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The cat's out of the bag

Posted on Wednesday 25 September 2024 @ 10:06 by Captain Melody Jones & Ensign Charlie Cooper & Commander Seklar

Mission: Moopsy Mania
Location: Main Engineering
Timeline: MD3 1800
575 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody entered main engineering with a spring in her step. She had been following the progress of the shuttle team and the simulations had been very encouraging. It was now time to try the real thing.

"Commander Seklar, Ensing Cooper. I've been following your progress on the shuttle. Well done to you and your team."

Ensign Cooper beamed with pride. "Thank you Captain. The Shuttle is ready for our first trial flight. Wouldn't you agree Commander?"

The Vulcan engineer nodded solemnly. "Indeed it is," he agreed, "I have planned the first flight for later today. Miss Cooper will be monitoring while I determine whether it is safe for you to participate in the next flight." He knew there was no keeping her from coming but at least he could deter her a flight or two at the start.

Cooper's expression faulted slightly. "Commander, there's something I've been meaning to discuss with you. On the simulations, the computer showed an energy field surrounding the shuttle but......"

Melody's interest was piqued also. "What kind of energy field?"

"That's the problem. The computer couldn't identify the field, it only registered its existence. The field strength was very low and we couldn't determine if it penetrated the shuttle's hull. Also, it didn't seem to interact with any of the shuttlecraft systems or the pilot but..."

Again with the 'but' Melody thought. "But what?"

"Well... Since the computer couldn't identify the energy, it couldn't simulate exactly what the energy field would do, only that it was there. This engine has never been built before, we're going to be the first to test it and get actual sensor information on what the energy field is and what it does. It's an unknown Captain. It might be a risk and then again it might not. We... we just don't know."

Melody turned to Seklar. "What do you think Commander?"

"Miss Cooper is correct," he agreed with his protégée, "we do not know what it does exactly, so we will test the actual shuttle against the simulation. I will fly the shuttle while she monitors. If our readings show no sign of error or danger, we will allow you to fly it."

Melody smiled in anticipation. She moved over to a wall monitor and pulled up a star chart showing the Merlin's current location. "This area seems fairly remote and uninhabited. I'll head to the bridge and bring us out of warp. If you two want to head to the shuttlebay and get ready. We'll do a short preliminary test flight. The Merlin will follow until the shuttle exceeds our top speed. When that happens, maintain course for another minute then reverse course and return to the ship, understood? If all that goes well, we'll look into some more extended test flights."

The Vulcan nodded though he still wasn't keen on the commanding officer doing any of the flying, despite his assurance that she could. "Understood," he answered.

Melody smiled. "Very good. As they used to say on Earth, Let's kick the tyers and start the fires. I'll be on the bridge." And with that Melody turned and headed for the turbolift.

As Melody had been speaking, Charlie had been putting an engineering tool kit together. "Shall we?"

"We shall," Seklar answered, grabbing his PADD. If he were nervous -which he was- he wasn't showing it

Commander Seklar
Chief Engineer
pnpc Zirvell

Ensign Charlie Cooper
Engineering specialist
npc Jones


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