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Posted on Monday 25 July 2016 @ 18:00 by Captain Melody Jones
Edited on on Monday 25 July 2016 @ 18:00

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Borg Cube 4242
Timeline: Stardate Unknown
849 words - 1.7 OF Standard Post Measure


She could not move. She couldn't even cry for help. Trapped like a fly in amber, surrounded by a thick green fluid.

It had been 91 days since she had been placed in here. She didn't know how she knew this, but she knew. Her mind was changing every day. Information was being deposited, filtered, organised. She had never spoken a word nor taken any classes but she knew things now. Her brain was teeming with information but she could also feel her humanity slipping away, now she knew what that was.

She could remember with crystal clarity now being born, seeing her parents for the first time, her mother and father staring down at her. The first 18 months of her life. She could remember it all. She also remembered the shaking, the smoke, the alarms. The look of terror on her mother's face as she was ripped from her arms. Strange men everywhere which she now knew were Borg. Her mother's body going stiff, as the life seemed to drain from her eyes as her skin turned gray and metallic looking devices sprang from her arms and face.

Then she was placed in here, and she also began to change. Her aging had been accelerated and now she resembled a girl of 12 years old. The process was not complete however, she knew this as well. It would take another month before she was ready to emerge as part of the collective.

She could almost hear the collective at the edge of her mind. Thousands, millions of voices speaking as one. It terrified her. Her emotions too were starting to be changed as well. Purged.

Soon there would be nothing but another drone, but not quite yet. She was holding on, desperately fighting with every ounce of strength she had. She held on to her humanity, her memories of her parents, anything she could to stay grounded, but it was getting more difficult each day. She knew one day she was going to loose this battle......... But that day had not arrived yet!

Through the green haze, she could see the outside world. An endless corridor. Full of Borg. Every now and then a drone would walk by or approach, make some adjustments and walk off. Just like every other day.

But now, something different happened.

She could see people. People other than Borg. Starfleet officers! Humans! In her mind, she screamed at them for help, but outwardly she remained frozen in place.

They walked over to her. Her anticipation grew. She could hear what they were saying to each other.

"Report lieutenant" A man in the red shirt turned to a female who was scanning her with a tricorder.

"She's human, assimilation process at only 28 percent, looks like she's been here for about 3 months Sir."

"Why is it taking so long? He asked as he knelt down and placed his hand on the surface of the chamber.

"Checking. My God! According to these readings, she was only around 18 months old when she was placed in here. Most of the process at the moment is accelerating her aging."

The man looked shocked "That's impossible lieutenant! She looks at least 10 years old."

The woman corrected him "Actually, she's closer to 12 Sir."

"Don't split hairs with me lieutenant. We're getting her out of there. NOW!"

"Aye Sir" the woman manipulated the controls. Suddenly, the green fluid started to drain and an alarm started going off.

"Brilliant lieutenant, you alerted the natives!" Then hitting his comm badge "Away team to Thunderchild, I think we've overstayed our welcome here. Prepare to transport five."

A voice came back "Did you say five Sir? You left here with only four!"

"Yes I said five, we're rescuing a girl from a maturation chamber. Stand By!"

"Standing by Sir."

The green fluid had completely drained now and the door to the chamber swung open. The man quickly gathered her up in his arms and all of them stood in a group as Drones came at them from all directions.

"Away team to Thunderchild, beam us straight to sickbay! ENERGISE!"

When the transporter effect faded, they found themselves standing in sickbay. A doctor rushed over and started scanning. Further back, stood the Captain. "Report Number One."

"Sir. We found this girl in a maturation chamber. I........I..... I couldn't just leave her there Sir."

The doctor who was still scanning the little girl spoke up "She seems to be ok, we should be able to remove most of the Borg hardware"

" me"

A silence fell as they realise the young girl had spoken. They turned to her, a look of shock on their faces. The first officer managed to find his voice first "You're very welcome Miss. Do you have a name?"

"Yes" She replied. She remembered her name. It was one of her first memories, one of her happiest. She could see her mother's face looking down on her smiling and saying in soft, hushed tones.......

"Welcome to the world, Melody Jones."


Lieutenant Melody Jones
Chief Flight officer / Second Officer
USS Merlin


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