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Demon drink

Posted on Tuesday 21 June 2016 @ 03:34 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Commander Caroline Miller

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: After exercise
707 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Caroline sighed as she made her way to the captains ready room. She wasn't particularly looking forward to delivering this new. Pressing the chime she waited for admittance.

John was gathering up some PADDs to take to the briefing room with notes for each of the department heads. He was starting to get concerned as he hadn't seen Greg since the man said he was going to meet security, but, never made it and didn't complete the evaluations after the drill. When the chime rang he turned, hoping it was the exec, "enter," he called and gave a smile when Miller entered, "Doctor, is everything alright?" he asked, a hint of concern to his voice as he noticed her expression.

"Sir I am afraid I had to remove the XO from duty," Caroline stated.

Barstow sat on the edge of his desk and let out a small sigh, "where was he?" the CO asked simply, glancing at the deck then back up to the doctor.

"He was in his quarters having decided to order me to come see him and he had sank an entire bottle of Alderan whisky. He had passed out when I got there. I don't know how much you are aware of his past with alcohol but it's a chequered one. There was an incident immediately before we left dock and his liver was already showing damage in his medical with me. I had specifically asked him not to engage in any drink for 6 months so healing and regeneration could be done," Caroline told him. "He was in a really bad state sir so I have removed him from immediate duty. I would like to recommend referring him to a facility to get proper help."

John nodded and rubbed his face, "I knew his history, and I told him he wouldn't get a chance after this," he replied and looked at the door blankly, "is there any way to enroll him quietly, not have Starfleet jump on him the second he tries to return to service?" he asked, starting to feel like maybe he pushed the man to hard in telling him this was going to be his last chance.

Caroline nodded. "I have a friend from medical school who has a private facility. He would be discreet sir if I had a word. I could seal my report for your eyes only, if that's what you order me to do to try minimise the "incident" and fallout. Perhaps you could put him on a hiatus for 6 months? But an official reason would be needed should star fleet ask any questions."

John nodded, "I appreciate that. We can just note it as a previous injury aggravated during the drill, Starfleet doesn't need to know anything beyond that," he replied, "you don't think I pushed him back to it by putting to much on him at once do you?" he asked, finally looking away from the doors and back to Caroline.

Caroline shook her head and took the chair opposite him. She said softly, "Captain, that amount of liver damage, this is a demon he's been fighting for years. You are not to blame. He has an addiction."

Barstow nodded, "he was sober for a little bit at least before I brought him aboard, I just wanted to make sure," he replied with a sigh, "at least we can make sure he get's help now, hopefully he'll accept it."

"He's a stubborn man," Caroline said honestly. "But that in itself will be a useful trait if he decides to sort himself out. Its up to him now." She told him rising again. She knew the Captain saw something in Alein and was willing to do this, seal up the file for Barstow but she wouldn't stick her neck out any further if the man in question threw the life line she could get him back in their faces. "May I be excused sir?"

"Aye, and thank you, Doctor," Barstow replied with a nod, "I appreciate you staying on top of things the way you have been."

Caroline raised two fingers to her forehead and saluted, before stepping out of the ready room.

Commander John "Apollo" Barstow
Commanding Officer

Dr Caroline Miller
CMO, USS Merlin


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