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All Set Campers?

Posted on Friday 19 August 2016 @ 05:32 by Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci & Captain Melody Jones & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant JG Velin Ikiri & Lieutenant JG Zitla & Marine Captain Elias Walker

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Main Shuttlebay, Asteroid ship was found
Timeline: Current
2107 words - 4.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Cale Llewellyn waited in the shuttlebay for the rest of his team to arrive. This was his first away mission as an XO and he was scared as hell. Captain Barstow told him that he was to take no unnecessary risks. But what was 'unnecessary'? He hadn't gone through Command School or anything like that. He wasn't trained in the logistics of command. Hell, he was trained in stellar dynamics and temporal science. What was the captain thinking by promoting him to Executive Officer? He wondered who would be first to arrive.

His latinum was on Walker though he had no idea why.

Elias entered the shuttlebay in a fresh marine EVA suite. He had just recently rotated back to the Merlin. Just enough time for a hot meal, a shower, and a few hours sleep. Just like most marines, this was normal for him. He felt completely ready for another stent on the rock.

"Hello Commander, and congratulations." Walker said, as he approached.

Hello Lieutenant and thank you," Llewellyn answered. "Give me a brief synopsis about your mission, please."

"As it stands, security and marines are going to be sharing the responsibility of protecting everyone on the rock. However I've had two squads take the higher areas nearby. If we do have to defend ourselves, we'll be in a better position to do so. That's about it for now."

"And," Caroline stated with a smile walking in on the back end of the other men's conversation, "Medical are here to check out the condition of the biopods and assess if there's any possibility of and how to revive them with the technology. And also patch anyone up who gets hurt but," she grinned at the marine, "I doubt there will be much chance of that in your capable hands Lieutenant." She turned to Cale who looked a little pale for her liking. "Commander, reporting in. And might I add my congratulations too. The additional pip suits you."

"Thank you Doctor. I appreciate that sentiment. Though, I'm not all sure how this extra pip suits me. I was hoping to go through a probationary period. But alas there is no crying over spilled milk. I've recently come to accept Captain Barstow's decision."

Caroline looked at him and said softly, "You are going to do just fine. Trust in yourself. The Captain and the rest of us do."

"Thanks, Caroline. It's good to hear that. And I'm working on that point. There is something I need to tell you after we return from this mission that may end my stint as XO on this ship," Llewellyn said softer than Doctor Miller.

"No problem Commander," she nodded at him. "Well shall I get this stowed," she indicated her medkit, "and see you in there," she indicated the shuttle.

"Now that sounds like a good idea. We'll be taking runabout Camelot. She'll be big enough to handle all of us. Walker, you, your Marines and the security detachment will take the runabout Lancelot. I'll be piloting the Camelot," Llewellyn explained.

Melody's voice come over the comm system "Bridge to shuttlebay. Are we all set down there?"

"Not just yet. We're waiting on our engineer and Science Officer," Cale called back. "Sorry Mel. Oh and stay out of my chair," he said with a light laugh.

"Don't worry your chair is quite safe, I've got my eyes on the Captain's" Melody replied with a chuckle. "I'm keeping the helm warm at the moment just incase there are any surprises. Take some holo pictures for me won't you?"

"I'll do my best," he answered.

"OK, Let me know when you are ready for launch, bridge out"

"Can I ride shotgun Commander?" Caroline asked. She didn't get much shuttle time as CMO and was trained to a certain level of flying.

"Of course, Doctor. Just to many away missions have you been on?" the XO asked with a smile.

"Only a couple or so. You didn't get much chance as a junior doctor as you do when you're the chief," Caroline replied quite excited.

"Well that's good I suppose," Cale said. "I have only a couple under my belt but none as mission leader so I am glad Captain Barstow is monitoring our progress or lack of same." Cale looked relieved after he said those words.

With a pace that could only be described as a trot Zitla made her way across the shuttle bay and on to the runabout Camelot. Over her shoulder was slung a long strapped bag containing various pieces of portable kit. If she needed to leave the runabout Zitla hoped there would be a portable uplink she could use to access the ship's processing power - otherwise she was reliant on the science terminal and the bits in the bag.

She noted that she was almost the last to arrive. "I hope I'm not delaying us," she said, "You won't believe the trouble I had locating a functioning tricorder. It's like there's been a leach of battery power localized to me."

"Not at all, Lieutenant. Now we're waiting for our engineer to report. Oh and Lieutenant? I hereby promote you to Chief Science Officer. Congratulations."

For once in her life Zitla did not have words ready in her mouth. She stood for a moment with her mouth open. Seconds later, it closed just at the same time her widened eyes lost their cast of astonishment. "So if I'm ... then you're," she said replied slowly as she recovered herself, "Congratulation, Commander. I'll try not to break the labs, I guess. Is it really normal protocol to spring this on me like this? I thought there was a procedure or something I" - It was a minute or two before Zitla stopped speaking - "Thank you," she said, eventually.

"No it's not protocol but I figured it was time to do this and the captain agreed with me," Cale said. "I know you'll keep an eye on the labs," he smiled at her as he kept picking at his new pips.

Caroline beamed at the Bolian. "Congratulations," she said as the blue alien moved towards them. "How about after I beat you in our swim," she said jokingly, "We get a glass of champagne and celebrate your promotion?"

The Bolian acknowledged the good natured challenge with a wink, "I'll make sure I've a bottle on ice," she replied with a grin.

"All right people, let's get ready to move out. I can't wait for our engineer to show up. Load up into the runabouts and start pre-flight checks. After you, Doctor," Cale said as he bowed to the right.

Just then, Cale heard a voice hollering "WAIT!" and he noticed a junior engineer nearly out of breath as he she ran up to the runabouts. Her pointed ears belied her Vulcan heritage. "I'm sorry for my tardiness, Commander. Lieutenant Ikiri just gave me this assignment. Ensign Bethany Kalandra at your service. Now where should I stow my gear, Sir?

"In the rear compartment, Ensign. You're lucky you didn't get left behind. Now stow your gear and get ready to launch," Llewellyn said tersely as he entered the runabout, climbed into the pilot's seat and began running pre-flights. "Runabout Camelot to bridge. We're prepping for launch."

"Copy that Camelot" Melody responded. "Both runabouts are Cleared for launch. Good hunting."

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Elias, we're moving out," Cale said as he entered the launching routine into the runabout computer.

"Understood. We'll be right behind you. If I can find how to initialize the SIF generator on this thing. " Elias replied threw the comm link.

"It's the third panel from the left. Under the main ops control system, Mister Walker," Cale said to the MCO. "Ensign, how did you get selected for this mission?"

"Well Commander, Lieutenant Ikiri selected me for this mission because of my experience with Romulan/Vulcan systems. My husband is Romulan and he has taught me a great deal about them. And since my mother is Vulcan, I grew up around Vulcan tech all my life."

"Excellent! You'll get a great deal of first hand experience on this mission, Ensign. "Runabout Camelot to bridge. We're ready to depart. Wish us luck," Cale said smiling to Mel even though he knew she couldn't see him.

"Copy that Camelot, Good luck" Melody replied smiling to herself.

"Thanks Mel. I'm sure we'll need all the luck we can get. Mister Walker, you'll be taking point, if you don't mind...and maybe even if you do," Cale said with a deep belly laugh.

Elias chuckled. "OK you got it." he tapped several keys on his display, and the Lancelot lifted off from the deck. "OK Commander, Lancelot is on the move."

"OK people, we're on our way. Just so we're on the same page, we're not to take any and I mean any unnecessary risks," Cale began. "And I am the one who makes that call. The way I understand away team protocol is that no one does anything without my express permission. If there are any questions as to procedure, I will contact Captain Barstow and get clarification. Any questions?"

"Are we still following normal rules of engagements?" Elias asked. following orders was well and good. However when the shooting starts; if it does it nice to know how to play it.

"Yes, Mister Walker, we are. But I am looking for this mission to not end in phaser fire," Cale wondered why Marines were always looking for a fight. Starfleet officers were wired different, he assumed. He didn't want to appear weak in front of his fellow crewmates but he didn't want to look bloodthirsty either. So all he had to do was find a healthy balance between the two. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to do such. He picked at his new pip unconsciously.

The tone of the new XO told Elias that he was a little misunderstood. For some strange reason, wearing a green collar meant kill everything standing for some people. "Commander, I'M not looking to use my phaser on anything and everything that moves. I'll be very happy if i never use it ever again. I always look for the more peaceable road first. The reason I asked, is because I've never worked with you on a away mission before. Fleet and Marines work differently."

"I understand, Elias and I appreciate your question. I've never worked with Marines before so I was a little unsure how you guys worked under a non-military command structure. I think you and I are going to have to have a pow-wow and find out about each other and soon," Llewellyn said to the Marine commander with a genuine smile.

Elias chuckled. "Understood. All right Camelot here we go." He turned the runabout towards the asteroid and placed it in auto pilot. Reading the instrumentation to check if the heading was right. "we should be skids down shortly.

The blond doctor shared a look with the Bolian at the exchange between both men and shuttles. She was glad the whole military/non military debate was put on hold and they had decided to thrash it out between them at a later date. She decided to focus on following suit plotting the course behind Elias's shuttle. It was nice to be behind a shuttles controls again, she got to do it so infrequently.

Ensign Kalandra looked around the shuttle she kind of felt like the odd woman out with all of the senior officers here she swore she'd make the best of it, this was her first real away mission on this ship and she wouldn't waste the opportunity.

Several minutes later on board the Lancelot, Elias checked the sensors as the approached the asteroid. He picked up several life sings; marines that had been left to guard the craft. nearby was the Broadsword left to use as a shield just in case of something that may happen. "Camelot, this is Lancelot. We're going in for a landing." Elias said as he started the approach.

"Thank you, Mr. Walker. Following you in," Cale said as he maneuvered the runabout following the Lancelot in towards the surface of the asteroid. Cale started to wonder what they would really find on this asteroid.


Lieutenant Commander Cale Llewellyn
Executive Officer
USS Merlin

1st Lieutenant Elias Walker
Marine CO
USS Merlin

Lieutenant JG Zitla
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin

Dr Caroline Miller
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant Melody Jones
Chief flight officer / Second Officer
USS Merlin


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