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Preparing the ground

Posted on Saturday 14 November 2020 @ 23:10 by Lieutenant Ricardo Draxx & Captain Melody Jones & Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones

Mission: A Whale of a problem (We're going to need a bigger boat)
Location: Melody and Draxx’s quarters
Timeline: MD6 2030
2138 words - 4.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody had done some preparation before she told Draxx what had happened to Sansa. She had prepared his favourite meal which was ready. Music by his favourite composer wafted gently through the air. She was stood waiting with two glasses of wine in her hands. She had put on that Black dress that she knew Draxx couldn’t resist.

The door opened.

“Good evening my love. I missed you.” She handed him a glass and instantly drew him to her, planting a loving kiss o his lips. “I made you hasperat with a side of Bajoran shrimp. Please sit down, and I’ll serve.”

"What happened?"Draxx said immediately suspicious. She wasn't due an injection. "You made my favourite." he muttered walking over and touching a finger to her neck down to the strap of her dress. "And this, that's pulling out some heavy artillery. Something happened down there didn't it?"

Melody slipped her arms around him and kissed him. She then led him to one of the three places set at the table and sat him down. She took a deep breath. "We managed to open a peaceful dialogue with the Megapteraians and expose the Puppet Mater who had infiltrated their planet and their plane of existence, The Etheria, spreading lies about us. The Megapteraians exist as physical entities but their minds exist on a plane called the Etheria where they appeared to us as humanoids. Their actual appearance is quite different appearance."

She started to serve dinner while she talked. "So there was a resistance movement within The Etheria led by Tann, one of the Megapteraians. They...." she paused before continuing "Brought Sansa down to the planet to warn us about the Puppet Master and to help us. We couldn't have beaten the Puppet Master without Tan's help. She was ok and wasn't harmed at any time."

That was a lot of information. Draxx had lifted up his glass of wine and taken a sip. He almost choked when she mentioned Sansa. "Sansa .... Sansa was .... she went on the away mission? She wasn't around but I ... I just figured she was hiding out at the new girlfriends. I mean I barely see her these days ... " he tried to process this.

"Why did aliens bring our daughter down to that planet?" he demanded.

"So... In order to strengthen our new relationship requested that some of our diplomatic officers remain on the planet to get to know them better which was allowed by the leader of their council, Owan on the prevision that one of their own was allowed to return with us and experience our existence. This required someone to.... allow a Megapteraian consciousness to share their body."

"No .... no no no no Melody please do not tell me our daughter who I barely know, and was just starting too until well this Hayley arrived .... is now sharing her mind with an alien," he started connecting the dots up. "Where is Sansa. Is she ... " he looked at the other chair. "Is she coming for dinner?"

"Yes, she is." Melody said, trying to keep Draxx calm The alien inside her is friendly and very reasonable. Her name is Fay. She has made it clear that Sansa can see and hear everything and is willing to have her inside her otherwise she would not be able to stay inside her. Sansa can also take control at any time and can sense Fay's thoughts and emotions. She can detect no hostility or malice. I should warn you when Fay is in control, her voice is slightly lower and has an echo to it. Also, her eyes become a sparkly shade of purple.

The door chime sounded. "I think you should get that."

Draxx just shook his head. "I can't deal with this Mel. You can't just drop this on me."

"I thought it better to go with the rip of the bandaid approach," she replied looking at him carefully.

"I think time you might have hit the wrong nail," he said eyes not wanting to see what was behind that door.

Melody nodded. "I understand. I'll get it. We can't just leave her standing out there." She went and opened the door.

"Hello Melody. Thank you for inviting me to this. Hello Draxx, Sansa has been telling me all about you" She took a setp towards Draxx. "I'm prepared to answer any questions you would have and to reassure you I will not harm your daughter in any way. Our bond to our family is something we take with the greatest of importance."

He looked at her through narrowed eyes. "But your not my family," he said simply. "And I've just had this thrown on me so you will forgive me right now. I need a moment," he stated pushing his chair back and walking into his and Melody's bedroom.

"Fay. I think Sansa perhaps ought to speak to her father first. Reassure him, she's still in there."

Fay nodded. "I understand."

Draxx entered the bedroom noticing a bottle of green whiskey and a single glass had been set out next to his side of the bed. "Well red," he said slowly. "Looks like you hit that nail right," he muttered pouring a double and knocking it right back.

After a few moments, the door opened. Sansa asked in a quiet voice "Dad, can I talk to you?"

She entered the room and came over to him. "I know this is big deal but...."

"A big deal. Everything right now is a big deal There's too many big deals right now. You suddenly have a girlfriend, your seeing librarians. Your sneaking onto away teams and now ... what merging with aliens. Everything's huge because I never got anything with you. I didn't get to hold you when you were born. I didn't get to give you even bounce you on my knee or put you on my shoulders. I didn't get to protect you. I didn't get anything Sansa ...." he spluttered. It had all been eating at him awhile. "You just grew up and all independent. Hell you even caught the dam fish."

Even though her eyes moistened she managed a little smile. "I didn't get to do any of that stuff either Dad. I grew up so fast, it scared me and now I don't want to miss any opportunity. So, I tend to grab any with both hands. I know I don't always think things through but Isn't it better to look back on mistakes and learn rather than look back on a missed opportunity with regret and wonder? I'm so happy you're in my life and I want to share it with you too."

"I can't even ground you you know," he groused, "As biologically your 18. No more. Your old man can't take it. No more surprises. And give it more thought next time around will you? What about the girlfriend. How's she taken all this?"

"And who the hell is the Librarian?" he added a moment later. He looked so confused it was laughable.

That last part threw Sansa for a moment. She laughed "Mr Carson? He's really sweet. He helped me a great deal with my whale research. I don't think you have anything to worry about there dad. And, as for Hayley..." Her voice turned sadder "She... she didn't take this well either. I'm hoping I can talk with her some more later." She paused for a moment, realising something. "So you feel less threated by Hayley now?"

"Well I wouldn't say I was ever threatened. But at least I've had longer to try to wrap my head around ... okay Hayley is it? No offence to the other person," he looked at her assuming that the alien could hear him, "inside you right now but I'll be honest the idea of sit down meal with either of you isn't number one on what I wanted to do tonight."

He raised his finger when he saw her eyes flash. "I'm not saying I can't get to that point. I just can't tonight. Please let me keep speaking to my daughter."

Fay recognised that Sansa needed some more time with her father and the purple quickly disappeared from Sansa's eyes.

Draxx patted the bed beside him. "Okay, I'm not saying I'm an expert but there were a few women .. ok maybe more than a few before you mother tamed me. If this Hayley is feeling half as confused and shocked as I am right now with things. You need to give her some time honey." He blinked several times. How had this happened? He was now sticking up for the girlfriend.

Sansa chuckled. "Well, at least you're using her name now." She laughed for a few moments longer, but there was no joy in the sound and it came to a trembling halt as tears started to flow down her cheeks. "I'm afraid... I'm afraid I'm losing her Dad. I've done this and she not going to get over it. This experience with Fay is incredible but... I love her! I love Hayey so much and now..." She started sobbing, drawing in ragged breaths between words. "I..... may.... have.....lost..... her........"

Draxx took a deep breath and placed an arm over his child pulling her close trying to reassure her. "I never really believed in the whole love and family thing for a long time. Your mother and your existence literally made me see that such a path was possible and to trust in it. And that's a hard thing to do kiddo. My old man, well let's just say I'm not a chip off the old block there. You don't know your grandfather and I can't see that changing any time soon I'm afraid. I got kicked out of the family. I'm not sold on the whole prophets thing and apparently that cost me everything I had. So life is a gamble. But ultimately I've come to believe that if someone truly loves you no matter what you believe and the actions you take ... I mean baring crazy stuff like genocide and things please don't ever go that dark .......

But if they love you they should come round. And if she ... okay Hayley. Yes, we are name using now ... if Hayley doesn't you always have your mum and me okay. I won't lie it might hurt like buggery for a little while but we will get you through it."

Sansa held her father close, feeling safe in his arms. "Thanks Dad." She said after her breathing had calmed down. "She wiped the tears from her eyes. "You'll get that fish one day." She took a deep breath. "About Fay." she started "She really not that bad and I'm learning so much from her and I'm teaching her what's it's like to live as one of us. She can't force me to do anything against my will and I get the feeling she wouldn't anyway. Are you sure you won't talk with her?"

"I will .... but just to say and I hope she understands ... I can't tonight," Draxx said. "I only just feel like I got some of you back. Maybe in a couple of days. Let your old man's brain calm down. Just give me some time to let it settle. I could cook ... well if your mother lets me. Let's try it again in a couple of days .... Fay?" he said.

Sansa nodded. "Well, you're using Fay's name faster than you did Hayley's."

"Lets chalk it up to progress shall we?"

Sansa smiled. "I'll see you later. Mom has given Fay and me separate quarters while she's on board." Sansa closed her eyes, and the purple glow reappeared when they opened again. "I'll take my leave now, Sansa is feeling a lot better now but I appreciate how difficult this is for you." she then added, "I hope I'm not overstepping my bounds but, she still needs you."

Draxx nodded. A relieved smile graced his lips. Some kind of worry or tension he had been holding on to for a while seemed to relax. He needed to hear that. "Its going to take me a while to get used to the eyes and voices though," he offered. "I'll ... yes another time Fay."

Fay returned to the main living area to find Melody had plated her up some food to take with her. "I'm assuming that Draxx needs some time so I got this ready for you."

"Thank you Melody. Yes, he needs some time but he is open to getting to know me. I'll return to my quarters."

Melody nodded. "Goodnight Fay. Goodnight Sansa."

Fay let Sansa come through as she came over and hugged Melody. "Goodnight mom," Sansa Said before Fay returned, picked up the plate and headed by to their quarters.



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