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Posted on Thursday 7 July 2016 @ 05:36 by Lieutenant Commander David Tan

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Deck 5
Timeline: Current
407 words - 0.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Having met his Deputies, wow, that smacked of the 'Old West' he thought, grinning. He took a brief tour of his Department then headed for the turbo-lift .. Then he realised he had yet to visit the Tactical Information Center, the nerve center of the Excalibur Class !

Entering, the first thing he noticed was the distinct lack of lighting ... Ideal in every sense he decided as an Ensign approached him:

"Lieutenant, welcome to TIC, I'm guessing you haven't come across this set up before coming to the Merlin."

"No, the Galapagos had something similar, but more along the lines of Stella Cartography on a Galaxy Class ...."

"I'm conversant with that Sir, if you would like the penny-tour, I'm happy to oblige. The Excalibur Class has had some serious upgrades at the last turnaround, so some of us are still learning."

"Really ?" David replied, but the Ensign was un-phased:

"As Chief of Security, you wouldn't need to be in here." the man said, walking down from the upper level to the lower, Tactical command is just there below us, directly in front of the view-screen, if you can call the three sixty degree wraparound a 'screen' ... It's more a panoramic." David looked around from his position, then made his mind up:

"Return to your duties Ensign, I'll have a look around and shout if I need something." the man walked away and David looked at the station to his right. accessing the instrumentation then placing the console in hibernation. It was effectively 'sleeping' but could come on-line the instant anyone touched the plexi-glass panel. There were several people he still needed to meet, Flight Controller, Strat' Ops, and the Chief Engineer among them, but they were obviously otherwise engaged so introductions would have to wait until they were all together, unless of course he found to time to go say his hello's before they reached their destination, he assumed that the Captain would gather his Senior Staff together prior to arrival, at least then David could put a 'real' face to the records he had been skimming through ... It wasn't the most essential aspect of him acquainting himself with his new assignment, but then .....

'Besides' he said to himself, I have three gorgeous women to meet when they transferred over from the Galapagos.

Thanking the Ensign he left the TIC and headed for the nearest turbo-lift. Rising two Decks he stepped out and headed for his new 'Married' quarters ..........


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