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Posted on Thursday 7 July 2016 @ 04:54 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant JG Davina Lidox

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Tactical Information Centre
Timeline: Current
789 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure

John was sitting in the CiC command chair after getting word that the new Strat Ops officer, Lieutenant jg Divine Lidox, had arrived. While the department was able to be at one of the auxiliary consoles on the Bridge, TiC was going to be where Lidox was going to spend most of her time. So, Barstow had elected to meet the Lieutenant there and give her a quick tour of the centre. The CO sighed as he read over reports from around the Fleet, something was going on but he didn't know what, "Barstow to Burg, get me a comm to DS Seven, Captain Harrington," he ordered over the comm.

Melody lead Lidox into the TIC and walked over to the Barstow. "Captain, please allow me to introduce the new Strategic Operations officer, Lieutenant Davina Lidox."

Lidox stood to attention and handed a PADD to the captain "my transfer orders Captain"

Barstow set the PADD he'd been reading down and took the one Lidox offered, looking it over before nodding and extending his hand with a smile, "welcome aboard, Lieutenant."

Lidox handed the Captain another PADD "A private communique from Starfleet strategic command Sir"

John blinked as he got the PADD, but took it and read it over slowly, "interesting, Lieutenant," he said then finally looked up, "v launch for rapid shuttle deployment?" the CO asked.

"Yes Sir" Replied Lidox "It was one of my projects I submitted at the academy Sir" grateful that no one had ever noticed it was a practical joke gone wrong and had been forced to submit it as an experiment so she did not get drummed out of the academy.

Barstow nodded as he scrolled through the information, "well, you came on board at the perfect time," he said then looked up, "how would you like to test this with the Marine deployment we have scheduled?" he asked and handed the PADD to Melody to review and get her opinion.

Melody look over the PADD "This could work. We could leave dropping out of warp till the last minute, deploy the marines then jump back into warp then come back and work deeper into the asteroid field. The timing will be tricky, but not impossible. I'm sure the marines will be game to be experimented on."

John chuckled, "I'll let you two brief them, then," the CO replied with a nod, "now, Lieutenant Lidox, I had you come here to meet me because this is going to be your office," he said and motioned to the two deck room, "Merlin was designed as a command ship, so, the Tactical Information Center is outfitted for that purpose. This is the command deck, we have a place for the security, Marine, Intel heads and the CAG up here, along with a dedicated comm station," Apollo explained, pointing to each station as he did then walked forward to a railing that overlooked the deck below, "down there is the tactical operations area. In the center there you can pull up a holographic display of our operating area real time. The two rows of stations that are circling are comms information gathering stations. They coalate all the reports in our sector and send them to you and, in turn, you brief the command team. Now, since we don't have an Intel department on board you're going to be everyone's goto person for any mission information and you'll have top secrete clearence. The doors behind us will remain sealed at all times and guarded, only the command team, department heads or their registered representatives will be allowed access due to the sensative nature of everything in here."

"Very good Sir" acknowledged Lidox "and thank you for giving me my job in Starfleet. I will prepare a briefing on V launch as soon as I have settled into my quarters, if that is ok with you Captain?"

"Well, you earned being here on the ship," Apollo replied with a smile, "get settled in and get Lieutenant Walker briefed. I'd also like you to meet with the other department heads, get to know them since you"ll be working closely with all of them."

"Come on Li, I'll show you to your quarters" Melody said to her friend then turning back to the Captain "Unless there is anything else sir?"

John heard Burg at the comm station and glanced over when he heard Harrington ask why he wasn't being contacted by Barstow directly, "no, you're fine, Lieutenants," he said and waited until they turned before walking over to the comm station.


Commander John "Apollo" Barstow
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant JG Melody Jones
Chief flight control officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant JG Davina Lidox
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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