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CAG for Check in Physical

Posted on Wednesday 3 August 2016 @ 13:02 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Commander Caroline Miller
Edited on on Tuesday 13 September 2016 @ 23:07

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Merlin Deck 7 Primary Sickbay
Timeline: MD7, after Drill and Sav on board
1836 words - 3.7 OF Standard Post Measure


The young Mephetian walked by the doors again, keeping 'busy' as there was many people about. She had her medical chip in one hand and the last physical on the Astar in the other. If she noticed some of the unusual reactions about her, she did not seem to notice. Inwardly, she did, but she was very used to the sniffs and subtle, or not so subtle, jokes about.

She looked at her reflection in a panel. The new Squadron leader of the VA-102 ‘Uroboros’ airwing, one Lt. Saveena Amilia Tillatix, stared back at her.

She had a short, canine like muzzle, but more pointed like a Vulpine, short silky fur over her body, long flowing white with grey/silver streaked hair, and a large, wide bushy tail. Her entire form was reminiscent of a Terran Skunk, but humanoid instead of animal. While she was a sentient race, from another part of the galaxy, with no ties to earth or its animals, it usually had no bearing on initial 'sightings' of her as she resembled the earth Animal. She was told they were mean tempered and had a very, very bad odor, with the ability to squeeze their musk glands (located in their rumpus of all things) and spray it onto others. While Sav had musk glands, they were in her muzzle, behind her whiskers, and used for friend marking and not chasing off predators. Her natural scent was one of vanilla spice with a hint of cinnamon, but that was very, very light due to the suppression of her lymphatic system due to the unknown Toluene poisoning running rampant in her system.

She had already checked in with the Captain and met the CFO, put her bags in her quarters, and then came straight here. Now, she was regretting it, wanting to put it off. But, then again, might as well get it over with and hope for the best. She realized she was feeling melancholy again and tried to shake the mood.

Sav sighed, then touched the panel to flow momentarily into Merlin to feel the space around them. That was her happy place, to fly with a ship, and it calmed her for a space. Withdrawing, she turned and once again took up her task. Sav saw the Sickbay doors approaching once more before her. She snorted out in slight humor, trying to maintain her courage. She really shouldn't be so skittish around doctors, but, if they dug into her files, questions were always asked that she could not answer, at least, now without invoking really bad memories as well as the imprinted memory overlays within her mind. She hated and fought from what they forced her to say, and she would have very nasty nightmares after, always.

Well, the third time was going to be 'the charm'. At the third pass, she turned and strode through the Primary Sickbay doors. They opened for her, then shut. Inside was the typical waiting area, the reception/triage desk with its reception nurse, and people moving about. She stopped just inside the doorway, looking about. The nurse at the reception area (really a triage desk, but treated as reception for civilian's sake and for when an emergency was taking out crew-members) was by himself and working on his associated tasks. Sav was hoping he would have been busy with another as it made it much easier to drop off her file and chip and leave as she would have satisfied check-in. That usually worked.

So, Sav went to a waiting bench and sat down. She brought out her padd and pretended to read it, waiting for the front desk to get busy with other people and to try to 'busy' herself out of Sickbay. It was those times when being of a very little known race worked to her advantage. The shock and awe at the sight of her, coupled with being busy, and her 'checking' in, usually meant the receptionist would just go along with what was occurring, not thinking about it until Sav already left. Of course, as a newbie Lt., if it came down to 'must being seen', she could hope for a busy day and get a meditech rather than a full nurse or doctor. On the Astar, she had managed to go in on third shift and had a meditech do it. But, this ship was HUGE, and probably had full staff on all shifts.

So, Sav hoped for the best, expected the worst, and sat there, waiting. She gently rocked back and forth, her tail behind her and a little fluffed out in protectiveness, pretending to read her padd and waiting for an opportune moment to get this unpleasant task over and done with the least amount of interaction as possible.

Unknown to Tillatix, Caroline had been waiting for her to drop by for the formalities. She had, had Kevin alert her as soon as the alien was in the department. She had never had a Mephetian patient so was anxious to meet this staff member personally.

Sav noticed a blond... Terran? coming her way. She was wearing Lt. j.g. pips and seemed to be making a bee-line towards her. Sav kept her nose in her pad, hoping the full fledged doctor was there for somebody beside her, but it was not to be.

"Lieutenant Tillatix. Here for your physical. Excellent," the blonde doctor smiled at the alien. "Thanks Kevin," she said at her nurse working the desk. Turning back to the CAG she spoke again. "I'm Dr Miller. Glad you found the place okay? Its a very big ship," she commented indicating her to follow to the nearest biobed.

An underlying quick shiver seemed to go through the Mephetian as her tail fur jounced and then quickly stilled. She smiled cheerily to the Caroline, "Hey Dr. Miller. Yeah, here for my physical. I'm in good shape, honest." She got up to follow Caroline to the nearest unoccupied biobed. "I found sickbay easily enough. For some reason, signs and markers for its location are always prominent." Sav churr laughed gently as both knew why that would be. While the crew kept the vessel running, the Docs kept the crew running.

At the biobed, Sav sat down and did not lay down. She knew that the physical might be just a quick once over with personal instruments and hands, which would be fine with her.

Once the lady sat down, Caroline asked. "How are you finding the ship?"

Sav's eyes got a far away look as she churred out from her chest, an exotic and erotic type of trilled purring, "Oh, I loved flying Venita, my Valkyrie, during the Marine and Figher Pilot training mission. She is a cool fighter." She seemed to come back to the present, "And Merlin is a huge ship. I look forward to flying with her when I am allowed to." She held out her hands, "Here is my medical record and my exiting physical from the Astar. I hope that will speed things along and let you get back to your duties. I don't want to be a drain on resources or hold you up from more important tasks."

Caroline took the offered bio chip. She had already had a preliminary read of this crew members file and knew that without this chip working with the bio bed the readings would be off. "Don't worry your not a drain or holding up anything." She wanted to verbalize that it was one of the most complex set of medical notes she had ever seen but didn't want the patient to feel uneasy at that statement.

"Tell me how are you feeling Lieutenant? Anything I should know about?" she asked noting the Sytheduralex weave still showed no signs of dissolving. It seemed Commander Moreau's assessment that it might never do due to this unique physiology was correct.

Sav smiled to Caroline, glad the questioning was going in this direction. She shook her head, "Nothing right now, Dr. Miller. I just got on board and am still learning the ship and my fellow pilots." Her smile grew into a grin, "Captain Barlow made me the ship's CAG. Cool, huh?"

Caroline got the feeling she had answered her question a little too quickly and too happily. She could shake the idea that all was not as it seemed with this particular crew member. However she said nothing for the moment.

Sav noticed that Caroline did not grow immediately pleased and chime in on it like Melody on the bridge. She was still trying to figure out the Doctor's personality. It didn't help that anymore her mind always seemed to be in a light fog, and there were always a light numbness all over her skin. So, she lost her exuberance, which was hard to maintain anyway, and sighed, "Sorry, off topic, my bad, I won't bring it up again while being a patient." She wiggled a little, trying to get comfortable, as she felt her feminine napkin starting to overflow. She had to get to her quarters to change, soon. "I promise, I will be back here when 'something' is bothering me, I promise." Sav's voice and demeanor showed she would be back, for something specific. She just didn't mention what.

"Oh that you will Lieutenant," Caroline said firmly. She definitely thought this woman was hiding something but as she had no evidence now as all the readings on the bio bed read in normal parameters meant she couldn't not clear her. It didn't mean however she wouldn't do some poking about. Having her first ever Mephetian patient, she had to bring herself up to speed with this different alien physiology anyway. " Okay Lieutenant if you feel everything if fine and I can't see anything otherwise in these reading, you are clear for duty."

At Caroline's first statement, Sav got a confused look on her face. Then it dawned on her that her medical record would be a rather chaotic one with the coverups and medical procedures, not to mention the anger management classes at the Academy. As she struggled with trying to say something in her defense, and yet knowing the psychic overlays wouldn't let her, Caroline had continued with her being cleared for duty. A lot of tension being held within her body cascaded out visibly as a churr came from her. She happily said, "Yes, to fly with Venita and Merline, most awesome." Joy could be easily seen on the muzzle, face, and eyes of Sav, while her whiskers were out ninety degrees from her muzzle and spread out, up and down, in her joy. "Thank you, thank you, Dr. Miller. And, I will be back, I promise. My medical record is.. strange, to say the least. Again, thanks."

Caroline nodded and watched as she walked out of sickbay. Strange was an understatement. Something was definitely off.


Dr Caroline Miller
Chief Medical Officer

Lt. j.g. Saveena Tillatix
CAG/Uroboros Squadron Leader


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