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Posted on Saturday 26 November 2022 @ 22:02 by Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant JG Zirvell Khen

Mission: Revelations
Location: Counselor's office
Timeline: during leave
1588 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Though he understood the need for vacation, as a professional Zirvell also understood the importance of mental health. And right now he felt his own health was at stake if he didn't talk to someone about what had happened in the past few days. Adding to the fact he was still dealing with having lost ten years of his life and not having been able to live them while still technically being alive, that ate at him as well.

"Counselor?" the young Cardassian queried upon entering the main office. "Do you have a moment? Or would you like me to make an appointment and come back later.."

"If you don't mind me drinking strong ginger tea for morning sickness, I can see you now Lieutenant," Caroline said.

"Morning sickness?" He gave her a concerned look. "How long have you been having this sickness? And why would you drink this tea? Surely there are medications who can cure you from your sickness?" The poor man obviously didn't make the generally known connection between being female and being sick in the morning, but then as a simple male, how could he?

Caroline looked amused. What innocence in this one. "I'm pregnant," she said. "Its something you tend to get in the first trimester. And the ginger is a human remedy for nausea. I like the taste."

"Ah..." Zirvell briefly looked away. "I've no experience with pregnancies ma'am," he finally spoke, "I think you should drink what helps you and what you like. Why would I mind what you drink?"

"Its rather potent in smell," Caroline said simply.

"So what is it you would like to talk about?" she said softly.

"How I'm being treated by some fellow officers..." Zirvell sighed softly. "I'm being met with a lot of prejudice while I had nothing to do with how my people behaved during the Dominion war. I was still a child then, neglected by a parent who wanted soldiers and nothing else." He was the picture of unhappy at this revelation. "I'm a Starfleet officer, I took the same oath as everyone else...yet I'm not treated as one by several of the crew."

“And it should not be the case. You are not responsible for the actions of the cardassians in the dominion war. Who is acting in this manner?” Caroline asked.

"The new helm chief," Zirvell prompted. "First he offers to help move crates but as soon as it gets to me offering to finish his physical he's all I'm not to touch him because I'm Cardassian. I was very small when the Dominion war happened. I know to a degree what some Cardassians have done, I'm pretty certain my birth father is no innocent in the matter, but I'm not my father. Never have been anything like him and he wanted nothing to do with me since I was very small either. And it got worse after my mother and sisters were killed. They were all soldiers, and I never wanted to be. When I was fifteen, I was adopted by a Starfleet captain, after he rescued me from what I called home at the time. I mean, it's still home, it is where I sort of grew up right? But the happenings there still give me nightmares, and a very hard time in trusting fellow Cardassians for what they did there. What one of them did to me. But here, I shouldn't get such treatment. I'm a Federation citizen, and a Starfleet officer. And yet, I'm made to feel second rate, and I don't know how to deal with that."

“You need to report it officially. It’s discrimination and quite frankly very wrong on the helm chiefs part,” Caroline told him seriously.

"But how does reporting it help me deal with it?" Zirvell asked, "What's the point, because it won't make me feel better... And it won't stop others either."

"But it will make him reconsider his actions as he will be disciplined," Caroline stated. "Starfleet does not discriminate. And you stand up to bullies. It will help you find confidence there and be able to deal with such a situation if it happens again. The other things we need to help you deal with is your relationship with your birth father and the happenings in the place you ask is still home? Only you know that. Is it still home or is your life here on the Merlin home?"

"I have no relationship with my birth father, he lost the right to call himself that a very long time ago. Lamenda somehow always will be home as it's part of what made me who I am. But the Merlin is my home, now. This is where my life is now and where I hope to pursue my career. But how do I best deal with such racism?"

"You don't take it. You stand up to it," Caroline said firmly and simply.

"How?" Zirvell asked uncertainly, "and especially, how without alienating those that do it any further?"

"Why are you bothered about alienating people who treat you without respect?" Caroline asked. "You report it pure and simple. Either the other part repents and apologises, or they get hauled over the coals."

"Hauled over coals?" Surprise flickered across the Cardassian's face at that expression. "And I guess I'm bothered because I don't want to be... left out? Set apart because of what I'm supposedly representing? Or alienate those that could be a potential ally, because those that mean me harm in one way or another ...get them first?" He paused. "I don't think there's a right answer to that ma'am... I just don't want to end up being alone, and have no allies... I can't keep going to my superior officers if something comes up, can I?"

"So, you're more willing to try be friends with someone who has caused you pain and prejudices against you rather than stand up for yourself?" Caroline said shocked. "You would rather have that in your life because you fear you will end up alone. There are better people out there. There is a whole ship of people out there. If you want to not be alone there are plenty of things this ship has to offer to help you meet and find friends. And quite frankly you are worth more than trying to be friends with what you describe as a racist person. You worry that reporting him for an attitude that is wrong, most definitely wrong for someone supposably a senior officer will see you end up alone. You do not trust that other people will see your worth as a person, as a friend and agree that that sort of attitude should not be aboard this ship?"

"I didn't say that," the Cardassian answered fiercely, "but bullies have friends too. I know that from experience, and I also know that if one keeps running to the boss those friends will say the bully was right. However if I don't do that, those friends might end up taking my side instead, and gain me some friends. I think it's a fine line here. And given the history of my people... well, my species I guess because right now I'm more at home on Earth than among other Cardassians... I need to the best version of me don't I? People need to understand I'm not other Cardassians, I'm not like those that committed all those monstrosities against Bajorans. I know the one Bajoran on this ship hates me, for no reason at all."

"You didn't say that but it's the situation. Getting upset towards me won't change anything. I am trying to help you," Caroline said keeping her voice soft and non-threatening.

"You are only responsible for your own actions and how you chose to react. If you chose to give the chief a pass this time it signals, he can behave like this further. I personally wouldn't but thats your decision to make. I cannot as much as I would like to march out of here, break patient confidentiality and give him what for on your behalf. And I would so dearly like to. Someone with such an attitude does not deserve to be in the rank and position they are in. We will have to wait until he slips up then if you will not take action. And people like that they always slip up. Wait him out then.

If you worry you will make friends who will take his side, then they truly are not friends. A true friend does stand around and let their friend be bullied.

I'm setting you an assignment. I want you to go out and befriend someone. Work on a proper friendship and hopefully you will gain not just a real friend but realise your worthy of that and valued for you, not punished because of actions others did," Caroline said.

Zirvell gave a slow nod. "I think, it may need addressing a next time it happens," he admitted softly, "and I really do appreciate your support in this ma'am. I have not felt comfortable talking to a counselor really, until now." He offered a small smile as he stood, tugging down his tunic. "Thank you for your time counselor and I will try to heed your advice."

“Any time Lieutenant,” Caroline replied.

Lieutenant j.g. Zirvell Khen
pnpc Seklar

●●● Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin


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