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Lunch Among the Clouds Pt 1

Posted on Tuesday 6 October 2020 @ 06:32 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal

Mission: Ghost Ship
Location: Holodeck 3
Timeline: MD 4 1400 hours
1887 words - 3.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Grinning and humming to himself, Miles taps his combadge, "Commander Tillatix, are you busy at the moment and have you had lunch yet?"

In the CFCO Office, Sav was busy with shift scheduling. On a large ship like the Merlin, the main task was getting junior Helm officers time on alpha and beta shifts to be under the watchful eye of the Captain and XO. Gamma shift was the time for 'not main' officers and NCO's to command the ship, at least until an emergency came up. She was trying to reconcile a need of three officers to be on the bridge when Mile's call came through.

=^= Commander Rejal, Commander Tillatix here. I'm wrestling with shift scheduling, no I have not had lunch yet, and what did you have in mind?=^= Sav needed a break, some food, and had to catch up with Miles as David had now been added to the mix.

With a mischievous tone to his voice replies, “Come to holodeck 3 and bring your appetite along and I’ll show you what I have in mind...”

=^= ooOOooo *churring*, that sounds interesting Commander. I will just have to take you up on that. Be right there, Tillatix out.=^=

Sav stood up and stretched, then walked over to another officer. "Hey Ensign Reibelt, I'm going to get lunch. I will be back in a while. Here is schedule so far, completed out to two weeks. Thus, if anybody needs to know, they have that. Thanks."

Sav strode out of the area and to a turbolift. Shortly, she was at holodeck 3. She didn't just want to stride in, just in case Miles wasn't fully prepared with whatever he was preparing for them. She hit the Annunciator, "Hey Miles, its me, Sav. Can I come in yet?"

The door slides open to reveal a wide ledge looking into a forest of huge, tall trees. There are some branches, several feet thick, that are close enough to jump over to. Wearing a climbing harness over some civilian clothes, Miles looks at Sav and whistles, "I like a lady in uniform..." blushing hard, Miles turns and looks up at the closest tree, "If we're going to eat lunch while its still warm, we have to climb to the top of this tree. There is a viewing platform with a low wall, seating, and a table which has whatever food Cook made for us. I asked him to make foods we both seem to like based off what we order the most ... mines a mix of Klingon and Cardassian, sorry, some of it may still be moving ... if we get there fast enough. One dish you ordered smells sweet, and Cook wouldn't tell me what it was." Turning back around Miles points and a screened panel appears, "Milady, if thou carest to change thine apparel into something more agreeable to the climbing of trees, there be several outfits behind yon screens, to protect your loveliness from mischevious cardassian eyes..."

Sav churred in light laughter and enjoyment. Miles always found a way to make her feel wanted, and even desired. She headed over to the panel while saying, "Thank you, Daring Sir. Tis a lovely day to sup with company so grand. I twill be right back, fair sir." Sav went behind the panels and put removed her uniform. She was still in underwear which covered more than bikini's did, so she wasn't self conscious. She put on a mid thigh green skort (a skirt with built in shorts), a half top green spandex shirt, and tied her hair into a ponytail. She didn't put on any leggings this time, and left her feet bare. She came around the screen, furred legs, arms, and midriff showing. She grinned at Miles as she said, "Standard climbing gear for me. You likey?"

Miles' eyes get big as he takes her all in, He gets out an "um" before he realizes he is staring, and he looks down at his climbing gear...

Sav came over to give Mile's cheek a quick kiss while at the same time grabbing one of the ropes with a carabiner attached to his climbing harness. She held up the carabiner end as she walked backwards away from Miles, then turned with a run and then a jump onto the tree. Her hand and foot claws extended and bit into the tree 8 ft in the air. She climbed rapidly, easily, her curved claws securing herself firmly to the tree. By relaxing a claw and pulling upwards, the claws would release before the next grab secured that hand or foot once more. She didn't mind going first, didn't mind showing her off her legs, and she was the one to secure Miles anyways. At 50 feet up, she secured the carabiner onto a climbing ring so Miles could begin his ascent. She waved down to him and called out, "Come on up.."

Muttering to himself in Cardassian, Miles leaps over onto the thick breach and then looks up, "This isn't fair you know, I'd rather be watching you than paying attention to this old tree, but here I go ..." he begins moving with some sense of calm upwards towards his girlfriend...

Sav crouched down, her tail moving to wrap around the trunk to the left while her foot claws were set into the trunk, her knees to either side of the trunk. Now part of the flexibility and arrangements of muscles within her legs and torso for her race was explained, she was actually relaxing in that crouch. She began pulling the rope through the ring, helping to keep tension on Miles climbing harness so that he could feel more comfortable climbing. Sav also knew this position 'exposed' her bottom to him. She was in a skort, so modest, but her curves and bottom were there for his delight. She called down, "Don't worry, I've got you, and I hope you are enjoying the view." She blushed at what she just said, but also delighted in that she said it without trepidation.

Looking up, Sav can hear the gulp Miles makes at the view, she can also hear him lightly say, “I’ve enjoyed the view for some time beautiful ... now there’s only about 75’ to the top, where it’ll be my pleasure to show you how much I love the view,” again, Sav can tell Miles is blushing again

Sav is churring lightly. With Miles blushing, and remarking about the view, without any extra lewdness involved, she felt pretty and desirable without anything dark entering her thoughts. She was healing, a slow process from what she had been through, but it was happening. She pulled him up beside her, gave him a gentle kiss upon his lips, and now attached the short rope with carabiner to the climbing ring. She giggled, "Okay, next 50 feet..." She unattached the long rope, verified how she had pulled the rope through the ring, and then began climbing once more. As she climbed, the rope went back through the climbing ring to not be in it when she got to the next. She attached it, relaxed in a crouch once more, then called down to Miles, "Ready again, I'll help you along."

Moving through the limbs of the tree the only noise Miles makes are some “hmphs” as he selects the safest limbs to hold him. Once he’s caught up to Sav he gives he a quick kiss on the end of her nose, then grins, last one to the top has to do dishes...” fiddling with something at his belt, the climbing harness slips off as something begins hum. With a gleam in his eyes his kisses Sav on the nose again, and pushes himself up and off the tree branch he’d been resting on. The anti-grav belt he was wearing made him lighter and he was soon scurrying up the tree.

Sav's eyes went wide when he deliberately removed his harness. Forgotten was this was a holodeck with safety protocols, what Miles just did was very reckless. But then the hum and his actions broke her out of her shock. The rascal had been wearing an anti-grav belt the entire time. She growled lightly as his words caught up to her, 'last one up does dishes'. She hollers out, "I'm going to bean you when I catch you..." Now it was her turn to ignore that she was helping someone as she began climbing at a rapid pace through the tree limbs. She also ran out a bit to start using the sway motion of the branches to help her jump between them. Still, as they were only 25 ft from the top, Miles got there first, with Sav close behind. However, as she came over the lip of the platform, she smacked a hand across his buns, saying, "There, consider yourself beaned."

Once Sav is on the platform, Miles tentatively reaches out and runs his hands down the sides of Sav's skort while looking her in the eyes, "Consider me properly chastised my beautiful lunch date. I'd like to kiss you, would that be acceptable before lunch?"

Sav churred, shifting her hips slightly while putting her arms around his waist. She grinned and replied, "I would like that dessert before lunch." She leaned up with muzzle puckered, eyes closed.

Almost humming, Miles slides one hand up to the middle of Sav's back, the other plays along the edge of her outer leg and lovely buttox. He begins gently, moving upwards in intensity hesitantly, not wanting to scare or push Sav away ...

Sav felt a chill and thrill as Miles explores her outer leg and curvy behind. She can tell he is exploring, but not trying for her intimate bits, making the sensation even more thrilling. A large churr/purr comes from her chest as she presses into his body, loving the hardness of a muscles lying within. She whispers, "Grab, knead, enjoy the feel, but stay outside of the vulnerable... This is helping, a lot." She reaches a hand down to grab onto one of his buttocks cheeks, then kneads to feel the muscle within, as well as excite her date. She shivers in excitement, daring, and slight fright of what could happen.

As he leans in to kiss her, his other hand slides down to her other butt cheek, mimicking what his other hand is doing. His kiss is long, starting out soft, then if she doesn't pull back, moving into exploring and a little harder

She seems to melt into him, her muzzle turning a little to explore deeper. Her mouth opens up, her tongue now trysting with his, then she pulls back for a moment to whisper, "Careful of my front teeth..." She returns to exploring. Her front teeth, six upper and six lower, instead of the 'normal two', are like spears, with the ends being pointy and thin, like a large hypodermic needle. Without care around them, it would be easy to pierce through skin, or fur.

After several minutes, Miles suddenly breaks off their kissing, he's blushing furiously, and looking down at the front of his outfit ... Sav can clearly see he is 'very happy' about their kissing and hugging and touching, almost embarrassed, he huskily says, "Maybe we should take a break and eat something...."


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