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Trial Run

Posted on Monday 24 August 2020 @ 21:56 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Captain Melody Jones & Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson, Psy.D. & Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding & Major David Scarlet

Mission: A Whale of a problem (We're going to need a bigger boat)
Location: Engineering / Bridge
Timeline: MD3 1600
3413 words - 6.8 OF Standard Post Measure

Rathburn was a busy person lately, between trying to come up with ideas to come up with an energy reserve, pondering idea's for an interpreter she also needed to test the Security team. Feeling the need to have a little fun, Bree had sent a message to the Command team to let them know about the testing, time, and place. After all, she didn't need to freak out the whole ship for this little bit of fun of course she didn't let the head of Security know, after all.... it was to test them.

A meeting with Doyle had him on board and he'd gone to change into some civilian clothes as she finished setting up the rest of the plan with a wicked little smile. Although she was clearly going to have to make it up to her friend and co-worker later. As he popped his head into her office to let his Chief know he was ready. Bree set it all in motion with an alert to Security.

"Intruder alert in Engineering!"

Obviously, without prior warning that this was a drill, the standard protocols were enacted. The alert was received on the bridge at the security station, whereby the duty officer - since it was now the Beta shift on the bridge - quickly responded. The computer immediately set the ship at red alert for intruders. The lighting reduced to the normal darkened levels for the red alert and throughout the ship doors were sealed and emergency forcefields over critical areas were activated.

"All hands, intruder alert in main engineering! Captain to the bridge!" The watch officer reported over the internal comm.

Security personnel, both officer and enlisted moved to armory panels at their designated muster stations and received both hand phasers and phaser rifles before deploying to their relevant section. Moving from her office, already equipped with a phaser on her hip and a rifle in her arms, Hayley moved with determination towards the turbolift closest to main security. She was flanked by several other personnel from main security equally as armed.

"Godding to all security teams, check in with the bridge and report status." She said into her communicator. "Godding to Scarlet, bring teams eight and eleven to deck twenty three and secure all jeffries tube access to main engineering on deck twenty four. I want teams ready to descend into engineering on my say-so."

Scarlet's hand shot to his comm badge. "Understood."

He'd been taking stock of things in the armory when the alert had come through. Checking his PADD he swiped through to see where the security teams were on their patrols before tapping his comm badge. "Scarlet to security, team eight and eleven. Coordinate in central damage control lobby on deck 23. I'll meet you there." Grabbing a phaser rifle on the way, Scarlet quickly left and locked the armory and headed toward the nearest turbolift.

"Godding to Johnson, I need your marines for potential breach into main engineering. Please meet me at the corner just outside the main doors to engineering." She said. During a ship intruder scenario, the marines supported security with manpower and expertise, bringing to the table a whole host of tactical options to the Chief of Security that she might not ordinarily have had if there were no marine presence aboard. Whilst the marine CO was not under Godding's chain of command, in cases that related directly to ship security and crew safety, she was on point. She'd not had the opportunity to meet Major Johnson, well, now was as good as any a time to address that.

Wolf had already been on his way down to engineering to discuss repainting the shuttle when the call came in, "copy, Johnson to Zorass, get first squad geared up for an intruder and for a breach and report to engineering, and bring my gear with," he called and stepped off the lift after the doors opened.

"Acknowledged," came the quick reply of the Andorian Sergeant Major.

Johnson nodded and sprinted down the corridor toward the doors to main engineering, "Lieutenant, what have you got," he called to Godding as he came to a stop.

"Not much Major." Godding replied as she'd only gotten there a few moments before, conferring with the security personnel who'd already arrived. "Preliminary reports are sketchy at best. Any chance your guys can give us eyes and ears in the room? I'd like to know what we're walking into before we do."

"Copy that," the Major replied and grabbed his vest from the Sergeant Major as she arrived, "have everyone embed with a security team and get Farmer in place to get eyes and quarterback," he ordered then looked to Godding with a nod.

Meanwhile, on the bridge...

Melody came on to the bridge from her ready room. "Report!" She said as she sat down in the command chair. The ensign who was now at the tactical station reported "Intruder alert in engineering Captain. Lieutenant Godding and Major Johnson are responding."

"Helm!" All Stop. And for the moment, isolate and secure all engine controls. If there is someone in engineering, I don't want them taking off with the ship."

Sav responded immediately as she began slowing the ship as well as preparing to isolate the controls. "Aye Aye, Captain."

Melody Turned back to the tactical officer. "Sound general quarters and activate security fields on decks 23 through 27."

Sav called out, "Helm all Stop. Securing controls." Sav dove into the ships aux systems to route controls from engineering and directly to the Battle Bridge.

Melody then tapped her comm badge. "Jones to Godding. Situation report."

"Godding here Captain, looks like we have an unknown number of intruders in main engineering. We've secured all entries and exits from main engineering with teams on deck 23 and deck 28 for upper and lower access. Marines are helping get eyes and ears into the section now. All command functions have been routed from main engineering with a full computer lockout in effect. I've also got teams securing the auxilary sections just in case. Be good to know how they got on board. Something Ops can help with?" Hayley replied.

"Copy that lieutenant, "Melody replied over the comm. "I'll have ops see if they can work out how they got on board. Try and take them alive unless they leave you no other choice and keep me informed. Jones out."

Sav now called out, "Captain, Helm controls secure, main access now limited to the battle bridge. Request Permission to go there or have ACFCO man controls at that station." As the intruder alert protocols were in place, Sav knew that the battle bridge would also only allow specific designated people into it, or react with a heavy stun to those not allowed inside.

Melody turned her attention to Sav "I need your expertise at the helm for now. Send someone but make sure they've got a security escort with them, just in case."

Sav churred with her tail shaking once before she answered. "Aye Aye Sir." She got onto a discreet communicator at her station, =^= "Lt. Merris, Commander Tillatix. Please go with a security escort, PO2 or higher, to the Battle Bridge and stand by. Follow intruder protocols." =^= Sav listened for a space, then acknowledged, =^= Bridge Helm out. =^=

Meanwhile, in Engineering…

While the engineering department as a whole had known about the test that was happening, only a select few had been set up to be a part of it, Alpha team. Ther others had already been signed off to tend to other projects were in the works; there was still significant work that needed to be taken care of besides the trial.

Knowing they didn’t have much time, the team worked quickly to get the area set up. Tossing the area, scattering padds around, they made sure to make it look like a struggle had happened. Boxes, possibly bombs, were attached to the warp core and main engineering computer.

Rushing over to Bree, Lexi quickly took a moment to bind the Chiefs ankles and wrist before setting her down by near where Doyle would be at the main Engineering computer. Adding some fake blood to the back of Rathrurns head and the side of the console, the young officer, clearly enjoying this part, rushed to help the couple others get into their positions before she took her’s… as Doyle’s hostage.

Three officers down with phasers near them, one hostage, and one deranged person with a couple of phasers on him and a Padd, that if anyone could see, had a big red button on the screen.

Pulling his hoodie up to cover his head now, they all settled into their positions and waited for the chaos to happen.

Meanwhile, on Deck 23

Scarlet gave a final check at the teams were in place and ready before tapping his comm badge. "Scarlet to Godding. We are in place and awaiting your order."

Outside Engineering, Deck 24

Thanks to the remote probes installed by the marines, Hayley had a very good idea now of the situation inside main engineering. There was one visible perpetrator standing near the warp core with several devices mounted to both the core and the main console. She had to assume the worst and that they were explosives or something else that could render damage to the ship to the point of total loss. She also couldn't assume there was just one person involved just because she couldn't see more than one. Lieutenant Rathburn was visible too, bound at the feet of the terrorist, with evident injuries to her head.

"Godding to Scarlet, can you get someone into the tube above with a clear shot on the target?" She asked.

"On it." Scarlet replied quickly.

Whilst she waited for Scarlet to do his thing, she tapped her comm badge; "Godding to Jones, we have one indentified perpetrator in main engineering with at least one visible casuality - Lieutenant Rathburn, who is being held hostage. We also have identified unknown devices attached to the warp core and the main engineering computer, which we're assuming are either explosives or other devices that could render harm to the ship. I would normally recommend flooding main engineering with anethasize gas to render everyone in there unconcious, but we cannot be certain that the perpetrator doesn't have an accomplice who isn't in main engineering who might set off the devices. Our best course of action would be to do a multi-prong insertion into engineering, stun everyone and sort out the mess later."

Melody took a deep breath. “Proceed at your discretion but remember.... The safety of the ship is your number one priority Lieutenant. Get those charges off the warp core and secure engineering . If you can see to the release of our Chief engineer as well, do so. But no unnecessary risks, understood?”

"Understood Captain." Hayley said, feeling the gravity of the situation weighing on her. Of course this was far from the first time she'd handled a situation like this, but this was the first that wasn't on the holodeck in training. However, she did have real world experience too, and she was ready for this. The Captain had made herself perfectly clear - the preservation of the ship took paramount importance over the preservation of the hostages. It was a tough call for her to make, but the only one she could in the circumstances.

Scarlet crawled into the jefferies tube with his phaser rifle, checking his tricorder of lifesigns as he went. There was a single unregistered lifesign below him in engineering standing next to a console. He gritted his teeth and brought his rifle up to bear.

It would have to be quick. Knock the panel out of the way and shoot. Hardly any time to aim before he'd either have to duck or take a second shot. Falling back on his biathlon training, Scarlet calmed his breathing.

"In place." He said quietly as he tapped his comm badge.

"Stand by." Godding said as she tapped her comm badge in response. "Wait for my go-order. Your priority is to neutralise the threat to the ship, securing the hostages is secondary."

"Understood." Scarlet whispered as he adjusted his stance.

Wolf unslung his rifle and took up a spot on the door across from Godding, pressing himself against the bulkhead and watching the Lieutenant, "on your order," he said, letting her know he was ready to breach the door.

Looking at the team in front of her, this would be the moment that defined her service on the ship to this point. Up until now, she'd not had a chance to show what she could do. Now was that moment. She took a deep breath to steady herself.

"Major, your priority is to secure the warp core. My team will secure the engineering console. Once both are secure, we'll get your bomb techs to disarm the devices. Scarlet's from above should secure the intruder, but if they fail, you have free licence to do a clean take-down." She said. Then she opened a channel to all her teams; "All teams, remember, restrict your fields of fire, especially around the core. Phasers set to heavy stun. Stand by..."

Wolf just gave a brief nod and looked at the small device on his wrist, getting confirmation of the orders from his team leaders, "copy that, we're all confirmed and a go."


Wolf moved through the door followed by four other Marines and two security officers. He followed Godding through before he and his team peeled away and headed for the warp core, "ON THE DECK!" he ordered as he and his team took aim at anyone standing near the warp core and spreading out to surround any people on the main deck while the other teams used similar movements on the secondary engineering deck above, "I SAID DOWN, NOW!"

Simultaneously Scarlet kicked the panel and sighted his target. Instincts kicked in and he applied pressure to the trigger and sent out a phaser blast.

Rathburn had been giving a quick peek to her downed officers every so often, all of them somewhat restless with anticipation, herself included. A slight mutter to Doyle that she likely was going to owe him dinner after this was all done. He had smirked and nodded to her, after all… in situations like this, one never knew just what could go wrong.

Bree had taken sight that Lexi was contently leaning against Doyle and made a mental note to ask him about that later, but her thoughts were quickly interrupted as the department was suddenly breached.

While the few officers, that weren’t already down and injured, hit the ground. Doyle went to turn with his hostage held against him, his hand lingering over that Padd with that big red button. “I wou…..” He started to say before that phaser blast went out.

The one mistake in all of this was the fact that as the phaser blast hit, Doyles' hand dropped down right on that PaDD activating the explosions of the bombs. As those bombs went off, brightly colored small pieces of paper exploded everywhere. Raining confetti on everyone.

"What the fu-" Hayley exclaimed as the 'confetti bombs' exploded around them, then tapped her comm badge. "All teams! Stand down!" She called out as she stormed towards the warp core and looked at the 'bomb' in closer detail. She sighed and called out to the computer; "Computer, cancel intruder alert." She then tapped her comm badge. "Godding to the bridge, the alert was a hoax. I suspect I know what happened, you'll have my full report shortly."

On the bridge Melody sighed. She checked on the chronometer. She pressed the comm button. “Well on the plus side, that was a good time. On the bad side, if this were real, there would now be a big dust cloud where the ship was. I want a full report in the drill and I want to see Rathburn, Godding, Johnson and Scarlet in my ready room. We will be doing something like this again people so make peace with that.“

Melody stood and walked over to Sav. “Secure from General quarters and resume normal helm and engine operations. Once everything and everyone is back to normal, resume our previous course and speed please Commander.”

Sav nodded and replied, "On it, Sir." She dove once more into the ships aux systems to return control paths to their normal configuration. Next, she looked over to tactial station, "Sound Normal Ops and de-activate security fields on decks 23 through 27, please. Let me know when all stations are reporting all green."

That done, she called down to the battle bridge, "Lt. Merris, Commander Tillatix, the practice drill has concluded. Please secure the Battle Bridge and return to normal duties. The security officer with you can return to his as well."

Sav listened for the All Clear from Tactical, then proceeded to proceed to the previous warp speed and course the Merlin was on before the drill occurred.

Meanwhile, in engineering -

"Alright everyone! Shows over." Hayley called out loudly. "Security teams, return to main security for debrief. Major, could I request that you join us for that? I think we have some growing pains, and better coordination between us is only to our benefit." She said, smiling softly at the hardened marine.

The Major nodded and then shook his head as he looked around, "aye, I'll be there, Lieutenant, and that it will," he added and looked over at the security chief, "I would like to meet with you one on one as well, about this subject, I think some joint training would do us all some good," he added with a smile.

Scarlet climbed down out of the jefferies tube with the rifle slung over his back. He looked at the panel on the deck and gritted his teeth. This mess belonged to Engineering. Let them clean up the mess. All of it.

"His hand wouldn't have hit the PADD if I'd had the rifle on full power." Scarlet muttered as Doyle was revived and brought back up to his feet.

After Rathburn was freed from her bonds, Hayley helped the chief engineer up off the deck. "I know I asked you to test my people, Lieutenant, but I did think we were talking about holodeck programs for them to run, not hoax intruder alerts. I'm going to be tied up in red-tape for a month over this one. No doubt the CO and the XO are going to come down hard on the pair of us over this."

With the help to her feet, Bree looked at Hayley with a smile, while that didn't go exactly as planned, but that at times happened. "Sorry about that, but we both know that fake holodeck programs don't get people in the right frame of mind. The only way to find out exactly what might need to be fixed is if everyone's adrenalin is pumping and the feeling is real."

"Petty Officer Scarlet, before you depart, please can you escort Miss Rathburn and Mister Doyle to the brig." Hayley said, smirking at Breana's face falling from the amused smirk she'd just been wearing to a much more slack shocked look. "I believe the penalty for hoax alerts is 30 days confinement and loss of pay..." It really wasn't, since it was at Captain's discretion following a Captain's Mast, but given what had happened, and the fact that it wasn't an authorized drill - a little brig time seemed appropriate revenge.

"With pleasure." Scarlet said without hesitation and quickly walked over to Rathburn and Doyle. He unslung his rifle and held it at the ready. He nodded toward the door. "Resist and I will fire."

There was a slight flicker of worry hearing Hayley's comment about the Brig. But she had notified the command team! Gah, wouldn't be the first time she'd spent time in the brig or on lockdown and she'd eyed Hayley a moment before looking to the Petty Officer a moment. Welp... here went nothin...

Muttering to Rathburn. "Dinner, every weekend for a month... Boss." He said with a little smirk as he started walking. Doyle couldn't help the roll of his eyes and shake of his head hearing Scarlet. "Pretty sure you shot a little prematurely once, just don't do it again."



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