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Heart to Heart

Posted on Thursday 18 June 2020 @ 22:08 by Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding & Commander Caroline Miller

Mission: Ghost Ship
Location: Counsellors Office
1235 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure


It had been several days since Hayley and Sansa had changed the nature of their relationship to that of girlfriends, although at this point, neither of them had told a living soul about it. For the most part, it seemed to be that if they didn’t say anything to anyone, it was their own special thing that was just for them. It also didn’t create any controversy or issues for either of them with anyone. But whilst Hayley was the happiest she’d been for several years, she still had nagging concerns. Was she really ready to get into a deep emotional bond with someone again? Was she doing the right thing by Sansa? Sure, both of them were extremely happy, and the evenings they spent together were considerably enjoyable, which was unsurprising since Hayley was Sansa’s first. Hayley enjoyed the intimacy she was experiencing with another person who she felt a deep connection with, but even whilst loosing herself to this happy feeling, the guilt remained just beneath the surface, threatening to upset everything. She’d finally confided her concerns to Sansa last night, since she owed it to her to be open and honest. Considering her lack of years, Sansa was incredibly smart and intuitive, having already suspected there was something bothering Hayley. After their discussion, it had been decided that Hayley would speak with Counsellor Miller.

So, she’d arranged an appointment and arrived at the allocated time for her session.

"Lieutenant," Caroline said, "How can I help you?"

Hayley shifted uncomfortably when she entered the room and looekd around nervously. "I'd... err... like your advice..." She said.

"Please have a seat," the blond indicated the couch.

Hayley nodded and sat on the couch, almost bolt upright, very tense and concerned. She looked straight ahead and kept her hands clasped in her lap.

Caroline studied her body language and mused this was likely to be big and a long session. "Would you like a drink?" she asked in a starting bid to build some rapport. The lady on her couch needed to relax before she would open up properly and get anything out of coming to see her.

Hayley nodded quickly, so much so that it caused her long hair to fly into her face. She quickly brushed it out of her face. "I'd love a peppermint tea..."

"One peppermint tea," Caroline said to the replicator, "And a caramel latte." She picked them up from the replicator, handed the tea to Hayley and took a seat opposite.

"So what's on your mind?" she asked.

Hayley wrung her hands together and looked at Caroline. 'Steady girl... you can do this...' Swallowing hard, Hayley took a breath before she spoke. "So, I'm sure you know my personal history, I know its all in my file what happened with Juliet..." She sighed. "I'm... seeing someone now..." She said. "It's pretty complicated if I'm honest, but in a good way for us. I'm happy with her, but at the same time... I have doubts... and I know that having doubts could poison what we want to have... plus the complications of the situation just make it all the more stressful... so I spoke with her and she suggested I come speak to you..."

"Okay," Caroline said calmly. "Well you only just joined us so any relationship your are currently in has progressed fast. Sometimes that in itself can lead to doubts and stress as you barely know each other. They call it a honeymoon period for a reason you know," she smiled gently. "And you lost your last partner, so of course your nervous and the prospect of opening up to someone again would be frightening. What are the complications as you see it?" she asked.

Paling visibly, Hayley reminded herself that the counsellor was bound by a confidentiality agreement not to reveal anything that was said in these sessions unless they compromised the health or welfare of the person in question, another person or placed the ship and its crew in danger. Hayley wondered momentarily if a wrathful CO or a homocidal Ops officer counted as potential dangers to the ship and her crew... "So, the woman I'm romantically involved with is the daughter of a prominent member of the ships crew, who may not be all too happy that a member of her crew is with her daughter. Given the circumstances of same-said daughter's personal... circumstances... her mother and father are somewhat... protective of her. Whilst I have no fears for myself, I worry for her sake about how her family will react. Worst that'll happen to me is I get posted off the ship, but the impact that might have on Sa... her... might be hard for me to take. I'd never forgive myself if I hurt her either directly or indirectly."

"Your seeing the Captains daughter?" Caroline stated. "You nearly said Sansa right? And by deduction not many of the prominent members of the ships crew have daughters on the ship. Yes thats a … yes well Melody will take that better than Draxx I can tell you that much," she mused. She hadn't seen it coming that fast. Obviously it was going to happen but the speed of it ...

Hayley cursed herself inwardly for making that slip. But the damage was done now, besides, the counsellor couldn't say anything to anyone so really it wasn't that big a deal. "Yes, Sansa and I are romantically involved." Hayley replied. "It wasn't planned, but it just kind of organically happened. Even so, we're being very careful about it. One step at a time and all that. I'm just concerned about collateral fall-out. Even if the Captain accepts it, which isn't a given, Lieutenant Draxx will be problematic and he's a very important figure in Sansa's life. If he's dead-set against it, he could inadvertantly put Sansa in a difficult position of having to choose between him and me. I'm hoping to avoid that, or at the very least, avoid hurting Sansa. Short of stunning him and keeping him permanently sedated in an induced coma, I'm not sure how to achieve it."

"Whatever you do there, I wouldn't suggest stunning him," Caroline quipped. "She is the apple of his eye. He isn't stupid enough to alienate her especially as he has missed out in some much already in regards to Sansa's special circumstances. He has reason to be protective. He hasn't had the traditional parental experience. He didn't even get to hold his daughter when she was a baby as, as you can imagine she wasn't one very long.

He will come round I'm sure. It will just take time. You need to be prepared to wait him out," she told her.

"Well, fortunately, patience is one of my strong skills. You kind of need it to be in my line of work." Hayley chuckled. "I only want what's best for Sansa at the end of the day, so as long as she's happy - I'm happy."

Caroline smiled. "Then I a sure it will all pan out as it should. Do you wish to speak about anything else?"

"No ma'am, thank you." Hayley said, smiling.


●●● Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor/2XO
USS Merlin

●○ Lieutenant JG Hayley Godding
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin


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