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Catching up with the family

Posted on Tuesday 5 January 2021 @ 21:36 by Captain Melody Jones & Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones & Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding & Lieutenant Ricardo Draxx

Mission: Homeward
Location: Rome Transit Station
Timeline: MD7 1800 Local Time
1599 words - 3.2 OF Standard Post Measure


===Rome transit hub===

Melody was stood waiting for the Runabout to land. Draxx was back at the restaurant, helping to prepare dinner. She had changed into a casual dress as the weather in Rome was beautiful, despite the time of year.

The Runabout landed and the hatch opened, out first was Sansa who ran into Melody's waiting arms. "Hi Mom, I missed you so much."

Melody smiled "It's only been a day Sweetie." She said casting a curious glace to Hayley. "Has something happened?"

"Something..." Sansa said, not wanting to go into it. "How's the baby?" She asked changing the subject.

"It's babies..." Melody corrected "There are twins in there. They're both fine. I'm always hungry though."

Sansa let out a huge squeal before hugging Melody again. "Aww mom, that's wonderful. Did you hear that Hayley, Twins!"

Being the last one out of the craft, Hayley made sure to secure it and lock down the computer to prevent 'misappropriation' of the vessel. She came out the midship doorway just in time for the squealing of a young excited girl. "Well Well." She said. "Double the trouble but twice the fun." She smiled softly, still wearing the same clothes she'd thrown on that morning, slightly singed in places from the entrance to the lab. "Congratulations Captain."

She pointedly ignored the look that Melody gave in relation to the question of 'something happened', aware that for all of Sansa's reassurances, there was a very real chance that Melody or Ricardo might be angry at her over it. After all, deep down, she was angry at herself over it. How could she bring Sansa somewhere that put her in danger?! How could she not have seen it?! She'd been right there! Right in the room and he'd still taken her!

Melody gestured to Hayley to join in on the hug. "Come here you, you're part of the family now."

There was a brief hesitation since Melody was still her commanding officer, even if she was her girlfriend's mother. Something resonated with her however at the mention of 'part of the family now', which made her feel warm and wanted for the first time in a very long time. Despite her sisters, who always were warm and affectionate towards her, she'd had a very cold and detached relationship with her own parents. She moved into the embrace cautiously, the guilt of her feelings over what happened causing her to be defensive.

Melody could tell that Hayley was holding something back but for now, she was just glad to have them both here. "Come on you two, the restaurant is only a short walk from here. You can tell me everything that happened."

Hayley looked over at Sansa, seeking reassurance that whatever happened next, she'd be supportive.

Sansa caught Hayley’s look and smiled. “Well, it turns out that Hayley brother wasn't quite the gentleman I thought he was.”

Melody frowned. “Oh really? What exactly happened?”

"Well ma'am, I'm not sure how best to explain it." Hayley said, honestly. "I suppose I'm going to have to since both Sansa and I are going to need to give statements to the Federation Police and likely Starfleet Security..."

Melody looked back and forth we between the two of them, recognising something very serious had happened. “Go on...”

Taking the plunge, Hayley explained everything that had happened from her perspective, from who Luke was, to his unusual interest in Sansa, to the abduction and eventual recovery of Sansa. She explained it in an official capacity as if reciting a report to her commanding officer, keeping personal thoughts, opinions and feelings out of it. All the while, she held Sansa's hand tightly for the emotional support and warmth it gave her.

Melody’s lips thinned as Hayley told the story. When she had finished she reached over and squeezed Sansa’s hand. “Oh my sweet child, you’re sure you’re ok?

“Yes Mom, Hayley was fantastic. You should have seen her. She saved me before Luke could do anything.”

Melody looked at Hayley warmly. “Thank you Hayley. I take it Luke has been detained by the authorities?”

"Yes ma'am." Hayley replied. "He claims the charges won't stick, but I don't see how he can get out of it. Kidnapping, Assault, Unlawful detention not to mention possession of a Romulan Mind Probe, which he admitted to having in front of a witness."

"Well, If Draxx gets hold of him....." Melody left the thought unfinished as they arrived at the restaurant owned by Draxx's cousin.

As they entered, Melody called out to Draxx whom they could see in the open plan kitchen. "Look who I've found."

"Hey Mel," Draxx said having already had a glass of wine while helping cook. He shook his pan, checking it was safe and walked around kissing her. "Sweetheart," he moved round to Sansa and kissed her cheek. "Hayley," he held a hand out. Not quite comfortable with bestowing a kiss there.

"Mister Draxx." She replied, accepting the hand and shaking it firmly. Well, at least he was calling her by her name. That was a start. Acceptance would be won slowly but surely.

"Benvenuto benvenuto ..." A heavier and older man headed there direction. "Ricky your lovely family in the flesh?"

Draxx grinned clearly very comfortable with this man. "Roger, you have spoken to them over subspace but yes my beautiful girls - Melody and Sansa. And her girlfriend Hayley."

Roger pretty much engulfed all of them in a bear hug each kissing both cheeks. "Come come. Sit down. Ricky, get that pan," he indicated something that was starting to burn.

It had been somewhat bizarre to be grabbed by this huge man and be kissed on both cheeks in a very familiar fashion. Taking her cue, she sat down at the table beside Sansa. "I've never actually been in an authentic Italian restaurant before..."

"Well my dear, we are going to spoil you all this evening. I have been waiting forever to meet my cousin's lovely family. And Draxx said you had some lovely news to share too. Let's get everyone drinks and then some food on the table. Is there anything in particular you want to try?" he asked the whole table.

Draxx meanwhile plated what he was making and disappeared into the tables. "I put him to work," Roger laughed at Melody. "He has not lost his skills. Only broken one plate so far."

"Everything looks wonderful," Melody said. "You're too kind Roger."

Hayley meanwhile was looking at the menu with a blank expression. She leaned in close to Sansa and whispered; "I don't understand what any of this is... help..."

Sansa squeezed her hand and smiled at her. "Oh Sweetie, it's ok. From what dad tells me, they'll just bring out many plates of various things and you just help yourself. There's normally a couple of pizzas and pasta dishes as well. Just follow my lead, ok?"

"Okay." Hayley said, smiling at Sansa with a feeling of unease yet warmth.

"Its a smorgasbord of the whole menu if you want," Draxx said returning back. "I think we should get some of that truffle pasta. Let them try that. It's delicious."

"Well, it can't be any worse than Sansa's attempt at cooking gazpacho..." Hayley smirked, giving Sansa a knowing look as she reminded her of the near disaster that Hayley had come home to one night.

Draxx knocked back a sip of wine. "Yes, you weren't blessed with your mums cooking skills were you sweetheart?" He chuckled. "At least you got and surpassed your dads fishing ones."

Sansa smiled. “And like you, I managed to get the best looking woman.” she said and gave Hayley’s hand a squeeze under the table.

Blushing, Hayley looked away. "Stop it Sansa, you're embarrassing me in front of everyone..." Secretly, she was revelling in the flattery from someone she considered the best looking woman in the known universe.

"Quite," he said simply as he got up to help his cousin ferry over some platters of dishes.

Melody was eyeing all the food that Draxx was setting out and her tummy rumbled loudly. She was having to restrain herself from diving right in as she was feeling particularly ravenous at the moment. She looked up at Draxx with pleading eyes, almost willing him to catch on. "Is everything ready?" She asked, not trying to sound like she was preverbally banning her plate on the table demanding food.

"Just dive in Red. Can't have you and the boys going hungry now can we?"

There was a whirlwind of movement and before Draxx had even finished speaking, Melody had a full plate in front of her. Even Sansa looked impressed.

“Erm... Hungry are we mom?” Sansa asked as she put together a plate for Hayley and then one of herself. “Here you go Sweetie. I'd tuck in before mom eats it all.”

Melody shot her a look but smiled as she dove into some pasta.

Looking over at Melody demolishing her plate, she couldn't help but smile. "Yanno, maybe since she's eating for three, we should cut her some slack? All the same, I think I'll take your advice and eat my dinner before she eats it for me..."


●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

○●● Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Ricardo Draxx
Assistant Operations Officer
USS Merlin

Sansa Draxx-Jones


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