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Confined to quarters

Posted on Friday 30 September 2016 @ 00:55 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Captain Melody Jones & Major David Scarlet

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Melody Jones' quarters
Timeline: MD8: Late Afternoon
4040 words - 8.1 OF Standard Post Measure


==== < Deck 2, Lt. Jone's Quarters > ====

It had been some time since Melody had managed to get back to her quarters. She had managed to come up with what she thought was a convincing cover story. She had sent it to both Barstow and Wolf an encrypted communication. Right now she was working on some Beethoven's Moonlight sonata on her portable keyboard which she had set up on a table opposite the door.

She always played Beethoven when she was upset.

Nibbles was out of her habitat and was happy munching on a bowl of food which Melody had placed in the middle of the floor. She liked to let her out every now and then and at the moment she would be spending all her free time in her quarters so she thought why not.....

==== < Deck 2, Senior Officer Country > ====

The turbolift opened and Sav stepped out. She had just completed Fighter Maintenance Checks in the Drop bays, and before that having completed getting training in Tac Ops with the real time holographic sensor tracking suite. Not that she needed it, but she went through it anyway to make everyone feel good and get to know the Strat Ops Officer. However, that long afternoon done, she wanted to come by Melody's room and see if Melody wanted to go to dinner with her.

Sav was still a little perplexed that Melody had done a site to site transport from the Brig to elsewhere earlier in the day, but figured it was just part of whatever the security precautions/drills/testing/whatever they were doing for Melody's training. After all, Melody was second officer, while Sav was just a CAG, a position only needed when a fighter compliment was on board a starship. Needed, but gotten rid of at any time. At lease she was also a Bridge Command Specialist, so that helped for just in case.

She did a quick shake of her head. She could not believe where her thoughts were running after having been shaken up by whatever happened with Wolf and Melody. Of course, that brought up the real reason she was here, to make sure Melody was truly okay. When Sav was in her nightmares, shredded linen always followed, and she was still afraid that somehow she had raked Melody. She had to check, no matter what, even if the offer for dinner was declined.

Coming around the corner, she saw the new Security Chief standing post outside of Melody's quarters. 'Uh oh', Sav thought to herself, 'Still involved in hush hush stuff.' She stopped for a second, wondering if she should turn around, then went forward anyways, 'Nothing ventured, nothing gained.'

Sav came up to David, "Howdy, Louey Scarlet. No worries, social visit." She glanced at Melody's door. "I guess the real question would be, is Lt. Jones allowed to have visitors or not? I won't pretend to understand what drills you're putting the Second Officer through, but she might be at a down time to have a visitor?"

There is a small muscle at the base of the skull, in some species it is used to pull their ears back. Terrans have it as well, although most do not realize it or even have control of it. David Scarlet didn't really have control over it, but when he felt tense, the muscle tightened and his ears shifted ever so slightly. He clenched his jaw firm to keep from looking overly angry.

"Hello Lieutenant." He said through clenched teeth. "While I understand you are off duty and this may be a social call," His eyes locked with hers. "I would appreciate it if you maintained an air of duty and formality when addressing the on duty security staff. Myself included."

Sav was taken aback by the hostility Lt. Scarlet showed to her through ear and jaw movements besides the undertone in his voice. She blinked, her ears and tail flicked once, even as her whiskers when to a slightly back 45 degrees. She quizzically looked at him and said, "Sure thing, Understood, Lieutenant." She thought to herself, 'By the Creator, what brought that on?'

"Lieutenant Jones is busy and can only have short supervised visits to ensure security." He continued firmly. Hoping the idea of a supervised visit would deter Sav.

Sav was so relieved at hearing Melody could have a visitor she snorted out a sigh of relief, then churred gently, "Okay, have chaperone, so keep away from deep girl talk, date talk, and frilly unmentionable shopping talk, got it." Generally Security personnel weren't so uptight on duty and enjoyed a good chuckle, so she tried to alleviate it a little. She turned towards the door, and just could not help saying, "Lead the way, McDuff."

Nope. Didn't deter her in the least. His nostrils flared. He would have to pick his battles, and as the major did not want her confronted, this was one he couldn't pick. Yet. "Very well." He turned around and pressed the door chime.

"Lt. Scarlet escorting Lieutenant Saveena..."

Sav's ears flicked as well as her left side muzzle lift and settle quickly as she almost barked out 'Save'ena, and Tillatix, not 'Say Vene Ah'. That name was the 'who' the counselors were trying to make her into', but she let it ride. He was already angry with her, didn't like the light humor, and had a rep for long term getchas. So, be still, take it, and just chalk it up to being in the cross-hairs of life.

==== < Deck 2, Lt. Jones Quarters > ====

The door chime sounded and Melody shouted out without missing a beat, but not hearing the announcement as she was intent into playing her sonata. "If you're coming in, be quick! There is a hedgehog on the loose!"

Knowing security procedures required David to keep an eye on both of them, Sav came through the door, quickly, and went into the room several paces to allow David space to come in quickly himself and get the door closed.

Standing just inside enough that the doors closed, Scarlet silently double tapped his comm badge to send the alert through security to be ready. He himself stayed near the door, his hands at his side, inches from his sidearm.

Melody had heard the door open but had not stopped playing, her back still to the door. She called over her shoulder "If that's you Wolf, I don't really feel like a session right now."

Sensing a familiar presence, Nibbles stopped eating and ran over to Saveena's feet, climbing up on to the top of her boot.

Sav churred gently, started to bend over, then remembered who was behind her. As she did not want to show her backside to him, she crouched down and picked up Nibbles, who immediately began rubbing himself behind her muzzle whiskers. Standing up, she churred out, "Well, I don't feel like a session either, so that makes two of us."

Upon hearing Saveena's voice Melody immediately stopped playing, spun around, and leapt off her stool, throwing her arms around Saveena with such force that not only did she surprise herself but almost lost her balance. For a moment she said nothing and just held her close, fearing Sav would hear her voice crack as tears were just beneath the surface, but these were happy tears. When she had collected herself she whispered into Sav's ear "Hey Sweetie. It's so good to see you, are you ok?"

Sav swung Nibbles out of the way as she was almost knocked down by Melody glomming onto her. Sav's tail flicked twice as she said, "Whoah, Girrrl, Whoah. You almost knocked me into the 1984 at the door." She gave Melody a hug in return, mindful of Nibbles, then stroked over Melody's hair, "I'm alright, okay? I'm alright. The question is, are YOU alright? Common, invite me in for a cup of tea or something."

Melody released her friend and smiled at her "I'm....... ok Sweetie. Where are my manners? Please what can I get you? Would you like a drink too David?"

Sav snorted out in humor, "I bet their somewhere around here. Herbal tea, please, something along the lines of a licorice spice if you got it."

"Nothing for me sir." Scarlet replied, firmly, only slightly moving forward to keep both women in view.

Sav sat down with Nibbles. She smiled to Melody, her ears and tail flicking. She glanced at David, then looked back to Melody, "So, still involved in hush hush security training for being Second Officer?" She held up a hand to allow Nibbles to snuggle into her shoulder at the junction of neck and hair. She continued speaking, "And, I know, I know, you can only say what isn't classified. I'm only the CAG after all, so I understand, girrrl."

Melody was over at the replicator and had her back to Sav so she didn't see her bite her lip before answering "Yeah, I'm afraid I can't divulge much information. Regulations and such." She turned back, drinks in her hands. Although Melody smiled, her tone was rather flat and lifeless. She had never been good at lying (Except to counselors and Doctors) but this felt like she was betraying Saveena's trust. She knew it was needed, but still didn't like it.

Sav churr sighed as she listened to Melody's words and tone. She could tell Melody hated lying to her, even though it was for whatever training she was going through. "Hey, Girrl, not to worry. I understand, lying hurts." She snorted out in self-humor, moving her head gently side to side, "Boy, do I know lying hurts." She smiled to Melody, "But, sometimes, it's necessary. I don't know what all training or drills they are putting you through, but, as Second Officer of this ship, you are more likely to be targeted and such. You need this reinforcement of training, for the crew, and for you."

Melody flinched inwardly. Sav knew she was lying, but not exactly what about. And, she was letting her off. That seemed to twist the knife even worse. Melody tried to shove these feeling aside a she came over with two cups of tea and sat down next to Sav, placing one of the cups in front of her.

Sav now looked like the Cat that got the Canary. She motioned to her collar, "Do you notice anything new?"

"Hey, congratulations Sweetie," Melody remember that she had discussed this with Barstow and Cale earlier but with all that had happened, it had slipped her mind. "So when did the Captain spring this on you?"

Sav grinned widely, her whiskers showing full spread in excitement, "This morning. Captain Barstow surprised me during a walk from the Brig visiting area. He let me know I was out of uniform.. boy did that cause me to wonder how.. and then he pinned my full pip on me. I can't believe it, just on board two days and already I made full Louey. My flying and tactics must have been much more impressive than I had thought, especially as that was my first full engagement ever."

Melody gave Saveena's hand a squeeze "You deserve it Sweetie. I hope all that extra weight on your collar won't affect your flying abilities" she added with a chuckle.

Sav chuckled, "Probably slow me down, Fighter not built for it." She shook her head lightly as she snorted out in humor, "I guess those advanced college courses in Starship Tactics and Starship Business really did pay off." She smiled, "L'Tandrey protectorate is full of Private Commerce Vessels, fully armed ones at that, so, in studying to be a privateer.. well," Sav grinned. She took a sip of tea, looked at her reflection, then looked up to Melody. "Girrrl, Melody, may I please ask a favor? It may seem inconsequential, but it would mean a lot, for me, mm'kay?"

Melody put her own cup down and turned to her "Sure thing Sweetie, anything."

Sighing, Sav said, "Would you please say my first name in the Mephetian way?" She snorted out in humor, "I know, I know, there is a 'Say-Vene-Ah' in Terran names, but that is not my name. It is 'Sah-Vay-Enah'. In college and the Academy, they kept leaving off the accent mark, changing who I am to somebody else. My name is more like, umm, a 'French?' pronunciation?" Sav was furiously blushing now, but she pressed on, "I thought I was past it, a name is a name, but, now, umm, I would appreciate it.. but, if you think it's a silly request, forget I asked it."

Sav almost added, 'she needed it', but didn't. It was for Melody to decide to say it right or not. Still, Sav had asked, because for some reason after Wolf's and Melody's visit, she was really, really needing to hear OTHERS say HER name, not this other persona with its false memories they imprinted within her.

Her name. Scarlet's eyes narrowed. He remembered from the video that Wolf had to pronounce her name in a very specific way to get her to calm down. Sah-Vay-Enah. He would remember it. His hands clenched and unclenched at his sides. He was not to engage unless provoked. This was meant to keep both women safe. That didn't mean he still didn't want Lieutenant Saveena locked up in the brig for everyone's safety.

Melody tried it out "Like this? Sav-vay-Enah? That's' no problem Sweetie. There's nothing worse than when someone says your name wrong. There was one Cadet at the academy that insisted on calling me Melony! He thought is was funny...." Her voice trailed off, before she continued "Till I threw a drink in his face....."

Sav chortled out in humor, "That got him. Nothing worse than a pretty lady throwing a drink in your face in front of your friends." She winked, "I think that is a common break up routine by Terrans too, or at least at the Academy." Sav sighed, taking one of Melody's hands into hers, "And, it's Sah at the beginning. Sav is a short for Say-vene-ah. When just my nickname, it's Sahv." She brightened, getting an amused look on her face, as she held up a hand while putting on an 'air', as she continued, "Like being a snooty upper class, 'Oh Sahv, dahlin', bring me my Tea'." She hoped that would give Melody a good laugh.

Melody chuckled, involuntarily bringing her hand to her mouth. "Well aren't we the proper lady" Melody replied in the same over the top accent, then changing back to her normal voice "You don't mind me calling you Sweetie, do you?"

Sav blushed lightly, "No, not at all. I find it endearing, and special, thanks." Sav looked down, not having any special term for Melody, well, as of yet, and then she remembered why she had come to Melody's quarters in the first place. She took in a deep breath, released it, then stated, "Well, I came by to ask you out to dinner, but Lt. Scarlet said you were busy and could only have a short, supervised visit. So, planning time. Do you think you could arrange us to have dinner here tomorrow evening?"

Melody frowned for a moment. She really would like to have Sav over for dinner, but the ever presence of either Wolf or a security guard would really not help matters. "I'm a bit tied up at the moment Sweetie, can we take a rain check on that say........." She stopped as she noticed the look of Sav's face.

Sav was looking thoughtful, following what Melody was saying when the scents in the room were getting just too much, causing her face to scrunch up. She realized her facial expressions had interrupted what Melody was going to say, so she stated, "Sorry, Melody, the hormone scents in the air are getting very oppressive. Excuse me for a minute, I have to address something."

Sav turned partially around so she could look at and address David. There was light fear on her face as well as trepidation in her voice as she asked, "Please, Lt. Scarlet, could you tone down your anger a bit, please? I realize you're more than likely very angry about this situation and probably angry at Melody for having to have you on guard detail, but your scent is getting very strong in the room with several action and anger keyed hormones, and its getting off-putting. I'm surprised it's not affecting Melody yet. So, just, please?"

Scarlet raised an eyebrow and did manage to unclench his jaw. "Yes sir, I'm not exactly happy with the current situation." He glanced at Lieutenant Jones. "And I apologize that my... scent... is disturbing you. But I'm not exactly the type who can turn their anger on and off at the flick of a switch. If you find it so off-putting then I think this is a good time to wrap up your visit." Scarlet quickly sidestepped to give Lieutenant Saveena a clear path to the doorway. "After you Lieutenant."

Sav started to open her mouth to say something about 'anger on and off' in that she knew that, but thought the better of it and closed her mouth. She turned to Melody, "Sorry about that, Girrl, but it looks like my sense of smell lost our visiting privileges for tonight." She stood up, holding out her arms to gather Melody into a hug.

Melody smiled, stood and embraced Sav. What ever was happening, Saveena always had a way of making Melody feel better. She held on tightly for a moment, reluctant to let go. She whispered in her ear "Don't worry about it Sweetie. I hope you can pop round again and I'm sorry about dinner, it would have been nice."

Sav sighed into her hair, "Definitely a rain check on that Dinner. Just call me and let me know when you're allowed, okay?"

Melody gave Sav an extra hard squeeze "You know I will, I'm getting something special lined up. I wont say anything more. It's a surprise ok?"

Sav gave Melody's cheek a gentle kiss, whiskers flicking across the cheek as she did. "Ok. And, one last question, you didn't have to go to medical for some reason, did you?"

Melody brought her hand up and touched her cheek where Sav had kissed her in hopes of hanging on to the moment. She frowned a moment at Sav's question, then replied "Medical, no. I haven't seen Caroline in some time. Apparently some stasis pods were recovered from the crashed ship on the asteroid and I suspect she's been rather busy with them. Why do you ask?"

Relief could easily be seen in Sav's features, "Good, good, and, no reason, really, just asking." She moved out of the hug, then reached up on her shoulder at her neck line to gather Nibbles out of his little 'nest' in her hair resting there. "Don't forget Nibbles... " She held her out for Melody to take.

Melody accepted the small hedgehog back into her hand "Come here little one. See you later Sweetie." Then nodding in Lieutenant Scarlet's direction "Thank you Lieutenant. Would you please make sure that Save'ena's visit is logged for security purposes and was uneventful" Melody made sure she pronounced it correctly as she gave the Lieutenant a pointed look. Hopefully if Wolf found out that Melody and Saveena could interact normally, then a chaperone would not be needed. She also hoped Lieutenant Scarlet got the message but Save'ena would think it was part of the training.

"Of course." Scarlet replied coolly.

Sav nodded, "Definitely catch you on the flip side." She turned to David, "Okay, Lt. Scarlet, ready." Sav strode past him and then through the doors when they opened for her. She proceeded two paces further, then turned towards the door to make sure David followed her out. She did not want an angry, lethally trained, Security officer staying inside the room with Melody.

Scarlet walked over of the room without saying anything more to Lieutenant Jones. He stopped just as the doors closed and then took a long step over to the right so that he was now standing next to the door frame.

==== < Deck 2, Senior Officer Country, Outside Lt. Jones Room > ====

Sav performed a little wave to Melody just as the door shut. She sighed, then smiled to David, "Lt. Scarlet, you probably won't believe me, however, I wish to say Thank You for letting me visit Melody. It meant a lot to me. So, again, Thanks."

He tried to not glare at her. And only really succeed by remembering that as much of a threat as she was, it was not actually the Lieutenant standing in front of him that was the issue. It was whatever it was that was done to her. She was as much a victim in all of this as Lieutenant Jones was. He let out a long deep breath.

"My job is the security of this ship and her crew. It is a job I take very seriously." Scarlet said in a near growl. "You are a member of this crew, so I take your security seriously as well." He took another deep breath. "I will take your concerns and needs into consideration as long as you understand that I am here to make sure everyone, yourself included, stays safe."

Sav could tell the anger, and was still able to find the conviction of David behind his words. Her ears went out to the sides as her tail fluffed up in a defensive posture at his outright hostility, but she had to give him of her understanding of his position. "Yes, Sir, I understand what you say, very well. I would Hope for nothing less of the Security Chief, and I can only hope you and your crew follow that for us, and yourselves." She looked down, sighing, and saying in a low voice, "I have had enough pretenders after their own gain and glory at the ripped lives of others, I could use a break."

Scarlet stiffened as she spoke, and gritted his teeth. He couldn't help but feel that anger rise in him again. He looked at Lieutenant Tillatix and while usually he wouldn't feel the need to explain his emotions, considering she already believed he was angry at Lieutenant Jones he felt he needed to explain. "Anyone who uses their rank or position for their own gain and glory is a poor excuse for a living being. I don't have much tolerance for pretenders either Lieutenant."

Sav kept her head down, but nodded in agreement with David's words, a small "Thank you" sounding out. She turned around without looking back up at David. She couldn't, not without exposing fears and tearing up eyes to him. She was shocked she said what she had said, but realized as she had made no reference to her near death experience at the hands of others, or the beat down at the Academy, the overlays within had nothing to grab onto and admonish her about. They could only respond to those direct inferences, not indirect. Sav looked up to think she may be able to talk to Wolf in indirects, and hope he could piece it together. But, she had to dispel the mood overcoming her. There, up ahead, a LCARS panel, her one true escape to collect herself.

Sav walked down the corridor part ways, then paused a moment to lift her leg and foot to adjust her slip on shoe with its spaces for her climbing claws to come out. As she did, she rested a hand at the bottom left corner of a LCARS panel. That was all she needed to flow with the Merlin and be refreshed. She put her foot down and shook herself, saying out loud, "Better." She now walked with an air in her step as the previous oppressed and partially frightened mood disappeared. She stepped into the turbo lift, stating, "Officers Mess."


Lieutenant Save'ena Tillatix
CAG/Uroboros Squadron Leader
Bridge Command Specialist
USS Merlin

Lieutenant Melody Jones
Second Officer / Chief flight control officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant David Scarlet
USS Merlin


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