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Siemper Fi

Posted on Thursday 23 June 2016 @ 08:54 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Marine Captain Elias Walker

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current
791 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Elias and his escort exited the lift and stepped onto the bridge. Like most starships,  it seemed like a tamed hive of activity, with lowered voices and faint computer sounds. The bridge was a little bigger than most of the ship he had been on, but he expected that. Moving to the Ready Room door,  he hit the chime and stepped though when it opened.

 "Lieutenant Elias Walker reporting as ordered. " Elias spoke in a practiced military manner coming to attention.

"At ease, Lieutenant," the CO replied and extended his hand, "welcome to Merlin, and thanks for playing along in our drill, Starfleet didn't let us know you were coming until just before you arrived so it seemed like a good time to see if security was paying attention," he said with a chuckle.

 "Thank you Captain." Elias said taking the man's hand. "I certainly think they were doing a good job. Your man Kia and a young nurse had no problem spotting me as a possible intruder." He said looking around the Ready Room. "I definitely like your warp capable starbase you have here. This ship is gigantic."

Apollo chuckled, "it is, but it really is a great ship, I was her Marine Squadron Commander and the group exec when she still had that just out of the box smell," he replied proudly then shook his head, "damn, I feel old. And good, though you shouldn't have made it to the Round Table before they stopped you," John added with a chuckle and motioned to a nearby chair before sitting himself.

"Too true. " Elias said taking the seat." But I wasn't entirely playing fair." He placed a small life sings scrambler on the desk. "Even with inboard scans,  I would of shown up no bigger than a cat. I just wanted  to see how far I could get during this situation. No I'll will intended sir. "

"Guess that makes you our resident cat bugler then," the Commander replied with a smirk as he picked up the device and examined it, "so, Lieutenant, I have kind of a tradition, I've read your service record, but, tell me about yourself. Not what's on the screen, but about you the person."

Elias nodded, thanking of where to start. "Well I was born in Tintagel, UK.  So when I was assigned to the Merlin I was surprised ; it felt like I was coming home. You see,  we in Tintagel are raised on the stories of Merlin, Arthur,  and the Knights of the realm. My family were the Dukes and Duchess of Cornwall before the Reformation of Titels. We still hold some of the land in trust for the people to use as a natural persevere. That is what most of my family tend to these days, and in some ways what I protect as a Marine officer.

John nodded, "where is Tintagel located?" he asked, "I have seen London, but, never did make it outside of the city."

"It's about four hundred miles to the west of London, it situated on the coast." Elias replied.

John nodded and smiled, "I love the UK coast, at least what I saw flying over, it's beautiful," he replied, "well, do you have any questions for me?" the CO asked as he pulled out a PADD and set it on the desk.

Elias thought for a moment, "Well I'm going to have to put the marine's though a few training missions on the holodeck's. Just to gauge their skill level and reaction. If that's OK with you?"

"It's your unit, Lieutenant," Barstow replied with a smile, "just remember, you're not teaching boot anymore, try not to break them completely," he added with a with a wink then slid the PADD over, "this' your confirmation, codes and quarters assignment. Once Lieutenant Ikaika transfers the company to you it'll be all yours and I am going to have him take up tactical security for the moment, security needs a steady hand right now."

Elias picked up the PaDD and read over the contents. "Understood Sir." Elias said standing. "No braking things. For the most part I've read over their records and they all seem to be first class. Lt. IKaika had a hand in that no doubt." He smiled. "Well then sir. I guess I better get below and see to Marine HQ. "

"Alright, just be back up here for the briefing," Barstow said with a nod then stood as the man left. He had a little more time until the briefing, so, he headed out and stepped on the lift, calling for the Round Table, where he was going to meet his acting exec.


Commander John "Apollo" Barstow
Commanding Officer


1st Lieutenant Elias Walker
Fox Company Commander


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