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Dinner and disclosure

Posted on Sunday 25 September 2022 @ 16:11 by Captain Melody Jones & Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones & Lieutenant Ricardo Draxx

Mission: Revelations
Location: Melody & Darxx's Cabin, Ba'Ku
Timeline: MD7 2000
1673 words - 3.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody had prepared dinner for Draxx, Hamish and Sansa and was now sitting at the piano in the log cabin, playing a gentle lullaby to the twins who were supposed to be going to sleep but they were stubbornly staying awake. When she played to them on the ship, it always helped them to nod off so she was hoping it would work here.

"Glass of wine sweetheart?" Draxx asked walking in and unscrewing a corkscrew. "It's a nice rioja. I had it stashed. My cousin sent it from his restaurant. Just been waiting for the right occasion."

"Yes please my love," Melody replied.

There was a gentle knock at the door and Sansa poked her head in. "It's only us, Hi Dad, Hi mom. Beautiful playing as always."

Hamish stepped in after Sansa, he had gotten caught up in listening to the soothing melody the captain was playing. "Very beautiful, Captain." still feeling awkward at times in using her first name.

"Hi, Sweetie., Hamish..." Melody replied, "Just trying to get the boys off to sleep."

Sansa walked over to the cot and the babies immediately smiled at her. "Awww, can I have a quick cuddle?" Sansa said looking down at them.

"I suppose," Melody said. "It might help them drop of."

Sansa picked up Ricky. His brother looked unhappy that he was not getting attention.

"Hamish do you want to give Alex a cuddle, then we'll swap?"

"Sure I'll hold him, and don't worry I do know which end is up." he teased. He had some experience with holding wee ones. Hamish smiled down at Alex when he took him in his arms.

"Recon they think they are missing something important," Draxx said smiling at both his daughter and boys together. "Hamish glass of wine? I know I don't need to ask Sansa. I already poured yours, love."

Sansa smiled as she rocked Ricky who has started to nod off.

"Thank you, sir, I would love a glass." Hamish smiled as he walked around with Alex in one arm, cuddled safely against him. "I wonder if babies know they hold the universe within their tiny fists, the people around them being drawn in to make their own universe as life revolves around the babies." Having a goofy smile, looking down on the boy.

Sansa looked at Hamish holding Alex and gave him a gentle nudge. "You're a natural with babies." Then she raised her voice slightly "I bet mom can't wait until she's holding her first grandchild in her arms."

Melody who had just taken a sip of wine started coughing in surprise.

Draxx's face looked a picture. "I think ... I think I may need another glass," he muttered. I'm not particularly wanting to think about grandkids right now.

Hamish flashed a quick look at Sansa. " Love, I think that aspect of our relationship needs to wait down the road." deciding to speak up. "Besides you've got your brothers to help out with." It was known that ladies do get baby hungry when seeing someone having a wee one, however, he felt that rushing in to have a baby when he and Sansa were just on the beginning road of their relationship wouldn't be wise.

A small chime sounded and Melody stood from the piano. “Ah, dinner is ready. I’ve made a nice pan fried Bajoran Spiny fish with a salad and some new potatoes. Now I prefer red wine but there is some white if you like, then afterwards we can sit outside and have some ice cream and watch the sunset.

Sansa smiled as she set Ricky down in his cot. “Sounds wonderful mom and red wine is fine with me." She said as she took her place, leaving the seat next to her for Hamish.

"There's real Italian amaretto to go over that ice cream too," Draxx said. His cousin really was coming through with the gifts presently.

"That sounds rather lovely." Hamish replied, "sitting out to watch a sunset with ice cream is sounding quite delicious. And Captain the food smells exquisite" he went to go put Alex down to slumber as the little one was now sound asleep. He then took his place at the table beside Sansa.

Under the table, she reached out and took his hand and whispered. "Didn't mean to catch you off guard there."

"Love, really just... I don't think we're there yet." Hamish whispered back. Feeling even tenser. He was worried about the dinner earlier and now the subject of children.

Sansa nodded, keeping a smile on her face while inside, she couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. Was she rushing things? Would there ever be a good time?

"So Sansa..." Melody started "I was telling Draxx there was something you wanted to tell him." She gave her a pointed look, obviously, she had not repeated what Sansa had told her about Esme.

Sansa took a deep breath. "Yes I suppose now is as good as ever..." she looked her dad in the eye, noticing that Melody was quietly refilling his wine glass at his side.

"Dad... Something happened on our last mission that's not in the formal report." She then went on to tell him, as she had done Melody, the full story of her and Esme.

Draxx watched as Melody filled his glass and sighed. “Please tell me you have not merged with or let another alien being inhabit your body. Sansa, I don’t think I can cope with that again.”

Hamish, as the tale unfolded, for some reason wanted to sink under the table. He was supposed to have protected her, and yet this happened. He was surprised that Draxx wasn't reaching out and pummeling him.

Draxx kept his eyes pointedly on a Hamish, his face unreadable.

Sansa took a deep breath and looked at him resolutely. "She would have died and all her knowledge and experience would have been lost. That all lives on as a part of me now. This was my decision Dad and I don't apologise for it. In fact, I'm glad I did it."

“I just don’t get why you keep doing this. Why can’t you just be you? My daughter,” Draxx said horrified. “People die Sansa. It’s the circle of life. You don’t have to save everyone so they can live through you.”

Hamish was well aware of the look directed at him, and he really wanted the floor to open up and swallow him whole. He didn't quite know what to say, all he could do was work on his meal in silence, what was formerly very delicious seemed tasteless due to his worry.

“I need some air,” Draxx said suddenly rising from his seat and heading outside.

Sansa had started to tremble and tears were welling in her eyes.

Melody stood. "I'll go talk to him." She said softly as she placed her hand on Sansa's briefly before following Draxx outside, picking up a bottle of Aldebaran Whisky and two glasses.

Hamish reached out and wrapped an arm around Sansa, not wanting her to feel alone. And pulled her close to him, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Didn't go exactly as you planned?" She said as she poured two glasses of whisky and sat down next to Draxx on the patio.

"You knew red, didn't you?" Draxx rounded on his wife his heart stinging a little.

"She's still our daughter and she'll always put others before herself. Always thinking with her heart." She took a sip of her whisky. "She reminds me of you," Melody said, placing her hand on Draxx's arm.

"She reminds me more of you, going headfirst into things and thinking afterwards," Draxx said angrily. "She's not found herself and she never will do because she's carrying 2 other personalities in there now. How can that be a good thing? I mean she didn't even have a normal childhood. She really doesn't know herself. And we never really know our daughter. I'm robbed of her childhood and of knowing who she really is or if she's really who she's meant to be."

"I can understand you're angry and I don't blame you, but it's done now." Melody replied gently "I know her childhood wasn't perfect, but I gave her the best one I could. She's our daughter and we love her, that will never change Draxx but, if you push her away now you're going to miss finding out who she is and who she's meant to be. While I don't entirely agree with her decision, it was hers to make and all I can do now is give her my love and support. As much as it pains you, you're going to find a way to move past this and embrace her for what she is now or I promise you, you're going to lose her."

"Yes yes yes I get that," Draxx said frustratedly. "And I don't want to alienate Sansa but what you just said is easier said than done isn't it? It's a shock. Again. And it's going to take time Red. And right now, yes I'm angry which is why I've removed myself."

Melody put her arm around his shoulder and drew him closer to her.

===Inside Melody's Cabin===

Hamish kissed the top of Sansa's head once more. "Love perhaps we should clean things here and then, head back to our place. Sometimes it is best to move out of a situation to let things cool down, how does that sound?" he glanced over towards where Melody and Draxx had gone.

Sansa only nodded in reply as they started to clear the table.


●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

Sansa Draxx Jones
Marine Biologist
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Hamish Teague
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Ricardo Draxx
Assistant Operations Officer
USS Merlin


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