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Safe Among The Trees

Posted on Thursday 7 January 2021 @ 02:26 by Lieutenant Marbim Rejal & Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix

Mission: A Whale of a problem (We're going to need a bigger boat)
Location: Northern Ireland
Timeline: Shore Leave/R&R Day 1
2200 words - 4.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Once done with giving Mathis and Sansa/Fay the tour, Miles walks Sav back to her room. Leaning in he gives her a deep, long kiss. Then looks into her eyes, "You better go pack, clothes for climbing, clothes for walking through trees and flowers, clothes for dancing, and something to swim in, and maybe something to wear for something else."

He didn’t tell her anything else, immediately opened up communications with the L’Tandrey Protectorate Embassy.

Sav was surprised by this. She had been given a hotel suite code in San Francisco for a Hotel and wasn't really expecting much but tourism in that city. She giggled as she turned to her bedroom to start packing. However, as she did, she found Miles at her Diplomatic Comms. Curious, she looked over at him, unconsciously bringing her ears forward towards him.

Once Miles realized Sav was eavesdropping on his conversation he erected a force field around himself while mischievously grinning at her.

Sav churr-giggled to herself. She realized that Miles must have plans for their stay, and being in the *Generic* San Fran area wasn't one of them. She occupied herself with her clothing, plus some extra tantalizing tidbits for Miles enjoyment... as well as her own. She was trying to keep pushing her boundaries, and learning to fully trust again, especially as Miles was giving her room to do just that, grow into trust with him.

An hour later, Miles met Sav at the transporter pad, still grinning, and not giving anything away. Looking over he nods, “Engage Ensign.”

A large, see-through bubble is the first thing they both see. It stretches a good 50’ in the air above them and stretches out a good 100’ around them. The suite is beautifully decorated and includes an inground pool and hot tub. Several large trees are growing from inside the suite and stretch high above the canopy around them.

Looking around, Sav realizes she is surrounded by a forest. Trees, flowers, birds, delicately shaped bushes, all tantalize the eyes. It takes her a bit to realize that this is real, this is a large forest, this is for enjoyment of nature and of bonding with another. She squeals out in joy, almost bouncing about saying to Miles, "I LOVE IT!!!" She pauses, "How did you... never mind... it is ours.. love." She gives him a quick nip and kiss on his right neck ridge.

Both almost miss the ‘butler’, a flame red-haired young woman. She’s wearing a uniform of the Lough Erne Resort. Once both Miles and Sav see her, she approaches them, “My name is Layla, I am your valet, butler, and concierge for your stay. My comm code has been tied to your communicators, or, if you use the rope pull over by the bed, I can transport in to fulfill your needs. Your belongings have been unpacked and the bed turned down. The hot tub is ready for use, as is the pool. Tonight’s menu will be available in a few hours as our chef finishes his shopping before providing it to the guests, or I can transport you into town where there are several small restaurants and pubs. Do you have any questions for me?”

Sav's eyes are round even as her mouth is open. This is... this is.. a personal Concierge? She doesn't deserve such treatment, she... she glances at Miles. But, Miles does. He has accepted her, despite her past, despite her not having her hymen for him... and he only wants to do the best for her... dammit, he deserves this. She smiled to Layla and churred, "Hiya Layla. I'm Save'ena Tillatix, this is my beau Marbin Rejal, but please, call us Miles and Sav. My Beau deserves everything you can do for us, for that, I am grateful. So, tonight's menu with the Chef is fine. On the hot tub.. um, can it wait? I would really love to explore the forest a bit... umm, if that is allowed." Sav scrunched her face, then asked, as gently as she could, "Do you have a levitate belt for my Beau? Umm, I am tree dwelling, but he isn't, and I don't want a hair on his head mussed as I enjoy exploring." She curtsied to Layla and continued, "If that is okay and allowed, of course."

Before Layla can reply, Miles clears his throat, "That won't be needed. I have real climbing gear allowable according to the resort's rules." Blushing he looks at Sav, "I've been practicing. Of course I do get easily distracted when I'm around you."

Sav snorted out a barely kept laugh while she shoulder bumped against him. For some reason, it pleased her greatly that he said this, out loud, in front of another lady. It made her feel, yummy and wanted.

Layla lightly laughed, "You two are cute. Thank you for checking with the Resort's policies, many who visit do not. I do need to run into the Resort Proper and check in with the Chef. Again, if you need anything, please feel free to reach out to me."

Sav churred and replied, "Sure thing, go ahead. Since mah Beau knows t'e rules, he'll keep in line, ayuh." She watched Layla leave in a sparkle of motes, and then she turned to Miles with a reproachful look, "Practicing? Without me? Letting other ladies watch yer yummy, strong compact, delicious body without me?" She broke down churr-giggling then, and finally said, "Thanks fer that, Beau." She took two steps towards the outdoor terrace without realizing as she asked, "So, where is the climbing gear stashed? And, any safety equipment I have to pretend to wear for my safety?"

Stepping out next to his love, Miles looked up and sighed. "You don't have to wear anything if you don't want to. Of course, I may have some issues if I'm looking up for too long. The approved climbing gear I have stashed in that bin by the edge of the tree line." Leaning over and running his left hand down Sav's side, he stops at the swell of her hip. "I had the computer simulate your climbing style and your body, so in essence, I was climbing with you guiding me my love. The Resort's equipment is a mix of rappelling gear and anti-grav micro-boosters - mainly to keep us 'klutzier guests' from hurting ourselves."

Sav's brow furrowed at his sigh. She giggled, even as she unconsciously swiveled her hip to be more pronounced for Miles to feel under his hand... which was a change from her usual swing away. "Love, honey, please, no need to sigh... I will wear what you want to feel satisfied with my safety. I don't want to worry you, even though it really is unnecessary for me, but I will wear it, honest." She put her hand on his, then brought it a little behind onto the swell of her buttocks, saying, "See? Climbing Glutes... but don't offer to feel them up by your friends, they are only yours, mmm'kay?" She laughed at this, enjoying flirting with her Beau, not realizing she had overcome some issues Miles had been blocked by in the past. "Now, get dressed, and help me into what I need, please? I want to experience my natural habitat with my future husband, it is ours, for as much as you can accept."

Miles easily lifts Sav up and spins her around and lightly sets her down. Grinning he takes his shirt off and hands it to her, "I won't be needing this, I've replicated a sleeveless climbing outfit that seems to keep my parts safe from the troublesome trees." While he has her eyes caught he slips out of his pants to show off his snazzy Starfleet athletic boxers.

Sav whistled when Miles removed his shirt. She raised an eyebrow at the pants, but then broke down into a churr-giggle at seeing the Starfleet Boxers. She remarked, "Wow, I guess it's true. Once Starfleet, always Starfleet. Just, what's inside is mine after our marriage, right?" Sav, herself, was already in stretching leggings, skort, breathable but torso hugging sleeveless shirt, special fiber weave inside for supporting her 'puppies'. She had even seen a t-shirt in a store in San Fran with pictures of coon puppies where the breasts would be protruding from the chest. She almost bought it, then decided not too.

Miles steps over his pile of clothes and slides his hands around Sav's waist, his thumbs making small circles as he slides his hands up towards her 'puppies'. "Yes. You have captured my heart, what I have is yours. I hope to show you this soon." Placing a light kiss on each 'puppy' he dances away to throw his climbing outfit on, rugged but form fitting knee length shorts and a sleeveless shirt made of the same material. He also has a five point harness attached to a heavy belt that's strapped around his waist.

Sav churred and blushed lightly at Miles attentions, but she didn't startle or pull away. She 'mmmed' in appreciation as Miles dressed, then said 'awww' as the 'show' was over. She reached out to take his hand and lead him to the balcony where a large tree limb provided the initial ingress into the tree road for their adventure. She lightly jumps out onto the limb, her feet climbing claws already procuring purchase. She helps Miles onto the wide, easily traversed 'tree road' limb.

She now whispers, "Miles, hey... no mesh.." With that, she leaps backwards in a flip and goes down to the next limb, catching it with her back claws as she crouches forwards and gets that limb with her front claws. A slight move forward and she is standing on that limb, except she shift and jumps, leaping to another near limb, then jumps again to catch the trunk on the far side of Miles branch, only then to leap out and in to land on the ingress limb and to skip up to Miles stop, then gently gather him into a hug. She smiles up at him and stated, "Ah enjoyed t'at, ayuh. Yah Likey?"

"Wow, all I can say is wow." Hugging Sav back he looks up the tree, "Well I don't think I can do all that, but let's see what I've learned." He does jump to the next branch up, assisted by minor 'bursts' from the anti-grav unit he is wearing. Grinning he looked down at Sav, "That wasn't so far up are we going?"

Sav does a light jump up, catching the underside of the branch Miles was on with her hand claws, then swinging up to semi somersault onto his branch next to him, landing upright and next to him. She leans up to kiss his nose, then says, "Oh, to the branches that can bare our weight, but no further. About another 15 meters. Then we can sit in a branch fork to enjoy seeing the surroundings as I cuddle into your arms and lap. Sound like a plan?"

Miles looked up the tree then at Sav "Sure, that sounds great. Ok, you lead off and I'll follow my love."

Sav walked closer to the trunk, then leapt across a short space to another limb that was growing upwards. She moved out and up along it till she came across another limb that was growing down from another tree. Leaping onto it, she followed it going upwards towards its trunk, and then she leapt across a short gap to another upward going limb. She would glance behind her to make sure Miles was following ok. After about 25 minutes, she reached a Y branch near the top of a trunk that was higher than several surrounding trees. Just below that Y was another branch close enough to rest feet on. She had found a good cuddle spot. She waited for Miles to catch up. Giving him a kiss, she said, "Here, sit here at the Wye."

Miles grinned, though he was breathing a bit heavy, "Yes dear. I guess I better get used to saying that hmmm." Once seated he waited with open arms for his love.

Sav now sat on the right side branch of the wye, her legs over Miles legs with her feet on the other side. She leaned into Miles chest, churring, as she placed his arms around her. Out in front of them could be seen the tops of trees, with a giant sticking out here and there. Birds were flitting about, a couple of clouds were chasing each other in the sky, and the sun was away from them but showing off the splendor of the top of the forest. Sighing, Sav said in a quiet, lilting voice, "Tis nice, my love, tis nice."

"Yes, whoever would have thought I'd be this far off the ground on purpose. It is a beautiful view, including the landscape around us..."


●●● Save'ena Tillatix
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Merlin

○●● Lieutenant Commander Marbim Rejal
Executive Officer

USS Merlin


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