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Winding Down

Posted on Sunday 11 September 2016 @ 18:30 by Lieutenant Commander David Tan

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Operations Center
Timeline: MD7 - Zero one thirty hrs +
656 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure

ON :

Finally being relieved by the Deputy Duty Tactical Officer, David returned to his own office in the Operations Center on Deck Ten ...

He had been sat at his desk for all of thirty seconds when his own Deputy, Lieutenant Lysia T'Seng entered. They spent an hour going over what had occurred in the Tactical Information Center, running through various reports and statistics, mainly to ensure they had done everything they could to assist the Bridge and Commander Barstow during the altercation with the Romulan vessel, and the ever-passive Vulcan's.

"How do you think we did in the circumstances ?" Lysia asked.

"Looking for a recommendation ?" David asked with a wry grin, continuing as she protested, "We did OK I think. I've yet to speak to the Exec' or the Captain, but given I've not been dragged up there in chains, I think we're safe."

"Do you think we'll remain here for long ?" she asked, referring to their location within the Nebula while monitoring the two vessels that were now holding station above the crashed Tri'Jema. He wondered vaguely if they were going to fight over whatever was on the surface, but something in the back of his mind told him that the Romulan's and Vulcan's could bizarrely be in collaboration in some way. He couldn't get it out of his head that while the Sarak didn't assist them, nor did it do anything to prevent the S'Trak from firing on them if they chose. given the current political situation between the Federation and the Romulan's it was somewhat of a surprise that they hadn't opened fire on the Merlin despite their losses, that too was a worry, because it meant that whatever was on the Tri'Jema was more important to them than first thought, so they dare not risk being destroyed !

"I have the feeling we'll keep a close eye on what's happening above the Tri'Jema, at least it's going to make the Romulan's and Vulcan's a little nervy, they would have expected us to leave the area. The new Strategic Ops Officer is taking over now we're out of the proverbial woods. No doubt he'll be wanting a meeting at some point, let's hope both of us can get a little rest before then."

"I've read through the Ops Reports ...." Lysia said, sliding two PADD's across the desk for him to pick up, "Ensign Keller, Duty Ops ran the station well, ensuring the Captain had all the information he needed to hand. You should thank her at some point. You never know, a little encouragement can go a long way." she said with another grin.

"I'll be having a meeting with my staff in due course, but I agree, for someone so relatively new to the position, Keller did exceptionally well."

Lysia tried, and failed, to stifle a yawn, and he realised how tired he was too.

"Hand over to the Duty Officer then go get some rest." David said, stretching his wary back.

"You might want to take you're own advice, goodnight Lieutenant." she said, standing and taking the discarded PADD's ... Leaving him alone he looked at the chronometer over the door, it was already past two in the morning. He stood and left the office, taking the turbo-lift he headed for his quarters. Entering, he tried to be as quiet as possible, he didn't want to wake anyone, but as he approached the middle of the room the lights rose and he could see Lana. She was asleep on the sofa but opened her eyes as he knelt beside her.

"Come on." he said, helping her sleepily to her feet. He dropped the lighting and entered their bedroom. He pulled the cover over her once she lay down and he moved around to his side of the bed, and it was almost as if he was asleep before his head hit the pillow .....


Lieutenant jg. David Tan
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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