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*Special* - Out of the Blue......

Posted on Sunday 22 January 2017 @ 06:48 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Captain Melody Jones & Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Shuttlebay
5453 words - 10.9 OF Standard Post Measure


*Note* This takes places between the Episodes A Christmas Carol and The Impossible Astronaut.


"And hello Rio!" Amy Pond stuck her head out of the Tardis door and sighed. "Doctor, this doesn't look like Rio to me. You've done it again!"

Rory stepped out behind her "Come on Amy, how far off can the Doctor be....... No this isn't Rio, it doesn't even look like a planet'

The Doctor finally emerged behind them "Come along Ponds, I'm sure we can't be that far off, ahhh....... Yes.... No, you're right, this isn't Rio"

Amy was now looking around at several small spacecraft that were lined up "Doctor, how hard can it be to get us to Rio? This is the second time this has happened, the 1st time we end up traveling to the center of the earth and Rory gets wiped from existence and this time....... Where are we? United Federation of Planets?

The Doctor jumped up and down several times "Hmmmm, artificial gravity, from the design of those shuttles I'd say we were in the late 24th century. I'd say a space station or starship. The Federation was an alliance of hundreds of planets and Earth was a major figure but right now, I think the more pressing concern is raising our hands in the air slowly"

"What, why, ahhhh" Amy said as she spun round now seeing a young man in a red uniform who was holding some kind of gun in their direction.

Rory already had his hands in the air.

When Ensign Ricky saw who it was, he lowered his phaser and came to attention. "I'm sorry Commander, I didn't realize it was you. What with you not being in uniform. I believe the Captain is looking for you."

Amy exchanged a quick glance with the Doctor then smiled "it's alright, no harm done."

"And these people are.........?" The Ensign asked, gesturing to Rory and the Doctor.

"These..........are............ My guests..........." Amy hoped that would work then quickly changed tact "You said the Captain was looking for me, you better take me to him then!" She said, I her best authoritative tone.

The young man was caught off guard for a moment then stammered "Yes ma'am, if you and your guests will follow me."

Rory, who had been keeping quiet, now whispered to Amy "Why is he calling you Commander?"

As they followed the Ensign she whispered back "I have no idea, just going with the flow, right Doctor?"

"Oh yes, just walk around like you own the place, that's what I do"

As they followed the ensign into the corridor the Doctor was looking around curiously with his usual energy. Rory quicken his pace "So where are we?"

The young ensign frowned "Is this some kind of test?"

Amy quickly stepped in "Yes, very good. Now, just answer his questions"

"Yes Ma'am. This is the Federation Starship Merlin"

Amy rolled her eyes "Not exactly Rio."

Ensign Ricky looked confused, but let it pass. He thought better not to question the ships executive officer.

"Come on, you should learn to expect the unexpected" the Doctor interjected.

"Like a Skunk............ in a uniform.............." Rory said, looking surprised.

The Doctor looked positively delighted "Wow, a Mephetian. You are gorgeous."

Sav had just come from the Flight Control Room as she had been there for runabout status updates. She stopped in her tracks at hearing Rory's and the Doctor's words. She blushed lightly, "Umm, not 'skunk', yes Mephetian, and.. really? Uh, thanks?" Sav stepped closer to the group, then recognized Melody, who was in civies, and hence why not immediately recognized. That also meant off duty, and she could be more informal. She sang out, "Melody! Civies!" and sprang forward to take her friend into a hug, her tail flicking at having found her.

Amy was just too stunned to respond for a moment, then decided to just go with it and embraced her back. Rory turned to the Doctor and silently mouthed "Who's Melody?" This was out of Saveena's line of sight, but Amy caught this and gave Rory a quick kick in the shin and a look that said "Shut up!"

Sav churred gently, happy to get a hug from her friend. She took in a breath, then let out a sigh. However, her whiskers twitched as her left ear flicked at something being off. Her nose flared slightly as she realized that Melody's smell was off, as though from a diet change, but that couldn't be as she had smelled of Melody yesterday. Was this really Melody? Sav decided to go with it for now as something could have happened to temporarily change Melody's scent, but she would keep a close watch over the possible doppelganger.

Sav pulled back, grinning, "I was just thinking about you, Missy. I just got out of a boring meeting and could use a pick me up." She looked over at the other two, "And, who arrrr...." Her voice trailed off. She moved closer to the Doctor, her ears fully cupped as she stared at his chest. "Coolio, two hearts, not Terran." She realized that if 'not Melody', the doppelganger would not know her name to introduce her to these other two. So, to help alleviate that, and to keep things friendly till she found out more, she curtsied politely to the Doctor and Rory. "Hi, I'm Lt. Save'ena Tillatix. Please, call me Sahv. And you are?" She looked from one to the other, waiting.

"Ah yes" The Doctor started before Rory could open his mouth "Those are some great ears you've got miss. I'm The Doctor and this is Rory. You seem to be already familiar with my friend here" He said indicating to Amy. "I believe this should have my credentials on it," he said handing over his psychic paper.

Sav's face and muzzle scrunched into a 'What the heck?" motion as she reached over and took the paper from him. It was strange he would be handing her a paper instead of a duty Padd. Fortunately for the Doctor, the paper worked through touch telepathy as well so that it would pick up what it needed from Sav's memories. She looked over it, noticing Intel Markings along with high brass signatures and council stamps. And, his name on the note was "The Doctor." She realized that answered that. He was probably deep intel, and a paper is easier to hide away than an electronic Padd. She handed him back the Paper. "Thank you, Doctor." She glanced at 'Melody', wondering if this might actually be a double to take the place of Melody as she might be needed elsewhere for a special assignment. She kept thoughts away that Melody might be in trouble. Well, she would find out when she got this group to the Captain.

Sav looked over at the security guard while discreetly touching a panel. She dove into the personnel records to get his name quickly. She smiled to him, as she talked to 'Melody'. "So, Melody, with Ensign Ricky here, I guess these two just got on board and we need to go see the Captain? Not everyday we get a specialized Doctor from a frontier zone race visiting."

Just then the Comm system beeped "Ensign Ricky, please report to Engineering."

He look to Sav, "I'm needed in engineering, would you mind Lieutenant?"

Sav nodded, "Not at all, Ensign. I will get the visitor and his aid to the Captain, and then let Commander Jones get back to her off-duty time." She watched as he moved off, then moved her head, "Common, this way to the turbolift. The Captain is in his ready room off the bridge."

Ensign Ricky quickly excused himself and headed off towards engineering. The Doctor turned back to Saveena "By all means, lead on."

Sav led the three down the corridor and to a turbolift. She kept glancing behind her to make sure they were following, hoping they were not going to scurry off on her. As she went, she would touch a panel momentarily as she passed by. Unknown to anybody watching, she was actively using internal sensors to find and lock onto their life signatures for just in case they were hostile and needed to be found by security quickly.

The turbolift opened as they approached, and then closed behind them.

As they stepped into the turbolift, The Doctor rubbed his arms and shivered "oohhhh, that tickled"

Amy stepped over to him "Are you ok? What happened?

"At a guess, a light medical scan. I'd say my new friend is trying to get to know me. You cheeky girl! I don't normally get scanned on a first date, not that I'm complaining."

Amy quickly elbowed him in the ribs "Doctor!" Turning back to Saveena "I'm sorry, he's not usually like this."

"Actually, he's always like this" Rory interjected.

Amy rolled her eyes again "Yes! Thank you Rory."

Sav raised an eyebrow at the interactions. Melody had never mentioned a 'Doctor' or 'Rory', but yet she was very chummy with them, even neglecting chatting with her friend, Sav. To answer the doctor's guess, she said, "Not medical, just a life reading. Makes it easier to find you if you get lost." She shook her head gently, "I have not met someone who could feel the scans. Not that it's unheard of, just, rare."

She touched the handle and said, "Bridge." The turbolift began moving as she turned to full face the three. Her nostrils flared again as her tail and ears flicked once, a bemused expression across her muzzle and face. "So, 'Melody', how did you run into the Doctor and Rory? On the way to or back from a holodeck adventure?"

The Doctor noticed the inflection Save'ena put on Melody and quickly stepped in "Well, I kind of just fell out of the sky unannounced."

Amy chuckled "You can say that again!"

Sav did a quick, small muzzle shake in a Mephetian equivalent of a double take. "Okay, he fell out of the sky unannounced. Is that why you were near the Shuttle Bay in your civies, getting authorization for him to land?"

However, before the question could be answered, the Turbolift came to a stop and they all stepped onto the bridge. Rory patted the Doctor on the shoulder "Now this is a starship!"

The Doctor just humphed to himself.

Sav raised her left eyebrow as her whiskers moved out and back in slightly. 'What is going on?' she thought to herself as she said out loud, "Ready room, this way." She led them over and hit the annunciator. "Captain, Lt. Tillatix, with Commander Jones and two VIP's. May we come in?"

"Come," John called absentmindedly as he read over the fighter specs for the Phoenix and made another update after spending most of the afternoon doing a redesign on the hull, which meant he nearly had to start from scratch.

They entered the ready room, Sav leading the way. She came up to Apollo's desk while handing her Padd over to him. She stated, "Captain, Commander Jones came across some old friends. This is Intel Agent The Doctor and his aid Rory. The Doctor has his paperwork." On the Padd was a note. *Commander Jones smells wrong and is acting weird. Be careful, might be under something, might not be her.*

Barstow hit save and turned, looking over the trio then looking at the PADD and giving a nod, "intel? Interesting, I was deep cover for a short stint myself...Commander Jones, I didn't see any request to bring passengers on bored, nor did I see any reports of shuttles coming in. So, just how exactly are they here and who are they?" he asked and stood up, motioning to the two people with her and walking around the desk to stand next to Save'ena, feeling something off.

Amy just looked confused at the question until a voice came from the door "Actually Captain I think you better ask me that....."

Standing at the door, wearing her regulation uniform was Melody, with a slightly confused look on her face.

Rory was looking equally confused "Doctor! There are two of her again. Is the universe ending?"

The Doctor was looking between Melody and Amy "I'm not sure, possibly. Now this is interesting. I assume you must be Melody."

Melody and Amy were now looking each other over very closely.

Sav moved over to be closer to the 'Melody' in uniform, and then leaned in and took a sniff of her neck. Her tail shook twice as she moved back, grinning. "Yes, this is Commander Melody Jones, Executive Officer on Board the USS Merlin." She turned to the other 'Melody', "So, please, may we know by what name to call you?"

Amy Sighed and looked at Saveena "I'm Amy Pond. Sorry about the mix up. It seemed like a good idea at the time."

Melody, who still hadn't taken her eyes off Amy "And where abouts did you come from?"

"We kind of travel through time and space with the Doctor here." Amy replied.

"Lovely, not even two months out of spacedock and we get the Starfleet curse," Barstow said with a sigh, referring to the fact a good portion of the ships in Starfleet had dealt with time travel, so much so in fact that they opened a Department of Temporal Affairs, then something hit him as he looked at the 2 attractive red heads, "but it's not just time travel, you've crossed the dimensional plain from an alternate universe......." he more said then asked, feeling his head start to hurt as temporal theory and quantum mechanics classes both came flooding back to him.

Sav scrunched her muzzle a bit what the Captain had said. Time and space, yeah, possible alternate universe, okay, but, to her, with Melody and Amy smelling different, just similar genes from different times and definitely two different people.

"Ah! That explains its all!" The Doctor said looking knowledgeable.

Amy turned to him "You have no idea what happened do you? You're just trying to sound like you know what's going on."

Melody chuckled "You know, I was just thinking that too."

The Doctor sighed "Amy! Please! Come on Rory, let's go see if the TARDIS can help us figure this out so we can give Amy time to get to know her know her new friend here."

"Mind if I tag along?" John asked, recognizing the name TARDIS, a ship all Intel agents were briefed to keep an eye for by Temporal Decision.

"Sure, I think it makes up for Amy here impersonating one of your officers."

Now being the fifth wheel in this gaggle of leadership and smarts, Sav dutifully followed behind the group, making sure that none of their three 'guests' wandered off, and providing security support. She didn't have a phaser, but figured the three ahead might stay in line if she extended her climbing claws when needed.

As they walked Melody noticed Sav was hanging back. She half turned "Hey Sweetie, while these three go and look at this TARDIS of the Doctors, come with me and Amy. I know I need a drink."

Sav's expression lit up as Melody called out to her. She frowned lightly though at having the Captain going with Rory and The Doctor without backup. So, she nodded and said, "Sure, I could use one too. But, you know the rules, the Captain cannot go onto an excursion without escort, so call for a flight control or Pilot to go with him, okay?"

Amy watched this and a smile started to form on her face. Rory leaned over to her "What?"

She just shook her head "It's nothing."

Melody looked at her for a moment then continued "You're right, I'll make sure someone goes with the Captain. Nothing to worry about" She explained to the Doctor "Just standard procedure."

"And a very sensible now it is" The Doctor nodded in agreement.

Crewman Brenda Aumento came into view and identified herself to Apollo. They went off with the Doctor as Melody, Amy, and Save'ena went on their merry way.

A Short while later Melody, Amy and Save'ena were sat in The Round Table. Amy had asked if the replicator for something quite unusual and now as well some drinks, there was a plate of fish fingers and a bowl of custard sat on the table.

Amy picked up a fish finger and dipped it in the custard "You have to try this."

Melody picked one up skeptically and dipped it in the custard "I'm not sure about.............. Mmmmmmmmm. Hey you know this is not bad."

Sav was staring at her Sambuca. She had not seen it being poured, and she was loath to drink it, fearing a mickey within, but yet knew she had to as this was a guest on board. She was torn as she looked up the two ladies talking about food before her.

Amy tuned to Save'ena "You knew I wasn't Melody didn't you?"

Sav snorted out a breath of humor, her tail and whiskers flicking in humor. "You smelled wrong, and you ignored me, Melody's best friend, for chatting with Rory and the Doctor. So, something was up. Either Melody was fed a concoction to change her demeanor and smell, or you weren't her. First scenario very bad, second interesting."

Amy looked surprised "Yeah I noticed you two are pretty close. Wow! And those are the two conclusions you came to? Is that sort of thing common round here?

Sav snorted in humor, "Well, I am a starfleet officer. Expect the worst, hope for the best, and more than likely it falls in between. The first scenario is a captured and changed Second officer of the Merlin, probably for nefarious reasons, very bad. The second is possible intel double change for a special mission, or just close genes without knowing it, both, interesting. Just, a time and space traveling craft bumping into you with someone who looks amazing like your second officer and friend, totally out of what I would normally think. Sorry for not including it as a third scenario."

Between bites of her fish finger Melody asked "So how did you get involved with the Doctor?"

"Well when I was a little girl there was a crack in my bedroom wall and I really needed help and he literally fell out of the sky. Then he disappeared for years so everyone thought I made him up. Then he came back, Prisoner Zero, Starship UK, World War 2, Darleks, Stone assassins, lizards from the dawn of time, Rory got erased from the universe, an alien ship disguised as a house, Romans, the universe ended, then started again, Rory came back and then I got married."

It was Melody's turn to look surprised, a fish finger paused half way to her mouth "And that sort of thing happens a lot?

Amy smiled "That's pretty much the Doctors MO."

Sav was sitting there, thinking about what Amy just said about the Doctor and the Tardis. Temporal occurrences requiring The Doctor's intervention to prevent timeline changes and discordant alternates from happening. If the Doctor always appeared at trouble spots, why here now? She picked up a fish finger and dipped it into the custard. She brought the finger up to her muzzle, sniffing it, then her lips drew back to show her very needle like front teeth as she took a bite off of the finger without getting any custard on her lips. She chewed, looking thoughtful. "Good, but I like baked with lemon and mushrooms better." She blushed lightly, "I prefer more veggies, meats, and fats over grains and sugars."

Sav snorted out in ironic humor as she looked at Amy, asking, "So, what trouble spot was the Doctor looking for when you dropped out here? Are you still on your honeymoon? And, how bad is it going to hurt for whatever trouble is brewing around Melody and I for the Doctor this time?" Sav figured that as Amy and Melody could be look alike cousins, and the bad had found Melody before and the nasty had found her in the past, nothing was saying the bad and the nasty weren't coming back to finish the job the two had escaped from.

Amy sighed "This was meant to be Rio. This is the second time this has happened. I told him he shouldn't have thrown the TARDIS manual into a supernova. As for my honeymoon, the Doctor arranged a trip on a starliner........ Which almost crashed into a planet.' She turned back to Save'ena "So what's your job around here?"

Before Save'ena could answer, Melody piped up "Why Save'ena here is our best fighter pilot. You should have seen the landing she pulled off when she first arrived. She's a great pilot.............. Almost as good as me" she added with a wink.

Sav looked down at her drink, a light blush appearing across her muzzle. "I'm the CAG and fly a fighter, decently enough." She looked up and twitched her ears towards Melody, "Melody, here, flies the Merlin. And boy, can she put her through her paces. Hence why she is the best Pilot on board, besides executive officer." Her tail shook twice in affirmation of what she said.

Sav smiled to Melody, "So, what is your specialty? What do you do for the Doctor?" As she asked this, she picked up her drink, sniffing it, her body lightly trembling, as she still pondered on whether to take a sip or not.

Amy laughed "Specialty? Apart from keeping a TARDIS key out of Winston Chuchill's slick mits? Sometimes I think the Doctor would be lost with me and Rory. He shouldn't travel alone," She added, getting. Bit misty eyed. She looked straight at Melody, "No one should be alone, don't you agree?"

The way Amy looked at her caused Melody to pause for a moment before answering.

Finally she found her voice "Yes......... yes you're right"

As Melody answered, Amy cast a sideways glance at Save'ena before going on "So what happened?"

Melody looked confused for a moment. "Come on". Amy pressed on, "It's like looking in a mirror and I can tell something bad happened to you. I waited for the Doctor for 12 years and some days I almost lost hope and sometimes when I looked at myself I saw pain behind my eyes and I can see pain behind yours so?"

Sav put the glass down to the table as she glanced at Melody to see how those words affected her friend, and hoping she would be able to handle it. However, her movement caused some of the drink to slosh. Sav withdrew her hand quickly to prevent the silky, soft fur on the back of her hand from getting wet. However, her fast movement caused the glass to move, spin, and spill its contents. Sav stood up, shame flitting across her muzzle for what happened, as she said, "Sorry sorry sorry sorry. Let me go get some towels, I will be right back."

Sav left the table, taking the glass with her, to go to the bar and get a new drink as well as a cleanup rag. She looked at her hand, wondering at how easily she had 'accidentally' spilled the drink like that, years of practice because of her fear of getting slipped a mickey, once again. She did not look behind her at the other two ladies, hoping with her out of the way Melody would find it a little easier to say some of her past, that which she was comfortable with, to Amy.

Melody watched Save'ena retreat across the room and part of her wish she had stayed. She felt a biter safer when Save'ena was around and even though the person she was talking to looked exactly like her she had the feeling that their experiences had been......... very different. Still Amy was looking at her with a sympathetic face. Melody too a deep breath and started to tell her story of her parents, the Borg, rescue, the aftermath, Starfleet, The academy and finally arriving here on The Merlin. Amy sat and listened.

During this time, Sav was with the Bartender, and watched oh so closely at her drink being poured. The bartender was just thinking she was hoping for an over pour, and did so. After all, while she looked like a skunk, the officer was rather cute and definitely all female. Sav received a wet rag to clean up the mess as well. She turned around, watching, waiting for something to happen that would mean she could come back to the table.

Without saying a word, Amy moved closer and drew Melody into a hug.

Amy whispered to her "I was right. You're amazing. You put on a brave face a lot and that's ok, but I get the feeling you're not letting yourself feel. In places it sounded you were talking about someone else and I think that how you cope isn't it?"

A tear formed in Melody's eye and she nodded silently.

That hug was definitely a good sign. Sav began making her way back to the table to join in on the tete-a-tete to make it a threesome once more.

Amy wiped the tear away "Hey, everything will be ok Sweetie. You're strong and you'll survive but you also have to let people in. People like to be needed you know, like your friend over there. Tell me about her."

Melody managed a smile "Save'ena? She's great. I feel I can tell her anything. We get along really well and we're both flyers."

Amy watched as Melody spoke and that subtle smile returned to her face. "You're in love with her!"

Melody blinked "Wait what!"

Amy folded her arms "I've seen that look before. The look you get when you're talking about her, it's the same look I get when I'm talking about Rory with his stupid face. Have you told her how you feel?"

Melody looked down at her drink for a moment when she looked back up she jumped, as Amy was now wearing HER uniform.

"You have to tell her" Amy restated as she put her hand on her arm.

Sav came up to the table, and faltered. Amy Pond was no longer in Civies, but in a carbon copy uniform of Melody. It was hard to tell them apart, except, by smell. She came over to wipe up the spill, glancing at the two who were now intently watching her. She shuddered slightly, speaking with a voice that started out low and grew in volume. "What just happened with your clothes, Amy? Is this the 'is the universe ending' part of Rory's prediction coming true? Will I end soon without getting free of what those bastards have done to me?" Sav's eyes opened wide as she looked around, her body starting to tremble, "Their coming for me to finish what they started, aren't they?"

Both Amy and Melody turned to Save'ena, speaking in unison. The effect was quiet unnerving. "Who is coming? You haven't told her the truth have you? It's killing you! You have to tell her!"

Sav flinched, her entire body looking like a wound spring. She looked back at the two, now just about identical twins. Sav yelled out, "How? Those damnable psychic memory overlays prevent me from telling the truth, always, making me lie to whoever seeks the truth. How can I?"

Sav looked away, growling and fighting with herself. She turned back to them, whispering to herself, "Try." She took in a breath, and growled out, "You know, THEM. Mr. Thompson and Councilman Diostos Eurytlus." She crouched near the table, looking wildly about. "Diostos, he bought me for 5 Megacredits for my chastity and pelt from Mr. Thompson and his sex slave training dungeon. Four months, I was there four months, then Thompson and Mistress Elizabeth hoisted me into the air for Diostros to take, with his enhancements, perforating me, all the while a tube was stuck in my leg to rain blood down over us upon each slam into me..."

As Melody spoke, she heard the words she way saying but she had no idea where they were coming from or why she was saying them. They seemed to be coming from nowhere but also she knew that what she was saying was right. At the same time a prickling sensation was spreading over her body. She could feel her ears moving up the side of her head, and her mouth and nose pushing out to form a muzzle. A thick coat of fur was covering her and her teeth were sharpening. The fur spread down her arms and covered her hands, her nails sharpening. This transformation didn't hurt, and was giving her a warm feeling in her stomach. She involuntary arched her back as a thick bushy tail appeared. She noticed the same changes happening to Amy as well.

The twins at the table morphed into two striking, reverse colored Mephetians. They looked at her and spoke in unison again, "You have to overcome those Psychic Overlays, you have to. They are killing you! You have overcome them to tell her, tell Melody what happened!"

Sav's words faltered as the two before her turn into mirror images of herself. "What... how..?" She began trembling harder, her body faltering to stay upright, as she crumpled to the ground, knowing that at any minute, the psychic Starfleet Counselors from StarFleet's Predigest Strom Thurman Advanced Research Center would appear to continue their work of forcing their version of memories into her mind as they tried to burn out what actually happened.

On the floor, spilled drink to the side, Sav rocked back and forth, even though knowing it would not do any good. She spoke out to those coming to get her, "Please not again, please not again, no more training, no more taking, no more implanted fake memories, just let me be.. please just let me be..."


>> USS Merlin, Deck 2, Senior Officer Quarters<<

Melody's eyes opened and she sat upright In bed. The lights were low and the only sound in the room was a gentle foraging sound coming from the hedgehog habitat. Her hands flew to her face, feeling a secret pang of disappointment that her face was back to normal and she didn't have a muzzle. Neither was she covered in thick, soft fur. She slowly lay back down "Wow, what a dream!" she said softly to herself. As she lay there thoughts...... Tell her....... fish fingers and custard....."

>> Tardis, Amy's Room, Somewhere in time and space <<

In the TARDIS Amy sat up quickly in bed. Next to her Rory stirred. "Hey, trying to sleep here. What's up?"
Amy lay back down "N.... Nothing. Wow! What a dream!" she said softly to herself.

>> USS Merlin, Deck 9, Temp CAG Quarters <<

Sav sat upright in in bed, letting out a yelled "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" She was trembling, thoughts jumbled, She looked wildly around to find where 'they' were coming from, finally realizing she was in her quarters on the Merlin, and not in an end world scenario with two Melodies and Psychic Counselors hunting her down.. She snorted out in light humor, realizing that she just had the weirdest dream involving Melody, a doppelganger named Amy, Amy's husband Rory, a Doctor named The Doctor, a Tardis, the universe ending, and Counselors coming to take her away, aha, their coming to take me away. She shook her head to tamp down the left over dream crazy thoughts. In thinking on it, she should have known it was a dream as the psychic overlays would have prevented her from saying what she had, except in her dreams.

Now Sav desperately needed a drink of water. So, she slipped out of bed, and went right to the floor. She snorted in humor again at herself, letting the dream and how it affected her fade away so she could go freshen up. She stared at the time on the nightstand, sighing to herself, as she really wished she could tell Melody what happened to her, and Doctor Miller, and to get help with the mesh still inside of her. She wished, she wished, and if wishes were fishes everyone would cast nets. She waited for her mind and body to become one again so she could get that drink, and then try and get some more sleep.


Captain John Barstow
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant Saveena A. Tillatix
CAG / Uroboros Squadron Leader
Bridge Command Specialist
USS Merlin

Lieutenant Commander Melody Jones
Executive Officer
USS Merlin


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