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Posted on Friday 6 November 2020 @ 13:27 by Captain Melody Jones & Captain Hans Andersson & Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal & Major David Scarlet & Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Commander Luke Springfield
Edited on on Wednesday 6 October 2021 @ 20:51

Mission: A Whale of a problem (We're going to need a bigger boat)
Location: The planet surface / USS Merlin / USS Darwin
Timeline: MD 6 1800
2831 words - 5.7 OF Standard Post Measure


The Planets surface

Melody's eyes slowly fluttered open. All the pods had disintegrated and the away team and the crew of the Darwin were slowly coming round. The Pod containing the Darwin had gone. The diplomatic officers that had come down with a medical team were scanning the waking crew members.

Sav gently moved, stretched, then blinked open her eyes. She wasn't truly 'feeling' her body yet, so she just moved about till she could feel like she could sit up, then stand up. She knew what it was like to immerse yourself for a while, the mind had to acclimate to the body once more.

Caroline sat up groggily and looked at her feet. "Wiggle your big toe," she told herself determined to work out that this was now reality.

Capterain Andersson stood up slowly, still getting his bearings. He spotted his XO. "Commander Springfield, do a head count. Make sure we're all here."

"Aye Captain, once I remember how to use my legs. It's been a century since I had to walk on my own, they're being a tad stubborn." He joked, trying to pull himself up off the floor.

He suddenly spotted Melody and the other members of the Merlin away team. He came over. "Commander Jones. It's good to meet you finally in the real world. Thank's for coming to get us out." He extended his hand which Melody took, giving it a firm shake.

"Don't mention it Captain. Glad we could be...." She suddenly stopped as she noticed something. "Excuse me." She quickly ran over to the body of Sansa who hadn't woken up yet. She shook her shoulder gently. "Sansa! Doctor over here!"

Sav heard 'Sansa' and 'Doc' from Melody and so she rolled over, pushed up, and made sure to get her bearings before rushing over to check up on her Friend and Daughter.

Nir'anyar had been one of the first to enter the cave, something about it unnerved the Benzite but she had heard a call for a Doctor and quickly increased her pace. She pulled herself up and over a rocky out cropping with ease and swiftly over to the downed girl. She pulled out her tricorder, still very much feeling the unease of being in a cave and she could only pin it to her time in a Romulan mine on Remus, she began to run a scan of the girl.

"Did anyone see anything... Some indication would help me build a diagnosis?" she asked firmly as the readings on the tricorder made simply no sense.

Kyhl sat up and quickly came to herself as she heard the call for a doctor. Her legs were still wobbly, but she made her way over and knelt down next to Sansa. "Give some room please."

Caroline convinced she was back in her body stood up slowly and followed them.

"We don't know what they did to her after we agreed to her being a carrier..." Hayley began, looking down at Sansa's unconscious form, concern etched in her face.

"Considering their other bright ideas..." Kyhl muttered under her breath as she continued to examine the unconscious girl. Pulse seemed fine, so did breathing.

"The neurological readings are highly irregular Doctor!" Nir'anyar offered, turning the tricorder in such a way that her direct superior was the only other person able to see the readout display.

Suddenly Sansa's eyes opened and Melody jumped slightly as Sansa's iris's were now purple and shining slightly. When she spoke her voice was deeper and had an odd echo to it. "Your concern is unnecessary Melody. Your daughter is quite alright."

"Fay?" Melody asked cautiously.

She nodded. "You'll have to excuse me, I'm still getting used to this body." She let Melody and Godding help her to her feet. She stood for a moment looking at her hands, turning them through various positions.

"Can I speak to my daughter, just to make sure she's alright?" Melody asked, tentatively

"Of course" Fay replied. She closed her eyes a moment and when they opened again her eyes were back to normal. "I'm fine Mom. This is so cool." Sansa said in her normal voice. "Fay seems really kind but she's feeling a bit sad at the moment, probably missing Tann."

"You know her thoughts? Can you tell if there's anything we should be concerned about?" Melody worded the question very carefully.

"Not that I can tell. When she's in charge I can see and hear everything." She laughed for a moment "My voice sounds well sexy." She blinked and said. "She wants to come back now..." Sansa closed her eyes again and when they reopened, the purple sparkle had re-appeared.

Melody sighed "Her father is not going to be happy about this." Then slightly louder "We'll have to have a talk when we get back to the ship."

Ensign Caplan came over. "Captain. We've given the Darwin crew a once over. Everybody seems in remarkable good health. There are enough shuttles standing by outside to take them all back to Merlin for a full checkup.

"Thank you Ensign." Melody said, then asked "How long has it been?"

"Just under 9 hours Captain."

"Only 9 hours?" Melody replied astonished. "It felt like we were in there for days. Let's get everyone back to the Merlin. Captain Anderson and his XO will come with us in the runabout. Lieutenant Godding, can you brief those who are staying what to expect before they enter the Etheria, and when you've finished, call the ship. We'll remain in orbit. Come with us Fay. Let's move people"

Ensign Caplan frowned at the Captain calling her daughter by a different name, but knew better than to draw attention to it and simply responded "Aye Sir."

Fay, was looking at Hayley with a curious expression responded. "As you wish."

The entire exchange had been so cold for Hayley, almost as if she hadn't been standing right there. Everyone had almost completely forgotten she'd existed, yet right there, the person she loved most in the entire galaxy had changed into a completely different person. Why had Melody singled her out to talk to the diplomatic team when nearly anyone else could've done it? Commander Miller would've probably been better for preparing them psychologically. Commander Save'ena was probably better suited for preparing anyone for a mind-scape, yet Melody had singled her out to stay. Why?

"Yes Captain." Hayley said, trying very hard to put on a brave face and not tinge her speech with the anger and emotional turmoil she was feeling right now. Her animosity towards the Megapteraians was quite tangible at the moment, yet at the same time, she could feel strong emotions towards Fay, feelings of love, friendship, admiration, respect and longing - feelings not her own, which were conflicting with her own of anger, resentment, hostility. Her own feelings of betrayal by both Sansa and Melody were acute, but somehow diluted by the other internal conflicts within.

Sav had moved up to the group earlier but had stayed in the background and just listened. It seemed that the two daughters were getting at home with each other, and Melody had taken charge of the situation. She at first was puzzled by Melody having Hayley stay there to brief the away team about entering the mindscape instead of her, but then she realized that as a Mephetian, her 'entering of mindscape and use' would be different than a Terrans, and most humanoids, entering and use of the mindscape. After all, most were not psionic with a differing, supportive brain structure, as she was.

Sav moved to leave the cave and head to the Runabout Percival to check its status and start the preflight check to prepare to start shuttling people between the surface of the planet and the Merlin. The Danube runabouts on the Merlin were named after the Ladies and Knights of the Arthurian Court.

Melody and the away team, with Captain Anderson and Commander Springfield made their way out of the caves back to the runabout. Andersson let out a whistle of respect. "That look like one high powered shuttlecraft."

Sav looked back at those entering the standard configured runabout with its one medi-station bay and transporter platform, besides seats with engine room in back. She gave Melody a thumbs up for all checks go.

"You've not seen anything yet." Melody smiled as they all took their seats. Fay seemed unimpressed. To her, it was just another machine.

"Take us home Commander." Melody said to Sav as she sat down next to Fay. She looked at her with mixed emotions. She was still her daughter and yet now, she was someone else as well.

Sav churred, happy to once again get into her element, flying with her companions. "Aye Aye, Captain. Taking off."

The Runabout shifted up, its internal gravity and inertial dampers activating, while to those looking at it, it described an arc upwards going upside down, yet shifting onto course with a half barrel roll all the time accelerating while dodging around the landscape with ease, yet while missing nearby objects by centimeters.

Fay's eyes went wide and her hands gripped the seat harder as the runabout took off. Despite herself, Melody offered a comforting smile and placed her hand on Fay's. "It's ok. You're perfectly safe."

For an instant, Fay looked at her just as Sansa did when Melody had reassured her in the past. Then her expression changed as she stared out of the window.

Captain Anderson was studying the helm layout in great detail, as well as the pilot. "I'm sorry, I've never met one of your race before."

Sav's right hand was running over the controls, even as her left hand was gently touching a panel, while some other controls seemed to be activating of their own. She glanced up at Captain Anderson, her eyes seeming distance, and replied, "Greetings and Salutations Sir, Ah ama Mephetian. T'ey ara from t'e L'Tahndrey Protectorate, but meun fahmily immigrated tah Apollonia where Ah was born. So, Ah ama Fed Citizen, just ofa minority Race. Ana, look outside, tis yerun ship, ayuh."

He looked up and caught sight of the USS Darwin in orbit. "Hello there beautiful. She looks just like I remember her." His mouth dropped open as the Merlin came into view. "My God! Springfield! Look at the size of their ship!"

Luke was in awe of the size of the Merlin, considering that even as they'd left, the biggest ship Starfleet had laid down was the vaunted Excelsior which was bigger than their own Constitution class, but Merlin was ten-fold bigger than even that. That being said, he had a certain degree of professional pride to uphold. "Ehh... its not the size that matters, its how you use it." He smirked, giving Melody a playful wink. "Besides, don't you think Starfleet is overcompensating somewhat by putting nacelles on a starbase and calling it a starship?"

Sav kind of followed, kind of did not. She murred out, "Merlin tis also ah Carrier asa well." She asked Melody, "Captain Jones, should Ah do ah flyby ofa Merlin?"

"I don't see why not. Could do with a quick visual inspection to make sure there's no permanent damage to the hull." Melody replied, "Just let them know what we're doing and have the main shuttle bay ready for our arrival."

"Aye Aye, Sir," Sav replied and a communication circuit lit up. =^= USS Merlin, Runabout USS Percival, Captain Melody Jones presiding. We are going to do a visual inspection circuit of the Merlin, then come aboard. Please let the flight deck know.=^=

The Lt. j.g. at the Space Control Holosystem answered the USS Percival. =^= Runabout Percival, Flight Controller on Watch, understood. The current EVA crew has been informed of your intent. When finished, contact the Merlin again for docking. Flight Control out.=^=

Melody turned back to Andersson. "The Merlin is an Excalibur class ship. Over 860 meters long with 40 decks and a full complement of Marines. A maximum speed of warp 9.9. I think you'll find there been a lot of changes you need to catch up on."

Andersson let out another low whistle of respect. "I take it the Klingon peace talks fell through."

"Actually, the Federation and Klingon empires are allies and have been for over 90 years. Apart from a small skirmish before the Dominion war broke out."

He looked at her confused. "The who? What war?"

While the Captain's were talking, Sav took the Percival in a swooping path from down low front, up along the left side, across the back nacelles, then shifting to curve down and up along the left side nacelle, the main hull, then up along the Saucer, then back front and over the main saucer, down between the nacelles and over the main hull, and down to behind the Merlin to slowly spin while flying aft to always keep the Merlin in view.

Melody took a deep breath. "A race of shapeshifters from the Gamma quadrant. They came through the Bajoran wormhole. Not to mention the Borg attacks, the destruction of Romulus, the..." Her voice trialled off as she saw the look of absolute shock on his face. "As I said, a lot to catch up."

He nodded slowly. "I think I'll sit down for a moment." He went into the aft cabin.

Hans entered the aft cabin and saw Caroline sat by herself. They hadn't spoken much more in the Etheria and not at all on the planet's surface. He approached her and gestured to the empty seat next to her "May I?"

Caroline nodded quietly. This was a bit surreal.

"Captain Jones says there's a lot we need to catch up on and I think we need to catch up as well. I'd like to get to know you if you're willing."

"I'm happy to help you acclimatize to this time of course. I know you believe I'm family but I really would like to get my Great grandmother to confirm that first. Errrm why don't you get settled and I can organize to speak to her via subspace," she offered. "She is very old now though. Still has all her faculties though," she smiled at him.

Back in the cockpit, Melody turned her attention back to the forward window "Maybe a bit too much all at once." She muttered to herself. "The hull looks good. That's some nice flying Sav. When you're ready, take us in Commander."

Sav churred gently as she replied, "Thank you, Sir. Contacting flight control now." =^= USS Merlin Flight Deck, USS Percival, ready to come aboard.=^=

Miles's voice comes over the comm, "Welcome back Commander Tillatix, we're glad to have you back home. Do you require medical teams at your location?"

=^= Glad to be back, XO, sir.=^= She glanced back at the USS Darwin crew on board. That they had been in 'stasis' for over 100 years, =^= Affirmative, XO. Please inform the Docs We have some of the crew of the USS Darwin on board. They are needing checked over, as well as a couple of the Merlin Crew for extenuating Circumstances. USS Percival out.=^=

Sav churred loudly now, a mischievous grin on her face. The runabout thrust forward at a high speed to enter the Shuttle bay. It performed a spin flip maneuver at a 45 degree arc, going over to its maintenance spot while threading other vessels having come in from doing hull inspections, and then landing down on a dime facing aft and towards the Shuttle Bay doors, ready for its next mission once maintenance was complete. As for the flight deck, they were prepared for this as this was the signature move of Commander Tillatix when landing a shuttle.

The runabout systems showed going into shutdown as the side door opened. Sav called out, "Captain Jones, Runabout Percival docked and secured. Debark when desired, Sir, and guests."

"I think we should all drop by sickbay just to make sure we're ok and Fay, I'd like the Doctor to have a look at you, to make sure everything is ok with Sansa."

Fay nodded "As you wish."

Kyhl glanced at Sansa and then to Captain Jones before nodding. She was holding it together really well considering what had happened and was continuing to happen to her daughter the Andorian doctor thought to herself. She'd make sure to mention to Miller that that entire family should be scheduled for counselling to make sure they continued to deal accordingly.

Melody continued "Once that's done if you'll join me, Captain Anderson, we'll go and debrief the XO. The rest of you can get some rest."

Sav stood up and stretched. She waited for all guests to debark, then exited herself. She thought about going by sickbay, but as she was very tired, and Melody had said a magical word, 'rest', she decided to go to her quarters for a nap, then head to sickbay, and after that, a small meal, hopefully with Miles.



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