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Security and Surveillance Discussions

Posted on Tuesday 27 September 2016 @ 03:35 by Captain John "Apollo" Barstow, M.D. & Major Richard "Wolf" Johnson, Psy.D. & Captain Melody Jones & Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Major David Scarlet

Mission: Old, New Ship
Location: Deck 32, Security Offices
Timeline: MD8 Late Morning
3780 words - 7.6 OF Standard Post Measure


==== Security Front Desk, past Security Offices =====

Outside the security offices, past the security doors and in the main reception area, Sav had just finished talking to the front desk Crewman and went to the waiting area. Sitting down, she snuggled into a chair and into her tail, then closed her eyes to drift while waiting for the cup of coffee and Melody to finish her errand with the Captain and Security Chief.

Ensign Rosharte, Terran, Cherokee by lineage, arrived at the Security Doors with the Coffee set. She walked up to the doors, but they did not open as security protocols had been activated with the second officer of the ship arriving in the brig. She hit the annunciator, "Crewman Recruit Aumento, Ensign Rosharte here with the coffee. Please let me in."

Crewman Aumento smiled and pressed the console to allow the coffee-bearing Ensign in. She looked over to where the CAG was nestled up. "The coffee is here sir."

Sav's ears filcked showing she had heard within her dozing state. Her breathing grew deeper as her body prepared to wake up.

Adsila came through the opening doors and brought the Coffee set to the security desk. Behind her the doors shut. She placed the tray on the working surface of the desk. She smiled sweetly to Aumento as she got ready to pour a cup, "You get first cup, CAG's preference. How do you like your coffee?" Behind the circular reception desk (designed that way for tactical reasons) the doors leading to the offices opened, allowing the smell of fresh brewed, not replicator coffee to waft to those coming through.

"Oh, just black is fine for me thank you." Crewman Aumento replied cheerfully. "My brother is a real coffee snob and always lectured me about just enjoying a fresh cup without adding all the sugar and creams. I guess it just kinda stuck. Thank you again Ensign. I really appreciate it."

At the sound of walking, and the waft of good coffee filling the space, Saveena fully woke up and stretched. As she did, her needle like front teeth with their spacing could be seen, while the rest of her teeth showed typical omnivore. The sounds and Saveena stretching momentarily stopped Adsila from answering Crewman Aumento.

Barstow and Wolf walked out of the brig followed by Scarlet. John saw Tillitax and nodded with a smile, "Lieutenant, Jones will be out momentarily," he said as the group walked past and entered the security chief office.

Sav churred out, "Hey Wolf, thanks." She merely nodded to the rest as the Captain was obviously in a mood and was moving with a determined focus. So, better to let him be and try to catch him in a better mood later.

Adsila watched the quartet go into the Head Security office to the side of reception. After they were inside, she turned to Sav, "Heya, Sav, coffee's here." Returning her gaze to Crewman Aumento, she grinned, 'Your very welcome, Crewman, and, yeah, good coffee deserves to be drank black. These are the CAG's personal beans she brought with her, so, enjoy it."

Aumento grinned and lifted her cup in a salute to Sav before taking a nice sip of the liquid goodness. "Thank you again CAG. Next time I get a package from home I'm going to have to make you some cookies with real chocolate and sugar..."

Sav churred out as she stood up, "Your welcome, and I'll take you up on that. Home made cookies, yummm..." She came over to the desk and Adsila poured her a cup.

Handing it to her, Adsila smiled, "At least your in the waiting room and not in a cell, huh."

Sav snorted out in humor, "Just wait till shore leave, then we shall see how many fighters end up in the brig on three days bread and water." Sav churr laughed.

Crewman Aumento couldn't help but laugh. "If you think Crewman Scarlet will give your people bread... he's probably just as likely to start blasting classical music over the intercom just to make the headache worse." She paused and leaned forward a little. "He was my instructor at the academy... saw this guy stab him with a fork and Scarlet didn't even flinch. Poor guy had to clean the washrooms twice a day for the rest of the term... ."

Sav almost snorted coffee through her nose at this one. She shook her head, "Sound's like he's lucky. You don't pick on security instructors, they tend to frown on that."

==== Brig Cells, Security, Deck 32 ====

Melody was pacing the brig area now trying to think of a decent cover story. At least Saveen wasn't here to see this. Melody thought to herself if she could get back to her quarters it might be easier to think of something. She addressed the computer "Computer locate Lieutenant Tillatix."
The computer responded "Lieutenant Tillatix is in the security waiting area, Deck 32"

Melodys mouth fell open "What??!!" She froze on the spot. She needed more time to think of something. Why had she come down here? What had Wolf told her? She really wanted to see her, to hold her close again but what was she going to say to her?

Quickly, she went over to the security desk and accessed he site to site transport controls. She didn't like the idea of disappearing without seeing Saveena but she needed time to think of what she was going to say to her.

She let out a sigh as the transporter kicked in. This was not turning out to be a good day........

==== Chief Security Secondary Office ====

As the doors slid closed behind them, Scarlet gritted his teeth and then motioned back to them. "The CAG, who I just watched attempt to kill another officer, and is mentally unstable is currently drinking coffee with crewman Aumento." He looked back and forth between the other officers in the room. "If I may ask sir, how do you want me to get her back to her quarters before she freaks out again and tries to kill another unsuspecting officer?"

"Better in the middle of security than the middle of the lounge right now, don't you think, Crewman?" Wolf asked as the door closed.

"Alright," Apollo said and held up a hand to stop the two men before it turned into an issue then rubbed his face, "I'll get her back to her quarters. For now I want your investigations teams just to watch her, phasers set for a heavy stun. The fact that we're confined to a ship makes it easier to explain security patrols everywhere she is.....I'm going to assign her to the 'tower' in TIC too for now."

"Tell your officers she's docile, mostly, until provoked," Johnson added.

With his jaw still firmly clenched, Scarlet kept glancing at the door. He half expected to hear a scream, and he could already feel his whole body tensing like a coiled spring just waiting for the Lieutenant to do something wrong.

"Understood." Scarlet looked back at the two men. He would follow the orders without question, but his face still showed the worry he felt about this.

"Anything else?" Barstow asked simply, trying to figure out himself how he was going to reassign her without it seeming like she was in trouble.

"No sir." Scarlet replied crisply. He would follow orders, he just had to figure out an explanation for the security shadow.

==== Security Front Desk, Deck 32 ====

Sav glanced over at the monitoring room doors. "So, you think the bigwigs would like some good coffee for a change?" She winked to Crewman Aumento. "Tell ya what, get some kudos and take the coffee set to them. Just say something like, 'Good Coffee for you, Sirs' and let them draw the conclusions.

Crewman Aumento smiled broadly and picked up the tray. "I'm sure they'd love..." He voice trailed off and she glanced at the door. She looked back at Sav, looking for all intents and purposes like a deer caught in the headlights. "But... he's my boss now... and if he puts me on extra duties... I'd be on them until one of us transfers..." She frowned and then held out the tray. "Ummm... can you do it?" She added very quietly. "please?"

Sav raised an eyebrow to Brenda even as her ears and tail flicked once. "Okay, I offered." She looked at Adsila, "Ensign Rosharte, did you want too..."

Adsila snorted out in laughter, "Are you kidding? Interrupt a Security Meeting with a grumpy Captain? Uh-huh. I think Crewman Aumento is being wise." She leaned forward a little, "Besides, you're the CAG, a department head, a little more pull, mm'kay?"

Sav churr-laughed, "Okay, okay, I get it. I will take it to them, ayuh." She picked up the tray, making sure there were three cups on it for the three inside, then went to the door. She turned back to look at Brenda and Adsila, curtsying gently, then used her telekinetics to ring the annunciator.

=/\= Captain Barstow, Wolf, Crewman Scarlet, Coffee Service, Freshly ground and brewed, made from my personal stash of Terran Peruvian Beans, may I bring it in, or do you want someone to grab it?=/\=

John raised an eye brow and looked at the door for a second, =/\= Thank you, no. Please sit down and stand by, Lieutenant, I need to speak with you. =/\=

Sav's ears flicked. That was a different voice from what she had heard of the Captain. Maybe she was now in trouble for interrupting the meeting with a simple refreshment request. She decided to play it safe, answering, =/\= Sir, Yes Sir. Standing by. =/\= The chime sounded showing the communication was at an end.

Sav came over to the front Desk, snorting out in humor, "Well, gals, smart choice." She winked to them, "I prefer being in trouble rather than you two. If I'm busted to Ensign over coffee service, so be it."

Aumento frowned. "I think I'd rather the captain mad at me that Mr. Scarlet. He got inventive."

Adsila shook her head, "I have been on board much longer than you, Sav. Told you it was a bad idea."

Sav placed the tray down and poured three more cups, "Common, no need for this to go to waste. Their loss is our gain." After handing out the cups, she went over to a chair and sat down. "Okay, Adsila, scram when you and Aumento finish your coffee." Sav smiled, happy to see Adsila and Brenda getting along, even though officer and crewman.

Thinking on all the possibilities of punishments for trying to get the Captain a good cup of coffee, Sav sighed and settled into her tail. She really wished for a LCARS panel nearby, but there wasn't one, not here in the brig waiting room. Still, she had a good cup of coffee, so at least that was something. Looking into it, she watched her reflection, whispering to herself, "Now what, screwed up life of mine, no such thing as a good day going unpunished, and flying Venita was such a good day. *sigh* I hope David allows for soups to go with the obligatory three day old moldy bread."

The doors to the office opened up. Adsila quietly moved around to be at the far end of the desk, trying to keep out of the bigwigs sight and minds. She kept her coffee cup near the desk to settle on, just in case. Sav, from where she was at, sat up straight, waiting to see who it was.

John came out of the office and stopped to look at the young CAG for a second before walking over, "Lieutenant, walk with me," he said softly and motioned for the door.

Sav stood up, "Sir, yes sir." She began to walk towards the door while moving the coffee cup to her side away from the Captain. Now out of sight, the cup moved around behind Apollo and made its way over to a waiting Adsila. She received it and put it down on the counter, not batting an eye as the CAG had done that during the early morning records perusals.

"Crewman Aumento, Ensign Lane will take over desk duty. I want to you begin a new assignment." He took a PADD from the front desk and quickly brought up an old training profile he had used in the academy. "You're going to shadow Lieutenant Tillatix. OJT, 'On The Job Training', you're to follow her and to record everything she does, how she interacts with her crew, how she interacts with other department heads. You are a shadow, so don't interfere or get in the way. Once her shift is over, you can report back to me and I will review your data."

Crewman Aumento sat there in stunned silence for a moment before nodding. "Yes sir." She looked at the PADD and then back at Mr. Scarlet as she stood up. "When do I start sir?"

Scarlet glanced at the door and then back to Aumento. "You're a piss poor shadow when she's already left the room Crewman."

==== Corridor, Deck 32 ====

Crewman Aumento rushed down the corridor and caught up with Lieutenant Save'ena Tillatix and the Commander a short distance away. When they noticed her she smiled nervously. "Mr. Scarlet said I'm to follow the Lieutenant... on the job training." She offered as an excuse.

Sav glanced towards Brenda, her ears flicking in wonder. She did a quick small wave and smile to her, then went back to looking down at the corridor. She was still in trouble, and so couldn't acknowledge Brenda yet. She glanced at Apollo. He was a very good looking Terran, kept himself in shape, and young for a Captain of a line Vessel for Starfleet. Sav was happy he was 'only' a Commander and not any sort of Admiral. Every run-in with Admirals she has had always resulted in bad things in store for her. She sighed, then said in a meek tone, "Sorry for interrupting your Security meeting, Sir. I had only thought of getting your group some good coffee for a change, rather than thinking the meeting may have brooked no entry. And it was all my idea, Sir, Crewman Aumento and Ensign Rosharte had nothing to do with it."

Sav looked at the floors, multitudes of various punishments crossing her mind, from bilge cleaning to 60 lashes in front of an assembly. 'Wait, did they still do those? Yeah, for me, they would resurrect them' crossed her mind. She followed up with, "So, my penance, Sir, 30 lashes with a cat-o-nine tails at general assembly, or will a simple busting to Ensign do?"

As they walked into the corridor Barstow smiled, "your not in trouble, Sav," he said and clasped his hands behind his back, "however, I am going to ask you to take on a special assignment that I'm going to have the entire airgroup rotate through," he explained and nodded to a crewman as they passed, "when I was the airgroup exec here the pilots all pulled a few tours in the TIC and the tower as the Landing Signal Officers, LSO's. While it isn't practiced much anymore I want to implement it on Merlin again. The program helped the pilots and ground crews get a bit better understanding of each other."

Sav visibly brightened. Whatever had gotten Apollo into a bad mood wasn't her and her coffee service. Probably just something dealing with Security concerns. "I would love to, Sir. As a Bridge Command Specialist, I am used to cross training and understanding other roles. Heck, this afternoon, I will be doing a Fighter Maintenance bay check to see how it goes with the parts I brought in." She churr laughed, "The eggheads always say 'backwards compatible', and we always find issues with that."

Apollo laughed, "always about as backwards compatible as an NX engine getting plugged into the Merlin, it'll fit but will it work," he said with a grin and patted a nearby bulkhead.

Aumento smiled to herself as she began to write down her first few lines in the report. Mr. Scarlet had always been one for details and being thorough. So he was going to get details and thorough. She'd follow the Lieutenant into the torpedo tubes if she had too.

Sav snickered gently, then asked asked in an interested tone, "So, which one first? TIC or LEO? If I had a choice, TIC first as I am already checked out on Real Time Sensor Holographic systems and would love to see if any changes or upgrades to the Merlin's."

"TIC, that's where you're going to be spending most of your time," the CO replied, "and I'm going to have some of our logistics platoon Marines come and watch how you handle things in TIC, training for when they're conducting operations on the ground," he added, pulling most of the ideas out of the air as they walked and making a note to tell Scarlet so he'll know she's being watched there too.

Sav performed a quick salute of respect, "I LOVE that idea, Sir, you got it. I will go to the TIC right after lunch, then follow up in the Maintenance bay." She grinned, "You really did miss out on some good coffee, Sir. You will have to come by CAG office to get a cup sometime. Beans are from Andes Region on Terra. My mom loved them, and I kinda grew into them as well."

"Maybe you can send some to the Bridge?" John asked as they stopped at the lift.

Sav nodded enthusiastically to Apollo, "Most definitely Sir, most definitely. Just ring the CAG Office, and Ensign Rosharte will bring it up." She smiled broadly and continued, "Anything else before I skedaddle for lunch, sir?"

"Just one, you're out of uniform," Apollo said and grinned as he produced a solid pip and reached out to pull the hollow pip off her collar and replace it, watching covertly as he did so and seeing security doing the same.

Crewman Aumento beamed and nearly squealed, holding back only because the Commander was standing so close and if word got back to Mr. Scarlet she had acted that way in front of a commanding officer while on duty...

At the 'out of uniform', Sav's face took on one of worry as she began to try and glance at herself to figure out how even as she maintained eye contact with Apollo. But then, upon the pip coming out, her expression changed to incredulous. She came to full attention, chin up, letting Apollo make the switch. Her tail kept flicking in excitement at having a promotion this early into her stay on the Merlin. It was making her feel needed and wanted on board.

"Congratulations, Lieutenant Save'ena," Apollo said with a smile, the promotion having been something he and the command team had been discussing before the incident, so he used it to test her reaction to someone being close, for his and security's peace of mind since they still did not entirely know her triggers.

"Congratulations Lieutenant!" Brenda Aumento shouted. "I'm so happy for you!"

Sav blinked, a grin on her face as low churs kept sounding from her. She looked at Brenda, "Thank you, Crewman Aumento.

Sav returned her attention to Apollo, saying, "Thank you so very much, Sir, this was highly unexpected. I will do my best and more than that for the crew, my tasks, and the rank position given. I will do you proud, Sir." She almost leaped up to hug him, barely stilling the urge. It would not do to show an emotionally happy female hugging the Captain in the middle of the hallways in front of other crew.

Barstow smiled, "you're welcome, Commander Llewellyn, Lieutenant Jones and myself have been discussing you for a while now and the leadership we have seen since you came on board, you deserve it. And I know you will," he added, returning a crisp salute.

Sav performed the Salute, then began walking backwards onto the Turbolift. "And Sir? Thank you so much for saying my Name correctly, in the Mephetian way. It... means a lot to me, very much so.. thank you, Sir." The turbolift doors closed on the new full Lieutenant on board the Merlin.

Barstow smiled and walked back down the corridor to catch a lift to Marine country. While he trusted Tillatix as she was now he still had to make sure everyone was safe, and the only way to do that without triggering her or making her question what was going on was under the training guise Scarlet had suggested. Being a Marine had put him in the habit of taking care of everything in house, including those under his command that we're having issues like this, though it was usually PTSD. The CO took a breath as the doors closed, thirty six Marines or pilots compared to over a thousand officers and crew was still an adjustment, he just hoped he was handling this correctly.

==== Turbolift to Officer's Mess ====

Crewman Aumento managed to snake her way into the turbolift just as the doors closed. Her eyes were wide. "Not to be forward sir... but do you drink? It's a tradition we had on the Kingston where when we graduated a training program we'd all go out for drinks. Either at the dirtiest local pub or we'd use the holodeck if we had too." She paused for a moment. "Of course... if you'd prefer we could just have a drink in the lounge later... " Realizing that she had just invited herself out to drinks with a Lieutenant, she paused. "Or... well... not at all I guess..."

Sav churred, "I would love that, Crewman Aumento. Sharing of drinks is always a time honored tradition." She thought a moment, "As we are out and about away from a planet or starbase, I think the Holodeck would be good, depending on if we can catch the time. Otherwise, let's try and get together in the Round Table later, mm'Kay? Or, As I am heading to lunch, and your supposed to be 'OJT', how about eating with me in the officer's mess? You can let me know if its the same replicated stuff as in the crews mess, and you can be seen by other officers and get some 'chutzpa' going."


Commander John "Barstow
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant Melody Jones
Second officer / Chief flight control officer
USS Merlin

Lieutenant Save'ena Tillatix
CAG/Uroboros Squadron Leader
Bridge Command Specialist
USS Merlin

Crewman David Scarlet
USS Merlin

Crewman Recruit Brenda Aumento
Security NPC
USS Merlin


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