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Support Craft Planning - FOB

Posted on Monday 8 March 2021 @ 18:08 by Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal & Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding & Lieutenant Breana Rathburn & Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Lieutenant JG Zoey Hawkins & Major David Scarlet & Gunnery Sergeant Alexander Beck

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Deck 4 Main Briefing Room
Timeline: MD1 1630 Hours
3603 words - 7.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Sav finished talking with a Mess Management Specialist, PO1 Ferdanend. She was going to have refreshments and finger foods at the ready for this meeting. She was not sure how long it would last, but a small snack to help with any hunger pains would not hurt, especially as this was before dinner for many. After Ferdanend left, Sav counted her padds with their information once more. She had a listing of Merlin's support craft, the fighter craft, as well as probes and buoys for providing sciences and Medical planetary information, besides also direct communications linking between Merlin and the FOB, or Forward Operating Base, which would what the setup with Runabouts and other support craft on planet would be called. She took a sip of her Licorice Spiced Tea and looked expectantly towards the door.

Looking at a padd, Miles entered the room. When he realized he was first to enter, a grin split his face and he just looked at Sav. "You do know you light up the room my beautiful lady...I could stand here and look at you all day, but I'm sure someone else would run into me..." blushing deeply he moves to the replicator and orders a double strength raktajino, then takes the seat closest to Sav. "There isn't a lot of information here on the types of ships they can accommodate. I'm assuming that they can land anything up to the Captain's launch."

Sav churred gently and replied, "We won't need the captain's launch. We will be using Runabouts and Shuttles, which can land anywhere there is ground to land upon. We don't want to land in the middle of a city to be overwhelmed. It would be better to find a mesa near a major area to create our Forward Base of Operations, or FOB. I have drawn up a plan for two runabouts, two shuttles, as well as 3 class 5 probes and 3 class 6 probes, with a Phoenix Fighter and a Shuttle or Runabout on standby. We can discuss more when the others get here."

Mathias arrived next, going over notes he's been taking, he looked up just barely in time to avoid running into a wall. "Ah greeting, Commanders, how are you doing?" he stopped to get a cup of Ginger Tea with honey and lemon and then took a seat three chairs down from Sav and Miles. "Lovely day, isn't it?"

Sav churred gently and replied, "That is is, Lieutenant. Glad you could make it. One of my runabouts for use in the plan I have drawn up is a Medical/Science Laboratory only for working with the virus in trying to get to a cure. Again, more info can come from the briefing when others show up."

As if on cue, the door slid open and Scarlet walked into the room. He glanced at the assembled officers and gave a quick nod before finding his seat.

Java in one hand, a Padd in her other as she moved into the meeting room and over to take a seat. A nod to each there as she spoke softly "Mornin all" before tapping a few things on her Padd. With the new mission upon them Rathburn was ready to get things rolling.

Zoey came in and slide into a seat, pushing her glasses up as she looked around and murmured a hello to everyone before turning her attention to Sav. Totally trying to play it cool and not belay the nervousness she was feeling right now. She should have brought a pencil to twirl with her fingers, that would have given her a little calming effect.

Anya was the next to enter clutching whatever information she could glean about the situation planetside, which was still on the sparse side, she was also feeling a touch nervous. Since her meeting with the Captain and the unexpected turn around on her position within the Merlin hierarchy she was certainly feeling a touch off balance... but all said and done, that had to wait, there were things of far more pressing importance to deal with. She scuttled in, fully aware that she was still learning who everyone was. "Apologies about my tardiness!"

Hayley arrived, PADDs in hand, ready to not only take notes but offer up important information if it was required. "Did I miss anything?" She asked, as she took her seat.

Sav shook her head, "Nope, the meeting is just getting started."

Sav stood up and went over to the screen. She announced to the group, "I called this meeting to figure out what support craft are needed for this mission as all interactions will be on planet until the Safety of the Merlin is guaranteed." She pointed to the screen and continued, "Here is what I have planned so far, but it is far from complete as I don't know personnel or extensive plans of Medical, Security or other departments for the deployment."

She touched the screen and it lit up with auxiliary craft information along with Sav's put together plan for a possible FOB. It listed the following:


Class 5 - 3 of them - to be used for landing on planet for gathering data about spread of virus and any local affects upon that spread
General description
This is a medium-range reconnaissance probe, with extended passive data-gathering and recording systems. The probe has a full autonomous mission execution and return system and is capable of atmosphere entry and soft landing. It is coated for low observability and may be modified for tactical missions with a custom sensor countermeasure package.

Class 6 - 3 of them - to be used in geosynchronous orbit to keep the FOB and any away team in constant contact with the Merlin
General description
This is a comm relay and emergency beacon, modified from Class 3. It provides 9270 RF and subspace channels, with a 360° antenna coverage and 0.0001 arc-second high-gain antenna pointing resolution. The probe features an extended deuterium supply for transceiver power generation and planetary orbit plane changes.

Forward Base of Operations (FOB):

Establish most desired location on a mesa or higher ground in an area with few approaches for controlled access to FOB, but needs to be near Major area for patients, samples, and labs put to best use.


Arrow Class can hold 2 crew and up to 16 passengers, less with labs and modules

Arrow Class Runabout - Medical (Sickbay set up, general, surgical, mass casualties all subsets) - 2 crew/2 docs/4 techs/8 patients
Arrow Class Runabout - Medial/Science (Laboratory set up, Biochemistry, Biological, etc) - 2 crew / 8 medical<>sciences crew

Shuttlecraft Type 11 can hold 1 crew and 10 passengers with gear

Shuttlecraft Type 11 - Security / Marine /Field Triage set up (Weapons Lockers, portable med triage)
Shuttlecraft Type 11 - Medical Triage / Patient Care /counseling - 2 Crew/2 med techs/ 2 counseling / 16 patients

NOTE: Patients not in surgery/triage will be in bunks, hence double capacity

ON Standby:
Phoenix Multi-role assault fighter
Runabout or Shuttle with Security/Supplies/Labs

Sav looked over the assembled officers. "This was a quick draw up of a possible forward base that would be of use for us. We may want a couple of shuttle pods at the base as well to shuttle sick people and or delegates. This is fully open to change from input among those assembled here. I will not pretend to know what exactly you would need, but I did my best to try. Please, any discussion and feedback is wanted. The floor is open."

"My marines will need a runabout for personnel and equipment," Scarlet stated in general. "We will also work out of it for logistics and any military presence required."

Sav looked over the specs, then asked, "The shuttle type 11 won't be enough room? Hmm, we have plenty of shuttles, its the runabouts that are discreetly doled out. What about a second type 11 shuttle, that way you double your men as well as bracket the two medical/science runabouts and medical/counseling shuttle? If not, I can ask Melody if we can get the danube runabout for this excursion, it has less room than the arrow runabouts though. We may have more arrow class... the specific totals for Runabouts is rather dated for when the Merlin first launched. I have several flight crew doing an in person count. We have plenty of type 11's though."

Scarlet thought for a moment and then nodded. "That would be acceptable."

Sav now asked, "How many security and Marine personnel are you thinking about for this mission? If you can tell me a rough estimate, I can better get up the shuttle and runabout contingent for you."

"For a primary logistical exercise I would normally be content with a single patrol, but something about this doesn't sit right with me. I'll have a platoon deployed on the ground and another ready on standby on the Merlin just as a precaution."

Sav's brow furrowed as she replied, "A Platoon, then, definitely, two type 11 shuttles with full gear for your security teams with Marines bolstering them."

Miles tapped a finger against his cup as he looked at the information displayed. "What if we deployed more probes around the planet to gather data and provide a more secure communication platform. There may be signs of this disease elsewhere on the planet. If not, then we know it is localized to the colony, which, and I hate to say this, may mean its something not natural to the planet."

Sav looked over the sparse information for the planet. "Well, we have plenty of probes. How many we deploy would be dependent upon how many colonial cities there are. I am not sure of the extent of the colonization of this world. We can launch the initial ones, then launch more when we get more information in on how and where for the virus on the planet. Good suggestion."

Caroline had been sitting quietly back not really sure she could contribute anything to this meeting. So she was watching interaction between people instead. Scarlet mostly.

"Looks like you've put in a lot of thought and details for this to come together. So a shuttle craft that has the combination for medical and counseling." Mathias remarked, "With the proper power supplies needed." adding to the notes that he is taking. He also looked over at Miles, "That could work out. Definitely will need a monitoring station set up, which I do believe had already been mentioned."

Sav nodded, "I have been trying. I am not sure how many personnel will be allowed for this forward base. A second shuttle for Counseling/medical could easily be needed as we need to keep interaction with the Merlin to a minimum." She looked over to Caroline, "What are your thoughts on if 1, or 2 type 11 shuttles for counseling/triage for the FOB, Counselor?"

"Well you only have 2 counselors on the ship. I can't speak for medical but perhaps not the biggest is needed," Caroline quipped.

Sav barely contained her confusion. Her thoughts were of 'Only two counselors? For a crew of 232 officers, 696 enlisted, and 128 Marines? Okayyyyy.' Outwardly, she replied, "Alright, the one type 11 Shuttle is good for counseling. Thank you."

Rathburn had been silent, but when it came to things like this she usually was. It gave her time to think things over and take notes about things. After all with added equipment into missions came more chances for something to go wrong or screw up. Already she was jotting down notes of extra teams from her department to be put together in order to make sure everything was kept running smoothly.

Zoey cleared her throat. "How many from the science department do you want to go? I want to make sure you have what you need and what will be needed here to go though the information that is going to be relayed back to us.

Sav shook her head and replied, "I don't know. I am guessing on pilots and craft. What science personnel would it take to operate the labs on the Runabout? Any needed to help out Medical? Do we need another Shuttle with more labs? Please, this meeting is to figure out how many personnel are going so that I can assign aux craft and pilots for the run."

Zoey looked over her Padd with the science personnel on it, I say "we send 4-5 from science, then they can run the labs down there and send up any information that we can help with on the ship. Information can be sent back and forth without issue. We could get away with less, but as this is my first away mission and we do not know what we are dealing with I would rather over send then under send. Unless having that many would be an issue on the Runabouts?"

Sav shook her head and replied, "Nope, no issues. The runabouts are designed for the personnel in them to run the modules for the labs and sciences."

Sav looked over to Scarlet. "Lieutenant Scarlet, how many of your Marines and Security are Shuttlecraft certified? That would give you more personnel on the ground and help keep non-essential personnel from being exposed at the forward base while allowing them to pilot rescue craft if needed."

"I can't speak for security, but I do have some marines that are certified." Scarlet replied. "However, the certifications are older. I will have those individuals train up and knock the rust off before the mission."

Sav smiled enthusiastically. "Good, then that gives you more personnel as pilots are removed for Marine pilots who double as pilots and security personnel, with less chance of exposing the Merlin. I will help you in any way on training and certification qualifications. Thank you."

Anya finally weighed in. "I will need a complete list of anyone with Medical training at any level, triage will need to be substantially staffed and depending on the nature of what we are facing it could become... challenging! That will include the civilian population also."
She avoided using the word emotional but given what they could face it may well mean that triage meant selecting those with the higher chance of survival... that would have lasting psychological implications on even the most seasoned of officers.

"I would prefer to shuttle any surgical cases up to Merlin, the facility's here would be far superior than those on the planet surface. Anything we can do to ease the strain on local medical services would be beneficial. Medical teams have been briefed and we are starting a sixteen hour shift rotation until the back of this situation is broken but I will need every senior officer planetside to keep an eye on my team... if any of them are pushing beyond their limits you are to relieve them of duty for a minimum of eight hours... I will need a fully equipped medical lab and that is to be a quarantined biohazard space, only authorized personnel to enter and I want no sample to leave the surface. The last thing we need is for whatever this is to become loose on Merlin. We can set up a direct link so the medical team remaining on the ship to work on the raw data we have on the surface!"

Sav nodded and replied, "And, that is why for the Forward base. Isolation between the Merlin and the disease, with minimal exposure to personnel. However, you do realize the arrow runabouts carry the same surgical suites as Medical, and why for the special labs on the second runabout that mimic the labs of the Merlin, with direct links through the class 6 probes for collaboration of data to the Merlin labs."

"Which means the Arrow Runabouts will need the medical facilities retrofitted to deal with contagions and isolation wards will be imperative... Surgical equipment during an epidemic will fare is little help... I need them to be mobile Intensive Care Units that we can deploy at a moments notice to the worst affected area's! In other words we need beds and primary life support equipment."
Still feeling out of her element by a substantial margin Anya had to continue.

Sav churred a she smiled in appreciation for the information. "Then, please, my all means, point out what needs to be done with the Modular medical bays for the runabouts so they meet spec. This is information that is needed for the safety of the crew, and yet meeting the needs of those we are on our rescue mission for. Give a call to shuttle bay ops and arrange for your personnel to get that started. And, if we are needing that runabout to go questing, it sounds like we will need Two Runabouts so equipped, with another shuttle for security to accompany it. Thank you, that was very helpful." Sav looked at the rest, Anyone else what Flight Ops needs to do for needs of this mission?"

Finally getting the chance to weigh in, Hayley cleared her throat before she began. "With regards to security personnel with pilot certifications, most of the commissioned officers will have a basic certification from the academy, with varying degrees of time since they were last used. I doubt however you're going to need all that many pilots, we're providing relief support, not invading the poor bastards." She stated, tapped onto one of the PADDs and slid it to Sav. "These are all my people who have a pilot certification on support craft beyond 'basic' accreditation, not including myself, who has a top level certification."

Sav gave a thumbs up as this helped immensely on manning the forward base and keeping those Merlin crew on the ground safe. "Awesome, thank you. This keeps non-essential personnel down and mission critical personnel optimal, and allow pilots to rotate shifts from hot standby, to help with the mission, and with downtime for sleep and meals."

Hayley then addressed herself to Doctor Anya; "All security personnel are trained as basic field medics, Doctor. As I imagine are the marines as well. Anyone who has the potential to be a first responder or be pitched into a fight needs to have the basic knowledge of first aid. So I would imagine that anyone from either the marines or security would be well suited to assisting in basic triage." She looked to Lieutenant Scarlet for support on that point.

"Marines are generally certified in first aid, however when it comes to lingers effects or treatment of a disease I'd rather leave the heavy lifting to medical. We can, of course help with simple tasks and busy work to free up the medical staff for what needs to be done." Scarlet replied. He glanced at Godding and both noticed and appreciated how quickly she seemed to become use to him in a position as something other than a subordinate. He was being proven right that she was a good quality leader.

"With regards to bringing people back aboard ship, I've been making preparations for establishing secure areas to do this, with triage and quarantine areas set well away from the main areas of the ship. Security will be keeping these areas completely secluded from the rest of the crew. I'm reasonably confident all here know proper containment and transport protocol for biohazardous samples being brought aboard the ship." Hayley stated.

"It should be noted that the marines are taking point on the ground with security standing ready to assist if needed on the ship." She added. "Although I do feel that thirty marines on the ground with an additional thirty on hot-standby should be more than sufficient to secure the FOB for a humanitarian mission." She gave Scarlet a sly smile.

Sav looked over the group. "And that is key, humanitarian mission, but with very possible riots and hostile encounters by a panicked and not meaning to groups of people caught in a predicament they don't understand."

Sav counted through personnel on the shuttlecraft and runabouts. "Okay, let's see what we have so far. With Security and Marines manning the Pilots positions, and with appropriate labs, it sounds like we are at 4 Arrow Runabouts, 2 for pure medical surgery and treatment, 2 for labs, and 4 type 11 shuttles, Two for pure security, One for triage and Counseling, and one for patient overflow and treatment. Pilots and copilots will be security and marine personnel to bolster security and perimeter sweeps. Anybody have something to add before I solidify this to send to the Captain for approval?"

When there was no other chime ins, Sav smiled broadly to the assembled officers. "Thank you very much. I will get this information to the Captain for approval. Now that we have the support craft, I can pass them off to you so that you may setup crew and rotations for them. Many thanks all, meeting adjourned."


○●● Lieutenant Commander Marbim Rejal
Executive Officer
USS Merlin

○●● Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin

| 1st Lieutenant David Scarlet
Marine Company Commander
USS Merlin

●●● Save'ena Tillatix
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin

●●● Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin

○● Lieutenant JG Zoey Hawkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin


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