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Research or self discovery?

Posted on Saturday 25 June 2016 @ 02:55 by Captain Melody Jones
Edited on on Sunday 26 June 2016 @ 03:27

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Library
Timeline: Current
1072 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody was sat in her quarters trying to find out what she could about the M Class planet they were due to investigate on their way from the proving grounds, but unfortunately the computer was being less than co-operative for some reason Melody assumed the computer was taking revenge for her dissimilating the food replicator in her quarters. All she had found was the name of the planet, Ceylon 6.

“Computer, display all files for Ceylon 6”

The computer responded very quickly “All files displayed.”

“That’s it?” Melody was stunned “Are there no more sources of information on the planet at all?

“More information might be available on hard copy in the ships library”

“Melody frowned “Hard copy?” she said to herself, and with that she was out of her quarters and heading for the library.

Walking in Melody was surprised to find not only banks of research machines and draws containing PADDS like in any library on a starship but several cases of actual books. “What are all these doing here?” She asked out loud, to no one in particular

From behind the desk, a voice replied “My dear girl, what else would you expect to find in a library?”

Waling over to the desk, Melody found sat behind a rather large tome, sipping from a rather elegant looking tea cup sat a gentleman in an very well tailored suit with bow tie, silver hair swept back, looking at her despondently over the rim of his reading glasses.

“Honestly, young people these days. If it’s not got micro chips in it, you don’t want to know about. Welcome to the library” he stood and extended his hand and smiled “I’m Jacob Carson, the librarian. I’m also a bit of a historian. Now what can I do for such a lovely young lady?”

Melody was momentarily speechless at this very charming, very tall gentleman. She blushed “I’m Melody…….. Melody Jones. Chief flight control officer” as she shook his hand.

“A very impressive title for someone so young, but someone who dose not sleep so well sometimes. A troubled past possibly?” He asked gently

Melody’s mouth fell open. What was it with shaking people’s hands recently she wondered? “How…… How do you know that?”

“I’m an El Aurian Miss Jones, some people call us a race of listeners but I also read people very well, especially their eyes. Yours have strength, fire but also pain, which you keep hidden and a longing for …..Something…… Family perhaps?”

Her smile was frozen in place but despite herself, Melody’s eyes had welled up and a tear now ran down her cheek.

“I didn’t mean to upset you dear girl, come” He guided her into a chair and pulled out a fine handkerchief from his pocket

“I’m sorry” she started raking the handkerchief and dabbing her eyes “I don’t usually get all emotional……..”

Carson interrupted her “Well maybe you should my dear. Taking about these things help, but not feeling them as well can be very bad” he walked back to his desk, filled another cup from a teapot which was nearby and retuned to her side pulling up another chair “Here, drink this.”

Melody took a sip of the very floral tea “Mmmmmmm this is delicious, what is it?”

“My own blend of jasmine tea, soothes the nerves, now go on.”

What started out as a five minute trip, turned out to be over an hour with several cups of tea. Once she started, Melody found she couldn’t stop pouring her heart out to this strange man about her parents, her nightmares, her experience with the Borg. She had never met someone like this before whose presence seemed to reassure and comfort her. When she stopped, she felt as if a weight had been lifted from her.

Carson just sat there, listening with a sympathetic look on his face, his finger tips pressed together. When she stopped he sat back in his chair “Wow, that is a long story. Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me.”

“You’re not a counsellor as well?” She asked, a small smile returning to her lips.

“Oh goodness no, and thankfully so. I can’t stand them.”

Melody’s smile widened and she leaned in conspiratorially “Neither can I” and they shared a laugh.

“Now I’m sure you came in here looking for something.”

Melody’s head snapped up “Oh yes, I almost completely forgot, I was looking for information on Ceylon 6 and the computer suggested there might be information on a hard copy?”

“Ah yes, an interesting planet, I’m afraid I have never been, but I did get some useful information while I was visiting a nearby star system.” He walked over to a bookshelf and picked up a rather large, leather bond book.

“I am in the process of uploading all my notes to computer as, like you Starfleet command seems to like my research on something with microchips. Still I think, the pen can be mightier than the electronic sword.”

“You’ve done work for Starfleet Command?” she asked, sounding surprised.

“Bits and pieces” He said offhandedly.

Melody sensed that was something of an understatement.

“Ah here we go” Carson continued. “Ceylon 6. Hmmmmmm. There is not much I’m afraid. Known locally as Cothore. There is a bit on local mythology. It says that the inhabitants were referred to as “Miestro Tempro or Masters of time.”

“Masters of time? Sounds a bit far fetched” Melody scoffed.

Caron held up his finger, chiding “Come now Miss Jones, do not dismiss just because you can not explain. I’ll see all the relevant information about the planet is uploaded into the computer for you.”

Thank you……..For everything” she said.

“No problem young lady. As for the nightmares, just remember; If we shadows have offended, think but this, and all is mended.”

Without thinking, Melody continued “That you have but slumbered here, while these visions did appear.”

Carson raised an eyebrow “Impressive Miss Jones. There may be hope for you yet.”

Melody then turned and walked out of the library with a spring in her step knowing this would not be the last encounter with this strange man who called himself the librarian.


Lieutenant Melody Jones
Chief Flight control officer
USS Merlin
Jacob Carson PhD
USS Merlin


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