
The Aftermath

Posted on Tuesday 27 August 2024 @ 22:17 by Captain Melody Jones

Mission: Moopsy Mania
Location: Klingon Bird of Prey
Timeline: MD4 2200
565 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Having secured what they came for in the cargo hold, the Klingon boarding team returned to the bridge of their ship. Klagg sat in the Captain's chair and began barking orders.

"Get us out of here."

The helmsman responded "Yes Commander. We have disconnected from the station. Course laid in.

Klagg sneered and then added. "Mahk-cha!"

A short time later the helmsman reported. "We are approaching the rendezvous coordinates"

"Drop to impulse and scan the area."

"I'm showing a vessel. It's her! She's hailing us."

Klagg nodded. "On screen."

The viewscreen came alive with an image of a human female with long brown hair. "Report!"

Klagg smiled to himself. He liked this human. Unlike the rest of them, she had fire and spirit. He looked forward to breaking her. But for now, she was necessary. "Success. We have what you asked for."

"And did you do what I asked?"

Klagg shifted uncomfortably. "Yes, we killed them all. it was no fun though, they fell too easily. Do you have him.... And our payment?"

"Stand by. Energising."

The sound of a transporter beam was heard and a pile of gold pressed latinum appeared on the bridge along with a human scientist, the one who had given them the access codes. He noticed that the human was shaking and looked genuinely relieved to be there. He also noted the pile of latinum was rather small.

He turned back to her with a snarl. "What is this? You promised us twice that amount."

She smiled back at him "Half now, half them I'm satisfied the produce works as claimed. There is a planet nearby, Vantris 3. I want you to deploy the assets there."

He looked at her for a moment. "Are you a fool? There is a Federation outpost on Vantris 3."

Her expression turned cold. "Watch your language Klingon."

He laughed "These... creatures will strip the planet bare."

"That's the idea. Once that has happened, I'll honour our arrangement. The Latinum plus you get to keep 50% of the creatures. the rest come to me. Do you have a problem with that"

He regarded her for a moment. "Tell me, what has the Federation done to you to incur such fury?"

"That is non of your buinsess. Just contact me when it is done." And the viewscreen went blank.

Klagg lauched to himslef again. "She will make an excellent mate." He turned to the scientist "Stop your cowering."

The scientist, Fowler, stepped forward. "You didn't tell me you were dealing with her. Who is she? She's not Starfleet?"

Klagg let out another laugh "No she is definitely not and if I were you, I would not mention Starfleet around her. Your pets are in the hold, get them prepared."

Fowler nodded. "Very well, I'll have them ready within an hour. then I'll prove to you and her that they work. Just... don't send me back to her." He said as he walked off the bridge.

Klagg watched with an incredulous look as Fowler walked off the bridge. His weapons officer came up to him. "What did she do to him to make him prefer the company of a ship of Klingons to one human female?"

Klagg pondered for a moment. "I don't know, but I can't wait to find out." He turned back towards the helm. "Engage the cloak and get us to Ventris three, maximum warp."




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