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First impressions

Posted on Thursday 12 May 2016 @ 00:13 by Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant Commander Gregory Alein

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Bridge
820 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


Stepping out of the ready room, Melody made her way over to the turbolift. She was not really looking forward to reporting to Sickbay and having to explain herself over again to another doctor.

Might as well get this over with, she thought to herself as she stood waiting.

Suddenly she became aware of a presence behind her and a hand reaching for her shoulder. Suddenly she was back in her nightmare with Borg following her. She almost heard 'Resistance is futile' echo in her mind.

Reacting on pure instinct, with a lightning fast motion, one hand shot up and gripped hold of the invading wrist. As she whipped herself around bringing the other hand back ready to deliver a deadly blow. Everything seemed to slow down as prepared to defend herself.

It was then she realised she was face to face with the ships first officer. The survival instinct was replaced by utter embarrassment as she realise she had almost put the XO in a coma.

"Sir......." She stammered "I'm so sorry. I thought you were........... someone else". She added looking down.

Her cheeks had turned a deep Crimson at this point, which was gradually spreading over her whole face. To make matters worse, she still held his wrist in a vice like grip.

Alein, still holding the red shirt from the Command, was a little taken back by the Officer's lightening fast reaction. "Those reflexes might serve you well in this position," he laughed, "We certainly won't have a problem with flying..." Greg laughed. "Greg Alein, XO, pleasure to meet you Miss Jones," he offered a hand. "I've read your file, you have an interesting background perhaps one of the most unique I have ever worked with... first assignment out of the academy, right?"

She released her grip and took his other hand "A pleasure Commander, I hope I didn't hurt you" She said indicating to his wrist. "I was just on the way to sickbay myself." She thought to herself this is not the best way to meet your new XO.

"Nah," he smiled, "try working Security on the Klingon boarder on a stardock station. Then we will talk about pain," he rubbed his wrist clearly lying. He pointed to the turbolift, "heading there myself let's talk.

They boarded the turbolift and Melody addressed the Computer "Deck 7, Sickbay." Then turning back to him "Say what you will about Klingons but they sure can make a good coffee, even if they are a bunch of smelly, egotistical barbarians. So Sir, I understand you were stationed at Deep Space 7? Do you prefer to be on a station? Or hopping galaxies in a starship?" She asked, giving him one of her best smiles. "I should warn you if you don't like high warp speed, you might want to stay in your chair when I'm at the helm."

"Stations have their advantages but they are mainly for people looking to settle down and still maintain their career," he added, "so I would have to say that starships are the way to go."

The turbo lift came to a halt on deck 7 "So you're not looking to settle down then sir?" she asked as they stepped into the corridor, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

"Oh no, not in this lifetime," he muttered as the two stepped off the lift. "So I need to install seat belts on my chair, aye?"

"It might be a wise precaution, if only to avoid any more..... injuries" Melody said with a sideways glance. As they approached sickbay Melody hesitated slightly. "You'll have to let me make things up for earlier, I do believe I have 1 bottle of Aldeberan Whisky left, If you would be interested Sir?"

Greg nodded, "I might be interested, feel free to drop if off by my quarters later," he looked up at Sickbay, "Looks like we've arrived at your destination." He paused, "I think I will leave you here, got a few other stops before I head in," he lied. The truth was he didn't want to deal with the Chief Medical Officer, with another member of the Senior Staff so close. Typically his visits with Sickbay ended in lectures and bad news; the last thing he needed was rumors to start flying around the ship. "Lieutenant," he smiled, "I trust everything goes well in there," he jerked a thumb to Sickbays doors and wrinkled his nose. "Nothing that can't be fixed with a good nights sleep and a bottle of whisky," he laughed, "if you ask me."

"Ill drop by with it when I come off duty, just make sure you have 2 glasses ready, this shouldn't be drunk alone." and with a cheeky wink, Melody disappeared into sickbay.

Greg gave a coy smile, and nodded as the Officer turned and walked off.


Lieutenant JG Melody Jones
Chief flight officer
USS Merlin

Lt Commander Greg Alein
Executive Officer
USS Merlin


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