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Engineering, Check

Posted on Tuesday 31 May 2016 @ 08:49 by Lieutenant Commander Gregory Alein & Lieutenant JG Velin Ikiri

Mission: Old, New Ship
Timeline: Before Drills
1073 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

After finishing up is meeting with the Chief Medical Officer, Greg was still on a high from the promotion and opted to continue his trek of the ship rather then head back to the bridge. He knew that the heart and soul of the ship was her Engineer, so he would make that his next stop. Heading off to the turbolift, "Deck 24," he ordered as he stepped in. Greg had done many things in his career; Command, Security, and trained in various departments but Engineering was always the area he struggled with the most. He didn't understand a damn things down there. All he knew is the crystals made the power and the power made the ship go. How it got from step A to step C was the Engineer's job not his. But still he had to at least give it the college try.

Velin was working with the starbase teams beginning the final phase of the upgrade. He was half buried in the conduits of one of the main EPS taps and so didn't notice the man walking into engineering.

Greg took a few looks around the rather impressive room, and was taken back by the shear size, even having served on a stardock station this room was impressive. He whistled slightly, glad that he wasn't the Chief Engineer of this beast. Looking around the room he actually wasn't certain who the CEO was. Rather then stop and ask someone the newly minted Lieutenant Commander took a seat in a near room lined with glass walls and opted to sit and see who stood out. He ordered a cup of coffee from a nearby terminal and waited.

Velin stood from the EPS terminal and nodded, "Good, Finish up there, i will check on your progress later." He started moving to his next task. He looked up as his padd beeped, "Remember keep that isodine array phase locked to a variance of less than 3 percent." He saw someone just sitting in his office and at first he was about to ignore them until he recognized who it was. He walked into his office, "Commander, do you require assistance?"

"And you must be the Lieutenant in charge down here," Greg smiled, "I must admit I didn't know who were, I am a bit behind in the manifest ATM. I assumed if I plopped in here, eventually someone would come asking questions." He stood up, from behind the desk, "Greg Alein, exec," he offered a hand, "and you are?" He looked in the man's face, and saw the black eyes that were typical of the Betazoid people. Crap, he thought.

He looked the man up and down as he offered his hand, He never exactly liked this part but he shook his hand if only to uphold the human custom. "LT Velin Ikiri Chief Engineer. I would official welcome you to main engineering but as you can see we are still completing an upgrade cycle, i did not anticipate the inspection, if you will give me a moment i will prepare the section."

"Consider this informal visit," Greg replied, "We really hadn't met on the bridge, or before we took off and I just wanted to peek my head in as they say and introduce myself." He stood up and looked out the large window that overlooked most of Engineering, "Everything going ok, down here?"

Velin nodded, "Yes, we are have concluded our upgrades and precision tuning were simply closing panels and finishing any last items before we begin normal operations. The warp core is operating at 98.3 percent capacity though i will bring that up in the coming days."

Greg nodded as he turned to look out the window at the Engineering Officers Velin had working on the shift. "Anything I need to be aware of. Staffing, Officers, problem children, equipment.." he asked? "Rather see all issued addressed before we get too far out?"

Velin looked to the commander, "Children sir? This is a restricted area children are not allowed as for crew some seem to have a problem working for me due to my status as an ex-Borg drone, if it becomes something i cannot handle i will seek your advice. As far as equipment we have a class 5 mass replicator on board and several dozen smaller engineering replicators unless a major component that is unable to be replicated breaks we should have no major problems for the foreseeable future. " The advanced mark X tricorder on his belt went off and he looked to it, "I've devised a Borg algorithm to better manage the synchronous warp coil harmonics it will improve engine efficiency by 12.35% If you would pass it on to the captain for his approval?"

Greg tried to maintain his composure as the man mentioned things like Borg and drone. It was no secret that everyone in Star Fleet had feelings on the matter; even those who had no experience with the creatures. "I will look it over," Greg stated, "and pass it on." He made a note to forgo the typical humor with the Engineer, it was obviously lost on the man. Greg turned his back to the man as he looked out over all of Engineering, "anything else we need to know about down here?"

Velin shook his head, "Not to my knowledge sir. I will have a full engineering report to you by 0800 hours tomorrow unless you need it sooner. In truth Velin was surprised just how much remained to do even in the short term. "I would like to ask permission to run double shifts as needed until things are more caught up."

Greg nodded, "don't work them to death, Doctor Miller will come hunt me down." He picked up a nearby padd and he went over the latest reports and staffing from Engineering, "but do what you need to do to get things complete in time."

He nodded, "It wont be a problem sir. We'll be ready." He looked out to the engineers many already didn't like him and this was sure not to win him any friends. However that was irreverent compared with making sure the ship was ready on time.

Greg tucked at his uniform, "Sounds good Lieutenant." He nodded, "I will leave you to your work then. Pleasure to meet you," he commented as he turned to leave the room.

He nodded, "And you sir." He nodded and returned to his duty's


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