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Better safe than sorry

Posted on Friday 17 June 2016 @ 22:42 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Marine Captain Elias Walker

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: The round table
Timeline: During the exercise
1763 words - 3.5 OF Standard Post Measure


"What are they doing?" the grumpy trill said to his sister with a look of pure horror. There was now a light lit up that Inu was hoping he wouldn't of had to see on his first week. "They only just set off. How could they be in trouble already?" he groused.

Inara grinned, "Oh come on little brother its just a little excitement to set off the mission." They were getting a few people walk in now with queries of "What's going on?"

"We don't know yet but we are a safe zone, so please get comfortable and we will start coming round if you need anything further," she said calmly.

Ensign Heather Ramos entered the Round Table after being in her quarters when the alerts started. She was barefoot in sweat pants and a large tshirt. The red head stopped just inside the doorway and her hazel eyes searched in a grid, her fighter pilot training having become second nature, to look for injuries or a senior officer that could tell them what was going on. The pilot spotted the bartenders and moved over to the bar, her short stature almost making her look like a teenager with the bar hitting her just at the chest, "not to annoy you, but, what's going on? Do you have comms down here?"

Inu nodded. "We do. Apart from they are down. With whatever is going on. But how about some Bolian tonic water. Calm the nerves?" he suggested pushing a glass to the young lady.

"Aye, please," Ramos replied with a sigh, "any wounded in here?" she asked and leaned an arm on the bar, looking around.

"Not yet. Lets hope it stays that way ehh," Inu answered.

Ramos nodded as she took the drink, "I think these engineers forgot a few screws and bolts when they put the engines back together."

"That prospect is terrifying," Inu said grimly. "Oh no," he muttered as another 2 people came in. One aiding the other. Someone was hurt.

"Do you have a medkit back there?" Heather asked as she stood up strait and set her glass down.

"Of course, well its limited in what it has," Inu said crouching down and retrieving the kit from the bar. He whipped out the basic tricorder and handed it to the red head.

The doors opened and one of the nurses accompanied by a marine/security escort walked in. "Its okay Maam," She said spotting the small med kit, "I can take things from here. We are making rounds to all the safe zones on the ships," She explained walking towards the injured crew member. "What happened?" she asked.


Elias stepped into the bar following the nurse, seeing that the atmosphere was the same as the rest of the ship. Looks of confusion and worry were masked on many faces. It more or less mirrored his own.  He had been on the Merlin less than thirty minutes. His shuttle made a inverted land on the ship,  in other words it landed up side down.

 "I need a drink. "  He said walking to the bar picking up someone's glass and took a long sip. Noting in approval he turned and looked at the rest in the room. " Cheers."

Heather watched as the nurse took over the injury then looked back hearing the new voice. The woman narrowed her eyes as she spotted the Marine and thought for a second. She had met most of the Marines on bored, either through the fighter group or in the bars on the station before they'd left, and she didn't recognize this one. Ramos moved over to the tall Samoan Lieutenant who had walked in with the nurse and leaned in, "sir, I think we have a problem."

Ikaika looked down to the fighter pilot before looking over to where she nodded to. Kai nodded and turned toward the door, stepping out of ear reach before tapping his comm badge, "Ikaika to Ailen and Barstow, we have a possible intruder," he said quietly before reaching for his phaser and holding it with his hands behind his back as he walked over to the new face, "well, hello," he started, "First Lieutenant Kai Ikaika, I don't believe we've met," he said, keeping just out of arms reach of the other man and keeping his body turned at just enough of an angle he didn't present his chest as a full size target, but not enough that the other man could see the drawn phaser behind his back.

Walker noticed the tensions had risen a little after hearing the young nurse and marine Lieutenant. He took a last drag from his stolen drink. "Aye lass,  we have a problem but it's not me." He turned to face the marine Lieutenant.  My name is Elias Walker.  I've been requested and instructed by Starfleet Marine Command to assume command for marine forces on this vessel. Even being in its current state of disrepair. " He said motioning to what was going on." I hope you didn't go to all this trouble on my account. "

Kai eyed the man for a second, "so, in a state of crises your first instinct is to report to the nearest bar and get dunk?" he finally asked, "and I am just supposed to take your word on all this....."

Trying to put the best foot forward. " No leftenant my first instincts were to see to the injured pilot of my shuttle  and to assess the situation in the shuttlebay. Once I was satisfied with the situation, I moved to along to the next populated area trying to figure out what is going on and ended up here." letting a in a little edge to his voice. "I think you need to understand  a drink is not drunk; considering this is apple juice. And smart choice  whoever this belong to." He said standing straight.  "Now to answer your questions; yes you should take my word on this and look this padd."  He handed over the device with his orders.

The nurse finished up regenerating the cuts on the young ensigns hands and gave her a quick hypo spray of something that would calm down the anxiety that was in full force. A quick look round, she could see no other overt injures. In front of them now, two men seemed to be squaring up against each other.

"Gentlemen," she said softly walking between both men. Hoping her presence, although tiny as they both dwarfed her delicate frame, would cut through all the testosterone, "Where is the injured pilot? Have you got him to one of the medical teams moving around the ship during this situation? Have you suffered any injuries during your flight Sir?" She asked not really sure what one referred to a marine commander as she had never served on a ship with them before.

"He's been taken care of.  A medic was near by and is seeing to his needs. As for my self,  I'm fine.  It's nothing nothing I can't walk off."  Elias replied moving back to the bar. "Does anyone have an idea what's going on? We noticed the ship lost power as we made our approach. Then the auto landing system went out,  and we hard landed."

"I'll be the one who decides if you are fine sir," Tera said whipping a tricorder out and scanning him. "And as to your second question I have no idea. Comms. We're down, the red alert started. Medical teams were ordered out by the CMO to circle round the safe zones. We got here. Your arm is sprained."

Kai took the PADD and stepped back, quietly reading it over. He'd learned the hard way not to get in medicals way while he was in boot camp, he'd pissed off a nurse there so they ran an old style catheter on him and had not been the gentlest. After a second he slid the PADD into a pocket, holstered his phaser and waited for the nurse. 

"I guess it could have been worse." Elias said flexing his arm. "I would think the sensible thing to do, would be to wait here for the all clear. However we have no idea of what is going on at the moment. This could be just a simple EPS glitch or something more sinister. We need information. " He said looking to the nurse and Kai." Any ideas?"

"Well you could stay still for one thing and let me fix that up," the nurse stated pulling an instrument out and running it over his arm. "And once I have finished, if you want information, come with me and we will go down towards engineering as its on our rounds to check for injuries."

"That sounds like a plan." He said as the medical device did its work. "Hopefully causality will be low. It's just strange that a ship this new is having system wide problems like this." Elias felt and flexed his arm when the device stopped. "Good as new. Thank you."

Kai shook his head, "this ship is over a decade old, we just got finished with an upgrade and service before the crew was assigned," he explained, not sure if Walker was in on it being a drill, though if he wasn't then someone in command was going to loose a pip or three over timing the system shutdown right as the shuttle was attempting to land, "we shou-" he started as the lights came up.

"Barstow to all department heads, report to the briefing room in an hour. Barstow to Kai, bring Walker to my ready room," the CO's voice called, causing the simulated injured to get back up and dust themselves off.

After the comm traffic ended,  Elias felt a little dejected but also relived. The idea of a shuttle hard landing in this scenario was a little far fetched.  however he thought he put on a good show. "Well  so much for my big brake into acting.." He chuckled.  Lead the way Leftenant,  lets not keep the man waiting. "

"If you were acting," the young nurse said falling into step with them. "How did you sprain your arm?"

Elias smiled and felt somewhat embarrassed. "I actually did trip when I was existing the shuttle. I didn't think my arm was that bad until you examined me." He said moving to the the door.

Kai just shook his head, "thank you, ma'am," he said to the nurse, flashing a smile, before heading out to take Walker up to the bridge.



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