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New Arrival

Posted on Friday 30 September 2016 @ 04:49 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Captain Melody Jones & Lieutenant JG Martin Landau

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Osiris/Merlin
Timeline: MD8
1356 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure


The Osiris dropped out of warp in the nearby system noting the Merlin out the window off in the distance. Martin was excited at the prospect of a position and for life on the old gal. The Comms lit up as Martin grabbed the bags and headed for the transporter room.

On the Merlin Bridge the ensign at tactical reported to Melody who was currently in command "Sir, we are being hailed"

"Open a channel"

"Merlin this is Osiris"
"Go ahead Osiris"
"Passenger to beam over"
"Go ahead Osiris"

Melody turned and as she headed for the turbolift "You have the bridge, I'll be in transporter room 1"

Martin entered the transporter room with the wheeled bag the duffle bag satchel still wearing his old diplomatic jacket with the correct uniform under it and stepped on to the transporter

"Osiris to Merlin one to beam over"

Melody walked into the transporter room and turned to the ensign on duty "Have we received Lieutenant Landau's transfer orders"

The ensign check his panel "Yes sir, we are standing by"

Melody smiled "By all means, bring him aboard"

Martin spoke to the XO before signaling the crewman to initialize " Tell your captain I'm not a passenger, I'm crew. He should get his facts right or don't command a ship". The XO looked puzzled as he signaled the transporter chief to basically make me bugger off! Somehow, Martin had pissed him off.
He stood there clutching the handle of the wheeled bag with the faded office of the commander in chief seal the navy blue duffle bag and the brown satchel around him and watched as the blue light of the transporter beam buzzed. Around him the Osiris faded while the sights of the Excalibur class transporter room started to materialize.

Landau was still wearing the diplomatics jacket of purple division colours over a yellow uniform and the bags. As the room started to come into focus, a face also started to appear of a female. Possibly an important crew member or the commanding officer herself perhaps. The transporter came to a stop as the room was now in full view, he noticed the young woman standing there with red department colours on the uniform looking quite puzzled at me in my purple uniform and at the amount of bags. He thought 'that's what you get for serving in all the positions you did.'

Melody raised an eyebrow as she looked at the vast array of bags. She thought to herself 'He doesn't travel light'. What she said out loud was "Welcome aboard The Merlin Lieutenant. I'm Lieutenant Melody Jones, the ships second officer and chief flight control officer. If you would please follow me I'll take you up to meet the Captain" She gestured with her hand to his luggage "Would you like me to have your luggage beamed straight to your quarters?"

"I'll manage. You tend to accumulate luggage in the positions I've served in, but lead the way" Martin replied.

Melody led the way out of the transporter room and into the corridor towards the turbolift. As she walked, she asked "Did you have a pleasant journey here?"

"Pretty good trip. I've never been on an Excalibur class before. I've served aboard Centaur, Sabre and Nebula class starships so this is a new experience that I should be looking forward to. It seems quite an interesting design. I was looking at it when the Osiris arrived. Also the name suggests some kind of wizard form the era of King Arthur. I've noticed over the years the names they give ships can sometime be a lucky charm, other times it's a bad omen. But, the Merlin seems like one of those good luck charm type of names"

As the turbolift approached the bridge Melody said "Well I hope it brings you and the rest of us good luck."

The doors opened and Melody led the new Chief Strategic ops officer across the bridge, over to the ready room door. She pressed the door chime and waited.

John stepped off of the turbolift behind the duo after having gone back to his quarters to catch a shower and a meal. He had wanted to call his daughter as well, however, with the new officer coming abored time didn't allow for that. He smiled and slowly and quietly walked up behind the two officers, "you must be Lieutenant Landau," he said in a conversational but slightly deeper voice then normal.

Melody span round from the door "Ah, there you are Sir, Yes this is our new Strat Ops officer."

"Hi" Landau replied.

John blinked and raised an eye brow, "hi?" he asked, a little taken a back, "Lieutenant, I know of your extensive record, however, is that really the way the way you greet a senior officer?" he asked and motioned into the ready room.

"Oh sorry bit knackered at the momemnt bur nice to meet you," Landau replied.

Barstow turned as the doors closed, "sir, Lieutenant. Being knackered doesn't excuse basic respects," the CO said, "especially on the Bridge. So, how was your trip?" he asked and perched on his favorite spot on the edge of his desk.

"Bit brain dead" Martin replied "The bastards kept me up a lot with there need for battle drills and efficiency but other than that an alright journey. It was fun trip to the starbase from the last job which when theres a chance the jacket needs stowing away as its out of context purple dress jacket with yellow duty shirt underneath an odd combination" then continued to ponder for a bit wondering what to say next to get a responce of some kind "Read up on the Merlin on the way here as there was nothing to do so spent my time brushing up on the ins and outs of this ship. Which reminds me this TIC thing on the ship would probably need a few months getting used to it before training anyone or fully understanding it to be able to cope seems a new thing in my book." Landau explained looking at the officers fasial expressions and pondering his next move.

John raised an eyebrow and gave a nod, "it's pretty standard on command ships these day's. While this ship and myself do not lead our Task Group or Task Force it was designed to be able to do so. The TIC, or Tactical Information Center, is the nexus for all incoming data from Starfleet to us as well as for coordinating any combat situations we find ourselves in. You head it and it has various communications stations, tactical stations for tactical maps and such, ships tactical is still handled here, as well as the aviations tower and intelligence stations. All stations still report to their various department heads, but you also get copies of all reports. With that you'll decide what I or the command team need to address or see. During combat situations you'll liase between us and all off ship combat elements."

"Does this mean I'm like head guy during missions and such, by the sounds of it, if im reading this correctly," Landau remarked awaiting a response.

"Yes and no, you're the middle man between us and pretty much everyone else," Barstow replied, "although, yes, you run TIC."

"Is there anything else you require of me before dissmissal?" Martin asked, looking at the Captain.

"Just one more thing, Before you take over I want you to meet with Lieutenant Tan, our ops chief. He's been handling Strat Ops," Barstow replied, "I've transfered all your clearences to him to give you after he gives you an introduction down there. Since it's a bit different here I just want him to run you through the nickle tour," the CO added with a smile.

"Cheers, will go and see them when I get a chance. Was nice meeting you Commander," Martin replied as he headed for the door.

Commander John "Apollo" Barstow
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant Melody Jones
Second Officer / Chief flight control officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant JG Martin Landau
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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