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Posted on Saturday 18 June 2016 @ 15:55 by Commander Caroline Miller & Captain Melody Jones

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: The Round Table Bar
Timeline: After Exercise
647 words - 1.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody walked into the crew lounge. After the day she had, she needed a strong drink. She noticed the doctor walking over to a chair carrying an exotic looking concoction “Hello Dr. Miller. What’s that? It looks….. exotic.”

“Oh hey,” Caroline replied. “You can call me Caroline you know. It’s a Sumerian sunset. It’s been a long day. I needed something.”

“Yes me too. Would you like some company?” Melody asked.

Caroline nodded and led them to a table. “It’s a bit girly but I really like this,” she used a spoon and tapped the glass. The contents changed from a clear liquid to beautiful colours of orange, red, yellow all merging together.

Melody let out a low whistle.

“Like it?” Caroline grinned.

“Impressive, I’ll be right back,” she called over her shoulder making her way to the bar.

A stocky brunette Trill male seemed to magically appear. “Well hello Lieutenant. I’m Inu. Inu Kuvos, your friendly bar manager. Well my sister claims she is but we are 50/50 in this bar. What can I get you this lovely evening?” he grinned.

“Aldeberan Whiskey, neat ….”

He held his finger up, “Let me guess. A double. Bad day?” he asked. Pouring in another fingers worth just for good measure.

“Let’s just say it was intense,”

“I’ll make sure I keep a stash current,” he winked at her pushing the drink forward. “Enjoy.”

“Thanks,” she winked back at him and turned back towards the blonde doctor.

“Wow,” Caroline said looking at the drink. “That’s pretty green.”

“Here try some,” she pushed the drink towards the other woman.

Caroline sniffed it and promptly pushed it back. “Maybe some other time.”

“This will add years to your life,” Melody said taking a draft.

“And possibly hairs to my chest,” Caroline quipped.

“I certainly hope not,” Melody retorted.

“Don’t worry. I know things you can do. Every doctor has a minimal amount of cosmetic surgery knowledge.”

They both fell back laughing.

“So was it stressful in sickbay?” Melody asked.

“I want to say yes, but now I know I have not just one but four EMH’s I can use in an emergency it changes the goal post so to speak. I have to say no. I had a full night of sleep. I had enough beds. There was no case of a life threatening disease with no cure. I’m seriously hoping things stay that way of course.”

“How’s nibbles?” she asked remembering this women mentioning a pet. “You revived your pet yet?”

“I just revived her before I stepped out. I have left her with some food. She seems happy enough.”

“What do Hedgehogs eat?” Caroline asked curiously.

“Nibbles has a quite selective palate. I have programmed the replicator with a selection of nutritional supplements. She seems to prefer numbers 12 and 21.”

“Ahhhh I see,” Caroline replied. Not really having a clue. She picked up her drink which had now settled into a solid orange colour. She took a sip. “Divine.”

“There was an emergency simulation on the bridge today. First off the captain and XO leave me in command, and then I have to deal with a ship wide disaster. It was a lot to take in I can tell you” Melody added, taking another deep draught of her drink.

“I trust the ride out of spacedock was smooth enough for you?”

“I had a hypo spray of inaprovaline stashed in my pocket just in case,” Caroline winked at her.

“Good thinking,” Melody laughed. “Although this probably helps as well.”

“On occasion,” Caroline agreed. “I’m not a big drinker. But todays a special occasion. First time setting off in a new ship. We should toast her.” She lifted her drink, “To the Merlin.”

“Here here,”


Lieutenant Melody Jones
Chief Flight officer


Dr Caroline Miller
Chief Medical Officer


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