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From my mind to your mind

Posted on Sunday 20 December 2020 @ 20:45 by Captain Melody Jones & Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones & Civilian Abigale Blackwood

Mission: Homeward
Location: Starfleet Medical, San Fransisco
Timeline: MD 6 0900
1127 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody had been advised by Starfleet that a new host was ready for Fay and that all parties involved were at Medical ready for the transfer. Melody hurried over so she could be there for Sansa. A quiet room had been appropriated for the task with two chairs set up facing each other. Melody entered and saw Fay, the doctor and Lieutenant McPhee.

She went over to Fay and put a supportive hand on her shoulder.

She also found someone new, the new host she thought to herself. She was a young, red-haired woman.
Melody walked over to her and held out her hand.

"Hello, you must be the volunteer. I'm Melody Jones, Sansa's mother."

Abigale smiled her eyes filled with excitement, "Tis a pleasure to meet you as well, Melody. I am glad to be of service and to have this opportunity as well." giving a look at those around, her eyes stopping on Mathias then back to Fay.

Meanwhile Fay had sat down in one of the chairs. Sansa thought to her "Well this is it. I've really enjoyed having you in here with me. I'm going to miss you."

"I'm going to miss you too. I'll always hold you in my thoughts."
Fay thought back.

Fay spoke out loud "It's time. Abigale, would you please sit?"

Abigale took a deep breath then nodded, proceeding to the seat across from Fay and Sansa. "I am ready."

Kyhl walked between the two seats and paced a sensor on each of their foreheads. "This will allow me to track progress and monitor for any issues during the transfer." She said softly.

Mathias sat not too far to where both ladies could see him, but far enough where he wouldn't be in the way. He was interested in seeing how the transference could be accomplished, but also a bit concerned.

"I would ask that no one makes any loud noises or sudden movements, this requires very deep concentration." Fay said to all of them before turning back to Abigale "This will not hurt, but it may tingle slightly. Are you ready?"

Abigale looked towards Mathias, who gave a nod, then she nodded her head. "I am ready." She felt nervous and excited, this chance. This was going to be an amazing honour helping an ambassador.

"Then close your eyes please," Fay said as she took her hands and placed them on either side of Abigale's head and brought her own head forward till they were almost touching.

Melody stood watching, breathing as quietly as she could.

Mathias watched intently, as things began.

Abigale said to Fay in her mind, Hello Fay

After what seemed like 5 minutes, a faint blue glow could be seen around Fay. It was getting brighter and brighter until her whole body was glowing. The glow started creeping across to Abigale where Fay held her and minute by minute, the glow started to spread over Abigale's body as well until they were both glowing.

As more time passed, the glow on Sansa's body started to fade until the glow was left only on Abigale. The Glow on Abigale also started to fade then till they were both sitting there, as before.

Sansa slowly opened her eyes first. They were back to normal, just Sansa. She moved her hands from Abigale and looked over to Melody and smiled. She then looked back to Abigale who was still sitting there motionless. After another minute Abigale drew a deep breath and when she opened her eyes, the familiar purple sparkle was there. She smiled at Sansa and when she spoke her voice had the same lower tone and strange resonance. "Hello, Sansa. The transfer appears to have gone ok. It will take me a while to get used to the new host. Thank you for opening up and sharing your life with me. I will never forget you."

A teat rolled down Sansa's cheek. "I won't forget you either." She stood and came over to Melody "Just me now mom." and gave Melody a hug."

"Being 'Just you' is ok with me," Melody replied as she embraced her daughter.

Abigale, now Fay looked over to Mathias "Hello again Mathias."

Mathias was frozen like a statue for the moment, just staring. He didn't know what to think. This was going to be an interesting time while Fay and Abigale were here still before they take Fay back home.

He found his voice, giving a smile. "Hello again Fay, and Abigale."

He then turned to Sansa, "Welcome back."

Melody released Sansa and looked over at Abigale, Now Fay. "Are you ok?"

Fay nodded. "Yes, I feel fine. Do you find everything satisfactory Doctor?" She asked Kyhl

Kyhl walked over to the newly joined and did a quick scan. As the readings manifested on the tricorder she nodded. "Fay is stronger now than when I took my first readings. I'll want to keep regular checkups going, but Fay is looking fine."

Melody nodded "Good."

Sansa gave Fay a hug. "You two have fun with Mathias" she whispered in her ear and gave her a smile and a wink. She went over to Mathias and gave him a hug too, whispering in his ear "She still wants you. Both of them. Don't miss this chance." She then went back over to Melody and hugged her lastly. "I'm going to go and find Hayley. We've got some.... catching up to do. I'll see you in a few days mom."

"Ok Sweetie, take care. I've got a few things to finish up before your father and I set off for Rome." Melody said. She wanted to keep the surprise about the twins until she could tell Sanaa and Hayley together.

Fay now went over to Mathias, looking at him with eyes of love. It was unclear whether it was Fay's feeling or Abigale's feelings, or both... "So... What shall we do now?" She asked him.

Mathias flashed a small smile at Sansa's words, looked at Fay and Abigale, when they approached him. He saw the love in their eyes. "Well, that remains to be seen." answering Fay's question, giving a bit of a chuckle. "There are plans to be made or unmade whichever the case may be. Sometime during our stay here on Earth, what I've got planned is a little bit of a performance with Sav and Miles, back at home. Hopefully, that will come to pass. You never know, what will happen between now and then."

Fay placed her hand on his face and whispered to him "At least we have this moment, this precious time given to us."

His eyes widened when he heard those words, Mathias smiled and pulled Fay in for a kiss.



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