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Comfort Zone

Posted on Thursday 29 September 2016 @ 11:28 by Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson, Psy.D. & Marine Captain Elias Walker

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Marine Country
Timeline: MD8
1350 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure


Major Richard Johnson stepped off the turbolift into the Marine area of the ship, unofficially called Marine Country on most ships. The Marine Counselor almost instantly relaxed as soon as he stepped onto the deck. It wasn't that Richard was really uncomfortable in the other areas of the ship, but, the Marine areas were his comfort zone after spending so many years being combat oriented. As Johnson moved through the deck he returned salutes from other Marines and stopped in front of the Knights company commanders office then rang the chime.

"Enter. At your own risk." Elias replied to the chime. He had spent the better half of three hour compiling reports from the marines on the away mission. One done, he would add it to his own report. But he kept getting interrupted.

Wolf walked in with a smile, "this'll probably be the least risky part of my week, el te," he quipped as he moved into the office and came to a stop in front of the desk, "how are things going after Dashit?"

"Hello Major." He said offering his hand. Elias never had the chance to meet Maj. Johnson, but he knew who he was. "As you can see i'm up to my ears in after action reports."

Johnson shook the mans hand firmly and nodded, looking at the PADDs then back, "I don't miss that part of the job," he said with a chuckle, "how's it coming, I know you guys met with resistance," Wolf said with a pang of retreat in his voice at being unable to stop the shuttle.

"That we did. Of all things it was the Teth Koros. I've seen them at work before, during the war. I have a funny feeling we got off easy." Elias With a sigh. "This is a official visit I take It?"

Richard nodeed, "I've faced them a few times in my.....well, days that are still classified," he said and took a breath as he momentarily flashed back to being with Starfleets covert branch known as First Force, before smiling, "and yes, somewhat at least. I Need to evaluate all the senior officers and since the corps is my home branch I figured I'd start here," he explained.

Elias was thought about it. He was never the talkative type about feelings, and laying his problems out to be scrutinized. but with things as they were.
"No time like the present I guess." Elias thought about where to start. "So you know I was a POW on Betazed. After the liberation I was diagnosed with PTSD."

Wolf nodded, "aye," he replied with a nod and sat down on the armrest of a nearby sofa before pulling up the sleeves of his tunic to show various scars, "these heal but the memories never quite fade," he commented before pulling the sleeves back down with a nod, "and the Jem'Hadar and Breen there were just as nice as my friends were from what I've read in your file."

"Oh their nice enough." He said rubbing his shoulder. "In the beginning, this was just a way to get away from my family." He said tugging on his uniform tunic. "After all these years I know it's was the right decision to join the marines. However it's not getting any easier. You would think this long after the war, things would calm down some"

Johnson nodded and made note of the other Marine running his shoulder as he spoke, "well, thats always been the Federations hope, but, unfortunately, when you deal in the vastness of space things are rarily calm. They wouldn't need their dirty little secrets if peace always prevailed," he replied with a grin, motioning at his own uniform.

"True enough. This incident with the Romulan shock troops and Sgt. West being wounded just brought back some bad memory. I know it's part of the job, and I'm dealing with it. If you don't mind, how do you deal with all the memory?" Elias asked.

Richard paused and looked down at the deck for a second, knowing his answer was going to sound cliche and unhelpful, "honestly, one day at a time," he replied and looked back up, "I used to medicate with whiskey, Romulan ale, Everclear and a little Saurian brandy mixed in for good measure. I did my best to make myself numb and pretty much black everythg out, until it stopped working. Now I just try to accept the dreams and push them aside best I can."

Elias nodded in agreement with everything he said. "Well it seems like were doing the same things to cope. Each day at a time works the most for me. I keep telling myself that there is always that silver lining to find, and will all get there one day. However until we get there, we have to keep moving on."

Johnson nodded, "as Marines we're inadvertently made to feel like its showing a weakness to talk about it, and showing any kind of weakness opens you up to attack. But, the truth is it takes more strength to trust and open up, talking about it will help if your willing, and I can honestly tell you I've been there...a few times."

"I have never liked talking everything. It took years for me to be able to talk any of it. I still find it hard to talk, but not as much. The thing that still gets me, is the sound of a old fashion steel door closing. The cell we were kept in on Batazed had them. Anytime I hear that, it gives me a chill."

Wolf nodded, "I can imagine," he replied with a nod before taking a breath, "you know, after a while the Breen stopped trying to get information from me, they started just to torture me for fun. Part of the real reason I decided to change career path is when I escaped I flew my fighter for three weeks, no flight suit. Lets just say the cockpit had to be completely replaced and scrapped and every time I get into a fighter I smell all the weeks old filth, even though there's no chance I'm really smelling it."

Elias chuckled. "I think i'll go with the cold chills, over week old body filth. no a fence. So am I still sane and well adjusted enough to be a active member of crew, or do I need to be committed?"

"We're Marines, all of us should probably be committed," Wolf replied with a chuckle then stood up, "no sane as the rest of us at least. You know if you have those nightmares or need anything you can give me a call? We'll talk over whikey and some bourbon."

" That sounds like a plan. I'm always up for a good drink." Elias said standing. "And a good talk now and then. I still don't know if it helps me much, but anything is worth a shot."

Richard nodded and smiled, "or two," he added jokingly before extending his hand, "well, it was good to meet you, Lieutenant. And, if you don't mind, I'd like to come down and drills with you guys? Keep my fitrep good, I'm getting kind of soft."

Elias took the other man's hand, "we'll be happy to have you any time. Truth be told, it will be nice to have a Major around. That way I can tell them it was you that order the additional training." Elias laughed.

Wolf just let out a laugh, "sounds good, Lieutenant," he replied with a nod, "I'll make sure to send you some ideas from my spec ops days, if I'm going to get blamed I may as well really do it. I'll see you later," he added happily before giving a nod and turning towards the door.

"Until next time." He said, watching the Major leave. then he turned back to his desk to sort though the next set of reports he had waiting.


Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson
TAD USS Merlin

1st Lieutenant Elias Walker
USS Merlin


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