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Visiting the Marines

Posted on Saturday 29 October 2016 @ 22:39 by Marine Captain Elias Walker & Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D.

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Deck 21
Timeline: MD8
1125 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


John leaned against a bulkhead overlooking the Marine training center, which today was conducting a set of physical fitness and combat readiness tests. The Commander tugged at the white collar of his new uniform, almost feeling like it was a dress uniform. The shoulders were white as well with a red band denoting the command department running across the top of his chest with a good trim above the department color. Below that the uniform was black and had an undershirt that was seem through the front of the jacket collar that was colored for the department, red in his case. Starfleet had even changed the communicator, now with two panels top and bottom and a split silver version of the 'swoosh' that Starfleet had adopted long ago.

Elias entered the center just back from having his arm fixed. He notice the Captain along the bulkhead clad in the new uniform type. He tugged down on his own new tunic and head over. "I haven't made my mind up if I'm a fan of the new uniform's. their very formal and dark."

Barstow looked over and smiled, "at least you can have the fatigues," he replied and stood up from the bulkhead and walked over to meet the Knights CO, "how are you doing?"

"Now that my arm is working, I'm good as new." Patting his left arm. "Sgt. West is going to make a fool recovery as well. the disrupter burns where just superficial due to his EAV suite. so what brings the CO to my little pice of heaven?"

Barstow nodded then shrugged, "nothing in particular, just was missing this side....oh, and your uniform isn't quite right yet, the pattern in the computer wasn't updated when you replicated that," he said and walked over with a grin, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a box, "here, this should fix that," he said then opened the box to show Walker the silver, railroad bar insignia of a Marine Captain.

Elias took the open box. He wasn't expecting a promotion. He had give up climbing back up that ladder sometime ago. "Well I normally not a person that can be surprised, but this does it. Thanks you." He said removing his lieutenants bar, and replacing it with the new insignia.

Apollo smiled, 'you're wealcome, Captain. I think my super power is starting to be sprining promotions on unsuspecting officers," he said with a chuckle, "you deserve it. So, how would you feel about about a quick race through the obsticle course? Show the young'uns how it's done?" John asked with a grin.

"You do know if I show up in sickbay again, their going to sedate me to keep me out of trouble. Then on the other hand it would be nice to show them up a little." Elias chuckled motioning to the marines running the course.

Barstow grinned, "let me go get my fatigues and we'll show them what us old men can do," he said with a grin before disappearing into the locker room then coming back out a few minutes later dressed in his combat uniform with the jacket in his hand. As he moved back over he tossed the jacket on a nearby bench.

Elias removed his new uniform jacket as well, placing it next to the Barstows. He looked back a the starting line. From there it lead to a ground crawl, then a wall climb that was at least three times the height of Elias. After the climb, they would have to cross a rope by pulling them selves across to the next platform. "Ok let's get this over with." Elias cringed

Apollo chuckled as the Marines started gathering around them. He heard comments about the new Marine Captain taking the desk jockey quick and how it was going to hurt for Barstow. He looked up the Knights Company Sergeant, "Gunny, on your mark," he said as he leaned forward slightly and pulled his left foot back to push off with.

The Gunny shouted go. Elias sprinted to the the grown crawl as fast as he could. He lunged towards the low barrier and started to move under it. His landing was anything but grateful, and had knocked the wind out of him a little. He made it though the first obstacles and halfway through the wall climb, when he took time to look for Apollo. He was right there next to him. It pushed Elias hard to reach the top.

Apollo grinned as the Marines cheered for both officers, "come on, Captain, you can't let Fleet beat the ground pounders," he jabbed with a good natured grin, sweat starting to bead up on his forehead as the two flipped over the top of the wall and dropped to the deck, heading for the live fire part of the course.

"You haven't beaten anyone yet." Elias said taking off at a run. The live fire part was set up at a phaser range. The object was to hit two moving drones five time each. This part was a little easier for Elias, he was a very good shoot. He didn't take long to take out the targets and place the phaser back on the deck. He noticed Apollo doing the same. "you've got to be kidding me." He said taking off at a run. He was surprised that the Merlin's CO took out the targets as fast as he did.

John smiled as he worked his way through the targets quickly, his demeanor had changed from looking tired to looking like he was having fun. He slung the phaser rifle on his back and turned for the ammo carry, which included a mud pit with barbed wire over top that they would have to get through, carrying both an ammo can and their rifle to the finish line while also dodging simulated phaser fire. While the green metal ammo cans hadn't been used in the field in 200 years the Corps had kept the exercise. Both officers dove under the barbed wire and as they pushed through the mud, yellow orange bolts flying over head Apollo looked over, "come on Marine, you train every day for this, don't give up now," he said as he spat out muddy water, playfully taunting Walker.

Elias spit out a mouthful of muddy water. "Ok Laddy, the finish line is right over there." He said pointing to where most of the marines were waiting. "just a hundred yards." Elias said stating to run for the finish. He had thought Apollo was behind him, but looking to his left he noticed they were neck and neck.......


Commander John "Apollo" Barstow
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

MCaptain Elias Walker
Marine CO
USS Merlin


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