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Academy horror stories

Posted on Tuesday 5 July 2016 @ 00:57 by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Caroline Miller & Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: The Round Table Bar
1129 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody taped her comm badge "Yes Cale I am free, as it happens I am in the Round Table now with Doctor Miller if would care to join us."

"On my way, Melody," Cale responded. As he walked into the Round Table, he looked around for the two officers and when he saw them he made his way to their table. "Is this seat taken?" he asked.

Caroline shook her head. "Please," she indicated it. Inu took the opportunity to walk over. "What can I get you Lieutenant?"

Having drained her glass, Melody added "I'll have a another if you are heading that way" with a cheeky wink.

"Not a problem my dear," Inu said while he waited for the light haired mans order. "And you doctor?"

"No thank you. I am still working my way through this," the blonde replied.

Melody added "He'll have what I'm having" gesturing to Cale then turning to him "Trust me, you'll like it."

"And if you don't, don't worry I can cosmetically remove any hairs on your chest," Caroline joked.

"Let's hope so, Melody," Cale said before taking the mug from the bartender. "Thank you. OK so what were you talking about before I so rudely interrupted you."

Melody and Caroline looked at each other, smiled and turned back saying in unison "Oh, nothing" Melody continued "We were just discussing the drill. What did you make of it?"

"It seemed to be a interesting exercise. Though my department wasn't directly affected, my team handled the drill without any decline in efficiency. So all in all, I would have to consider the drill to have been a good idea," Cale reported.

Melody took a deep drought of her drink "I'll agree it was interesting, maybe next time I'll suggest to the Captain that you be left in command. Your challenge will be to see if the fuzzy dice can survive."

Cale let out a raucous laugh. "Sure thing, Melody."

Tuning to Caroline Melody asked "Have you thought about taking the bridge officers test Doc?"

"Not as yet. Its on my to do list one day," Caroline answered. She sat up straighter and addressed Cale with a smile. "We are planting tomorrow, well hopefully in the science lab. I thought I would start with leaves and berries. If I have a good crop I will make some fresh uttaberry and fizo leaf tea with the excess. Its quite beautiful. You both should come round and try the first batch."

"That sounds interesting, I just hope it goes better than the time me and a fellow cadet tried to make our own synthehol in one of the chemistry labs at the academy" Melody smiled at the memory and continued. It turned out to be slightly more......... volatile than we expected. My friend managed to set fire to his eyebrows when we accidently ignited the vapor."

Melody took another drink "What about you Cale, did you get up to anything at the Academy?"

"More than I care to admit. You see I was orphaned at a very early age and became a ward of the state until I turned 18. Needless to say, when I arrived at Starfleet I was little more than a child in a man's skin. I can recount one instance where, on one of my training cruises, I was on the USS Deneva serving as ops officer and one of my fellow cadets and I had reprogrammed the bridge replicators to issue cat food no matter what was ordered.

"Well unbeknownst to me, my 'colleague' had also set me up. He rereprogammed them to sing a little sea shanty in my own voice. So, you can draw one conclusion; Captain Typho was not amused and had me confined to quarters until we returned to Earth and I could be brought before a board of inquiry where my 'co-defendant' and I were both suspended from attending classes in our major field and were required to attend two weeks worth of our least favorite lectures; for me that meant 2 weeks of counseling lectures and symposiums," Llewellyn orated blushing slightly. "Doctor, I believe the bottle has landed on you."

"Well," Caroline said leaning forward. "I wasn't as creative with chemicals and machines as you two that's for sure. However, one wild night I ended up in the arms of a very nice man who 2 weeks later in my second semester turned out to be my professor. It was a little awkward that's for sure. Even worse it turned out when daddy came to visit later they were old friends."

Melody's eyes lit up and she put her face in her hands and leaned forward "Really, go on......... We need specifics you naughty girl"

Caroline looked coy. "I can't give you specifics Melody, you know that."

Cale simply looked at the good doctor and grinned. "You never know about some people, do you?"

Caroline finished her drink and looked at the younger man. "It really all depends of what you want to know. Anyway, " she stood up and looked between them. "I'm going to call it a night. Have fun you two," And with that she was heading out the door with a little wave to the bartender. "Melody try to behave yourself," she said over her shoulder.

"Caroline!" Melody looked daggers at the retreating form of the doctor as her cheeks turned a bright red. She quickly picked up and drained the rest of her drink "Honestly. We might as well have another" she said with a smile, the continued "After what the Captain said in the briefing, I was planning to explore the Jefferies tube network. Thought it might be good exercise, Might be an idea for you to come along. Get to know the lay of the land so to speak."

"Where you go, I will follow, oh Great Mistress of the Helm," Llewellyn said laughing.

Melody raised an eyebrow "I think you've had enough already. Seems like one sniff of the barmaids apron and your mouth runs away with you. Only fly at women at warp speed when they are in visual range" She added with a wink. "Meet me on the bridge tomorrow at 1200. Afterwards, I might let you make me dinner."

Melody stood and intercepted Inu approaching the table with a tray with 2 more drinks. Melody quickly downed both, adding to Inu "No more for this one" Then, turning back to Cale "I'll see you tomorrow" before walking out of the room.

"Not if I see you first, Mel," Cale said with a smile.


Lieutenant JG Melody Jones
Chief flight control officer
USS Merlin

Dr Caroline Miller
CMO, USS Merlin

Inu Kuvos
Bar manager, The Round table bar
NPC Caroline

Lt, jg Cale Llewelleyn
CSciO, USS Merlin


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