
Making Friends Part 2

Posted on Saturday 5 October 2024 @ 21:41 by Lieutenant JG Zirvell Khen & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Commander Theodore Walker Theo

Mission: The Search
Location: Sickbay
620 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

The news of Anya's transfer had struck him like a bombshell. Though he'd had a chance to wish her well and tell her goodbye, Zirvell was very anxious about meeting his new boss. There was still quite a bit of prejudice against his species within Starfleet and even though hard work had earned him his stripes there had still been quite a number of people who had tried to hold him back. Anya had been one of those very few who had done the exact opposite.

The Cardassian newly fledged doctor waited in sickbay for the new chief medical officer and he felt almost sick with anxiety.

The doors parted and in marched Theo, his jaw clenching reflexively as he made a beeline for the office, a voice sounding out behind him as he went, Caroline Miller hot on his heels.
"Counselor, as much as I appreciate your 'Efforts' to make me feel welcome..." the stress on effort was almost palpable. "It is not required. I would much rather just wallow in my past for the time being!"

"Oh I'm sure you will get plenty a good wallow in," the blond smiled not the least bit bothered as to his direct rudeness. "But you might want to park it for later at present. Unless its a new feature to be part of the weekly staff meeting. A weekly wallow. Perhaps it could be very therapeutic."

Caroline grinned at one of the nurses who fell into step with her and cocked her head at Bumble her other counselor already standing around happy to see he had already replicated her a coffee. He handed it to her and they all walked in to the small meeting room.

Zirvell blinked in surprise at the current conversation. "Who's wallowing in what and why?" He queried curiously, wondering if he'd missed something somewhere, especially with the counselors walking in with the new CMO, who he'd yet to meet.

"The Counselor fashions herself of that of a comedian... pay her no heed" Theo said to his new Assistant Chief. "We can always ask Security to remove her I trust".

Theo moved toward the young Doctor somewhat surprised to see a Cardassian in a Starfleet Uniform. It had been many a year since the Dominion War now but still relations seemed strained with the Union and its people. "Doctor Zirvell is it not?"

Caroline laughed at his security comment. "You do have a sense of humour after all," she said raising her coffee cup in the new CMOs direction while they waited for this thing to get started. Anya and her used to alternate running this meeting but she suspected this one would want to make his presence felt and that would be no more. Less meetings for her to prepare for then.

"Doctor Khen, yes," the Cardassian corrected, "and I don't understand why security would need to remove Counselor Miller from sickbay?" While he had been adopted and could therefore use his adoptive father's name Fredriks, Zirvell had always been given the freedom to use his birth name, to identify with his Cardassian origin. It was never a lack of respect or gratitude but always his desire to have his own identity.

Had he miscalculated? Doctor Khen seemed to respect Miller but he couldn't understand why. She was abrasive and intrusive, yes he had to admit those were key qualities for a good Counsellor but he still didn't need to like it or her.
"Why is everyone gathering?"

"A meeting, I think?" Zirvell tilted his head in confusion as he watched the new doctor, "and who are you exactly...sir? That you think you can evict the chief counselor?"

:: truncated due to position changes ::



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