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Posted on Tuesday 10 May 2016 @ 04:18 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Lieutenant Commander Gregory Alein

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Main Security
Timeline: Current
1509 words - 3 OF Standard Post Measure

Petty Officer 2nd Class Pete Burg moved down the corridor with the requested holo-imager in hand towards security. The Yeoman was confused by his new CO's request for the device and the order not to tell Alein the he was the XO. Burg found himself remembering stories of a Captain named Angelico whom most said was eccentric and hoping Barstow did not end up being the same. Pete stopped in front of the security office and tugged on his tunic before entering, "Lieutenant Alein?" he asked and looked around the room.

Alein met the Petty Officer with a slight disapproving grimace. Was his new position here so low that they sent an Enlisted to welcome him? He cringed at the thought of were Star Fleet was going to be sticking him now. His mind begin to wonder to Brig Officer, third shift duty Officer, or worse. He nodded to Burg as he slipped back into the present. "Yes," he commented, "and you are," he asked clearly still not impressed?

"Sir, I'm Yeoman second class Pete Burg, the Captain asked me to fetch you before you ... umm, broke any Ferengi bartender's glassware?" the man replied before shrugging, "anyway, if you'll follow me, sir?"

Greg took a step back at the line, how did Barstow know. Greg knew in that moment that Neil had interfered once more. "Damn you Harrington," he muttered under his breath, "Fine as they say, take me to your leader." Greg slung his bag over his shoulder once more and turned to follow the man. If Neil had truly gotten involved, considering their last meeting, this was bound to be an interesting assignment. The two men traveled to the bridge, without saying much to one another. Sure there was the causal, ideal chit chat, the typical meet and greet stuff; but nothing real meaningful. As they exited the turbolift and entered the bridge Greg noted Burg pointing to the far door. Greg nodded and tugged at his gold uniform.

Greg made his way across the bridge to the Captain's Ready Room, tugging at his gold uniform once more and pressed the door chime. In that moment he had to make up his mind, go in guns a blazing or respectful and see what the Captain of this ship had in mind.

"Enter," John called then looked back down at his screen, "understood, Admiral. However, officer selection is my prerogative and I apologize for for overstepping with the transfer orders, however, he is staying my exec, sir. I have to meet another crewmember, sir. Merlin out," Barstow barked and slapped the off button with his palm causing the angry face of the detailer, the unofficial title of Starfleet Commands Personnel Director, on Earth to disappear, "some days....welcome, Lieutenant," he said before standing up with a smile.

Greg stood there for a second, catching only the tail end of the conversation, god help the idiot you just got drafted for that, he thought to himself. "Greg Alein Captain," Greg approached the desk, "Reporting as order, Sir." Alein looked around the room trying to gather information about his new Commanding Officer. It was very organized, detail; spoke to a life that possibly wasn't Naval in background. The Lieutenant sigh, only briefly, a Marine.

John stood up and extended his hand, "John Barstow, good to meet you, Greg," Bastow said and motioned to a nearby chair, "I'm sorry for your barebones orders, but, I wanted to keep you guessing," he said with a smirk, "did Captain Harrington tell you anything about your new billet?"

Greg smirked, "I haven't spoken to Captain Harrington since leaving Deep Space 7, Sir." The last meeting between the two didn't end so well, and in truth Greg hadn't spoken to him in almost a week almost two. "My orders were bare, that is correct. But considering my background it is safe to say something in Security." He laughed, "I am not the Science or Engineering team, and there's no PhD or MD behind my name so that ruled those out." He shook the man's hand realizing he'd forgotten it.

"Not exactly," the CO replied and motioned for Burg to come over before pulling out a red shirt and sliding it across the desk, "think bigger," he added with a smirk.

Greg slowly put the comments he'd heard when he first stepped in, and the actions of the Commanding Officer together. He has shocked, in not floored. Had the man read his record, he thought to himself? Greg couldn't help but let out a small laugh, "Perhaps the Admiral was right, you sure you know what your getting into?" Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think he'd be back in command, and yet here it was. He hadn't picked up the shirt yet. Somehow there was a part of him that was waiting for the other shoe to drop.

There was a quick click before Alein responded and John nodded, "for Captain Harrington. And yes, I have - but I read your record as unafraid to take risks and defend your position rather than insubordinate and .... well, we'll say the social aspects that were noted were social," Barstow added, "I spoke to Harrington, but I'm the one who called him. Everyone deserves a second chance, and I need an Exec not afraid to tell me my head is firmly up my ass."

Greg couldn't help but laugh, clearly he'd misjudge his last meeting with Neil. "And yes, I have no problem telling my Commanding Officers to pull their head out of their ass, as I am sure my file states." For once he was truly speechless, he really didn't know what to say. He picked up the shirt and waited a second, "well no lightning," he joked. Tucking the shirt under his arm, "Clearly there are plenty of potential Exec with that trait, so why me?"

Barstow chuckled, "there are, but most of them are to starch and press. I may have been a Marine, but, I never did pick up the... strictness. I will tell you, the one thing I will not go for is the drunkin' stuff. I don't mind the drinking, but don't be sloshed around the ship and no reporting for duty with hangovers, alright?"

"Haven't been sloshed or hungover in almost a year, Greg added noting that the man had done his research and he chuckled at the Marine comment. "And you are right I am neither starched not pressed as I am sure you can tell."

Barstow nodded, "good, we'll leave it at that then. There is one last thing," he added and pulled out a pip with a black center, "your other pips look lonely up there, Lieutenant Commander."

Greg took the box from his new Captain and truly couldn't speak, it was all a bit much. "I don't know what to say," he managed to stated with a shocked expression.

Apollo smiled, "I looked pretty deep into your record and your time on DS Seven over the last year, what I saw there and your position this just seemed to be the right thing," he said, "congratulations," he added and extended his hand.

Greg took the hand, he didn't say much but the gesture wasn't lost on him. He knew in that moment that the Captain had gone out of his way to get this approved, there were still those in Star Fleet who wanted nothing more then to see Greg Alein drummed out of the service. No doubt Barstow made some enemies doing this, so he had to make it work. "Thank you Sir," he replied, "I won't let you down!"

John nodded and smiled, "good. Get yourself checked out by medical," he said and picked up a PADD from the desk, "we set off day after tomorrow, here's our orders," he explained and held out the PADD, "I'm going to need a readiness report before we do so I can make sure we have everything we need, I'd like you to head that up and check in on the senior staff."

Greg glanced down at the padd but didn't read over it in detail, he'd save that for later when he was alone. "No a problem Sir, you will have a preliminary report in the morning."

"Outstanding, Commander," Barstow replied happily, "I'll let you get settled then. Welcome aboard, and congratulations again, Greg," he added.

"Thank you again Sir," he nodded, and turned to head to the turn. Definitely not what he was expecting when he reported to the ship. He made a mental note to contact Harrington and discuss things, but his first step would be the bridge and the Flight Control Officer, who he'd past on the way in.

John nodded and sat back down at his desk as his First Officer walked out. The first thing he did was send both pictures to Harrington, who hadn't even known about the rank promotion. He wondered how many command officers he could surprise today....


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