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Posted on Tuesday 3 May 2016 @ 00:31 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Commander Caroline Miller

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Ready Room
Timeline: Current
1345 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure


"Welcome aboard Lieutenant," the ships chief smiled at her.

"Thank you chief,"

"I have already transported all your things to your new quarters. The Captain is on board. I can locate him if you want to go report in," he added.

"That would be great," she said in agreement. As excited as she was to see her new sickbay, protocol had to be observed. She waited until he located her new CO.

Word had just come up that the new exec had come aboard and was on his way to security. John had sent Burg down to grab the man and bring him up along with a holo-imager. The Yeoman had looked confused about the second half of the request but to his credit hadn't asked any questions. Barstow chuckled to himself as the comm beeped, "Barstow," he replied simply.

"Sir, Lieutenant Miller has come aboard and would like to meet you."

"Copy that, send her to my Ready Room," he called then stood up and started cleaning the scattered PADDs on his desk up, he couldn't have his senior staff seeing his disorganized-organization of paperwork on the first day.

Caroline had had to use the Computer to send her in the direction of a turbolift. She hadn't quite memorized the layout of the new ship yet. It was a short turbolift ride. She still managed to stumble and nearly knock out a fellow crewman getting into the turbo lift. She had been teased her entire life for her clumsiness. The only time it never came into play was when she was completely in doctor mode. It was the weirdest thing. Stepping out onto the bridge, she took a moment to take it all in. CMO's were allowed on the bridge but rarely got to spend time there.

"Can I help you Lieutenant?" someone asked. Caroline nodded and explained who she was and why she was there. He very helpfully walked her toward the ready room door. Caroline rang the chime and waited for admittance.

"Enter," John called and stood up as the door opened, "Doctor, welcome to the Merlin," he greeted with a smile then motioned to the chair on the other side of the desk, "how was your trip."

She hadn't know what to expect of course, but her new CO it seemed was very tall and very bulky. He looked human but something told her that with that muscle mass, more than likely he wasn't. Caroline smiled what she hoped was a professional smile. "Captain. Thank you. My trip was a few weeks ago actually. I have been on the space dock for a few weeks in-between assignments. I was helping out an old friend from medical school in the stations med bay, covering some shifts." She realized she was still standing, having forgotten the chair already.

Caroline chided herself internally and went and sat at where the man had motioned. She placed her bag down at the side and crossed her legs inside the chair then settled, turned back to give this man, the ships new superior her full attention.

John waited until Miller sat before sitting himself and nodded, "excellent, it sounds like you kept busy," he replied and folded his arms loosely on the desktop and leaning forward, "I looked up a little bit of your research after getting your file, very impressive."

"Flox aid?" Caroline asked. It had to be. It was one of the bigger issues in Starfleet medical right now. A network between select doctors and scientists within the Federation and further. An image of Tolan crossed her mind and she tried to push the memory as far back as she could. She didn't want her new CO to know just how personally affected she was at this. Her failure to save her friend. However the personal and professional investment into it was down on her file for all to see. She couldn't bring herself to thank him for his compliment. It was both a personal and professional mission now, to help find the breakthrough or cure. It was her duty.

Barstow nodded, "aye, that's the one. I only understood a little bit of it, though. So tell me about yourself, besides you work hard," he said with a friendly smile, "something that's not here," he added and gave a slight nod towards the computer.

"I'm clumsy sir," she might as well admit it. He would notice soon enough. The whole senior staff would. She had never been able to hide this. "Not in work. Never in a sickbay. In a sickbay I am precision. Don't ask me why but out of it if I can fall over, or bang into something, knock a drink over. Its odd. Like the universe has to balance out me being a doctor with being a walking accident. You might be safer at any briefings not sitting next to me. Oh and never let me cook. EVER there would be no ship left."

Barstow chuckled and nodded, "so, have damage control on standby if I ever see you with a fry pan, got it," he replied with a wink, "I wouldn't worry to much, Doctor. I served with a Marine who could see to even sit in a chair without tripping over his own feet, but I'll be damned if he wasn't one of the top sharpshooters I'd ever seen."

"Good to know," Caroline quipped. "So what about you captain. Something not on your record? Are we sharing?"

Barstow sat back and chuckled, "well, I'm not your average CO," he started, "I've been told I'm to excentic or to relaxed to be in command by some. I usually shatter peoples impressions of me because my file reads like the good little Marine all squared away, but in all honesty, you should have seen the mess of strewn PADDs before you came in," he added with a laugh, "I'm organized disorganized."

"So the CO lives in organized chaos and the CMO is clumsy," Caroline laughed. "We will be a great team."

"Just don't tell anyone," Barstow replied with a grin then pulled a PADD from the top of a nearby pile and slid it over, "this is the confirmation of your arrival and your quarters assignment, command codes, etcetra. Did you have any other questions?"

"Only when do I expect to see you for your physical Sir?" Caroline said with devious smile as she reached for the passed PADD.

Oh, the comments he had to that, especially with the smile she gave. John couldn't help but smile himself, "I'm sure pretty soon," he said simply, though his face gave away he had many other replies to the question as he reminded himself he had to be good.

The doctor raised an eyebrow surprised. He looked like he was going to say something further but didn't. She had expected the usual "officer resistance". How many excuses had she had over the years???? Well this made things easier. If the Captain was going to play ball and not dodge her then it made it easier to get the rest in sickbay. They could hardly refuse if the Captain himself had, had his medical. The smile was replaced by a warm one at the man before her. "I will hold you to that sir. If I am excused, I will get out of your hair."

"Just no turning my head and cough," he joked then nodded and stood up before extending his hand, "welcome aboard," he added.

She took the hand and shook it. The handshake was steady and strong instilling confidence in her at this man. The ship was in good hands Caroline mused. "Thank you sir." She walked out back onto the bridge completely forgetting her bag.

Barstow saw the bag and went to say something but the doors had already closed. He shook his head and chuckled before walking around the desk and grabbing the bag, moving it over to the corner behind his desk, "now, I wonder if she did that to make sure I went to sickbay...."



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