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Science Stops

Posted on Sunday 19 June 2016 @ 23:27 by Commander Cale Llewellyn DSci & Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Captain Melody Jones

Mission: Old, New Ship
787 words - 1.6 OF Standard Post Measure


In the Stellar Cartography lab, Cale Llewellyn was reviewing the space ahead for any scientific-related sites to satisfy the captain's request. He was pleased that his new CO was following Starfleet's mandate. He noticed there were several stops along their path that looked like they needed cataloging; namely a lazarus star, or a star that would or had gone supernova and reignited itself, a Mutara-class nebula and a M class planet with an unusual ionosphere. He would bring this list to the captain and then to the helmsman. So he left the lab for the bridge almost giddy with excitement. As he made his way around the corridor towards the turbolift he was stopped by several of his subordinates for his approval to work on some projects that fell under their purview.

John was walking down the corridor near science dressed in jeans and white t-shirt. He was just relaxing when he saw Llewellyn talking with several other officers. Barstow grinned and stopped, waiting for the science head to finish, before walking over, "it's never easy," he commented.

"Ah Captain, I have several items of a scientific nature for our ship to work on after out shakedown is over with. With your approval, I'd like to go over them with the flight controller," Llewellyn said.

"Go ahead, this is your guys' project," Barstow replied with a smile, "I trust you both, you don't need my permission on anything until you're ready to present your suggested course and stops to us."

"Thank you, Captain. I'll take this to Lieutenant Jones straightaway," he said tapping his combadge and said "Llewellyn to Jones. Can you meet me in the holo-research lab, please."

Melody was just putting Nibbles down in his bed when her comm bag bleeped "I'm on my way Lieutenant" and picking up a padd, she headed out of her quarters. A short while later, she walked into the lab. "Good afternoon lieutenant. Have we found something to peak the captains interest?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

"Ah, Lieutenant Jones. I think we have. For starters we have a Lazarus star, and Mutara class nebula and an m-class planet with a strange ionosphere. They are all along our present course. So what do you think? Where shall we go first?"

Melody examined the chart with a critical eye, as she worked things out in her mind. "This ionosphere will prohibit main transporter function, any away team would have to be shuttled down. There could be turbulence and static discharge. Could be a challenge" the corners of her mouth turned up as she continued "I like a challenge, but this Lazarus star and nebular present there own challenges as well. Those stars have been known to give off strong EM and subspace shock waves with make getting close tricky and this nebula has not been charted, who knows what's inside........ Sounds like fun. The nebula is closest to the proving grounds, then the Lazarus star lies between the planet and the nebula so I would recommend the nebula first, then onto the Lazarus star and finally onto the planet. Also, you can call me Melody" she added with a wink.

"Sounds good to me, Melody. And you may call me Cale," and he gave one of his trademark smiles. "As for the star...when they are going through their reignition phase, they are extremely difficult to get close to. That's why I added it to the list. I have never studied on of these types of stars personally. So I am very eager to study it up close."

"Is there anything else we need to consider and Do we need to run this past the Captain?" Melody asked.

"I've already been to the captain and he told me this was our project so all we needed to run by him was the proposed flight plan."

"That shouldn't be too hard, They are all on more or less a straight path from the proving grounds to our final destination" Melody said as she input the flight plan into the computer.

"Excellent! I'll leave you to this as I need to brush up on my stellar mechanics," Cale said as he left the holo-research lab for the stellar cartography lab. "This is starting to feel like this day will never end."

"No problem" Melody replied "This shouldn't take me too long. May the Great Bird of the Galaxy speed you on your way. We could meet at The Round Table for a drink later and swap Academy horror stories"

"Sounds good to me," Cale said as he smiled and walked off.


Lieutenant, jg Melody Jones
Chief flight control Officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant, jg Cale Llewellyn
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin


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