration through the deck every now and then. "It's quite different from warp speed." She commented.
Mathias's attention was riveted to the movement of the ship as they tested out the quantum slipstream drive. The ever so... subtle he didn't quite know what to call it. Maybe harmonics? which sent goosebumps running up and down his arms and his back. The play of patterns he could see, almost to him like a kaleidoscope. It was breathtaking.
Anya clutched the side of her chair, feeling the fabric pinch her fingers given the pressure she was pressing onto it. All she could think of was a quote from her hero, she had often been likened to him in her acerbic personality which she often took as a compliment. One of his sayings came to mind and it was pointed directly at those Engineers that created this technology.
"A man who holds that much power, even with the best intentions, just can't resist the urge to play god." she hadn't even realized she had uttered his words aloud.
Pete glanced over his shoulder at the sound of the Doctor's words. As much as he put out the hotshot pilot personality Pete was actually pragmatic and as interesting as it was to use a QSD he did feel that it may be a tad unnecessary. "It sure is a strange and interesting time that we live in." He said by way of response.
" That's interesting. " Said Gregor softly. " It looks a bit different then when one jumps to warp speed. " He said as he watched the viewscreen.
9 minutes later...
"Ok helm, that should do for a first flight. Slow to impulse speed."
"Aye Captain impulse speed." Pete throttled the ship back and the ship left the slipstream. On the viewscreen a flash of light occurred and the bluish grayish waves that it had been showing changed into normal space. "Confirmed we are in normal space three hundred lightyears from our previous position."
Gregor let out a soft whistle. " Dang that is impressive. Those Starfleet engineers have really outdone themselves this time. This means we can travel between three hundred to four hundred fifty lightyears by the time I can drink a cup of coffee. What other surprises will we have today? " He asked.
Mathias blinked a few times, his senses coming back to the present."That was amazing. I felt like we had travelled through time itself." leaning back into the cushion of his seat. "Well done, definitely well done"
"Thank the the lords" Anya said, finally allowing her hands to relax. "I'm tensing that much I'll be constipated for a week!"
Melody shook her head but smiled at Anya's comment, choosing not to say anything about it instead echoing the XO's remarks "Yes, well done all. Well now that we are here, might as well do some exploring. Helm, how close is the nearest star system?"
A few quick button taps and Pete found the answer. "It seems that the nearest system is the Laris System at full impulse our eta would be forty five minutes." Despite the fun of piloting a ship through slipstream today had not been going the way Pete had hoped. He thought it best for the time being to say nothing more than what was asked.
"Sounds like a good place to start. Lay in a course and engage at full impulse. Full sensors scan while we are en route." She turned to Seklar "Commander, I want a level one diagnostic of the slipstream drive and the full sensors report from our trip."
Gregor began working at the tactical station. " Running tactical scans of the area for any threats or anomalies in the region, there are no threats to report at this time. I shall alert stellar cartography to prepare for the mapping mission Captain. "
"Forty Five minutes, I can scarcely wait." Mathias remarked, casting a glance towards where Hamish sat.
Hamish was already getting things prepped in order to get things ready to record and take reading as they headed into this new system towards this new planet.
Pete put the course into the system and engaged at full impulse speed. The ship responded immediately to the new commands. The Merlin turned to starboard and made the jump to impulse speed. This was the point of his new job that Maverick did not like. It was rather boring to sit there and watch the stars whiz past on the viewscreen. And yet that was all he had to do now unless something out of the ordinary occurred.
Caroline could sense that the energy on the bridge had taken a turn. "So what do we know about the Laris system then?" She asked in a bid to get energy back up again.
"Not much..." Melody replied. "It's been picked up by deep space probe scans but that's about it, not much detail. this should be fun." She added with a smile.
Gregor chuckled. " Yep it should be fun... For those in Stellar Cartography. " He said with a smile. " They are going to be in their element for awhile. "
"Sounds to me like a fun adventure to be had for the Science department." Mathias remarked. "And also discoveries to be had."
○●● Lieutenant Commander Mathias McPhee
Executive Officer
USS Merlin
●● Lieutenant Hamish Teague
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin
●● Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell
Chief Flight Control Officer
Commander Air Group
USS Merlin
●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin
●●● Commander Seklar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Merlin
●●● Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin
○● Lieutenant JG Gregor Morgan
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin
●● Lieutenant Kailu Grekas
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Merlin
●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin