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A Call for Help - The Briefing

Posted on Saturday 27 February 2021 @ 22:17 by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal & Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding & Lieutenant Breana Rathburn & Lieutenant JG Zoey Hawkins & Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Major David Scarlet

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Observation lounge
Timeline: MD1 1030
2631 words - 5.3 OF Standard Post Measure


Once everyone was seated, Melody took a sip of her carrot juice and then tapped the table gently to get everyone's attention. "Welcome back onboard everyone. First, I'd like to introduce our new Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Hawkins. There'll be time for you all to get to know her. Right! Let's get back to work, shall we?"

Melody paused for a moment for them all to be ready before she continued. "Starfleet has received a distress call from our colony on Ceti Beta IV. An unknown disease has broken out and they are requesting assistance. Now, this is in itself an unusual request as the colony has a well-stocked medical facility available. Their description of the disease was also worryingly vague, nausea, high fever and eventual coma. No fatalities have been reported so far but it appears to be spreading. We have been ordered to investigate the cause of the disease and give any and all aid required. Even at maximum warp, it will take us a few days to reach the colony. All the information that Starfleet received is in the main computer. Comments?" Melody finally said, opening the floor to them all.

Sav scrunched up her nose as her eyebrows knitted. She asked, "Do you know the makeup of the races on the colony? I am wondering if the virus is staying within one species, affecting only specific type genomes, or cross racial? That would help in the selection of the away team to interact with the colony and maybe even help medical in isolating where to look for the disease."

"Another thought to add onto Sav's, how new or old is the colony. I know several Cardassian colonies that ran afoul of local insect life which caused somewhat similar issues, though not ending in a coma, that almost sounds neurological."

"I will need all of that information and more." Kyhl said as she put down her padd and laced her fingers together. "Were they able to send any information or samples from those infected? I will also need to know what the state of their medical facilities are to allow for a proper integration with the Merlin."

She looked toward Mathias and nodded. "I'll also need the aid of our Ops chief to work out the logistics and to set up proper containment protocols for testing and developing a treatment or vaccine."

Mathias gave a nod at Kyhl's remark. He had been looking at Zoey, just utterly surprised to see his sisters friend and one whom he felt an adopted sister as well. Zoey, she actually finally made it back on a ship. He gave Zoey a nod and mouthed "Hello sis"

He then quietly said to Rathburn, "Glad he was a gentleman towards you." then he paid more attention to what was going on in the briefing.

Zoey had been surprised to see Mathias as he was her. But what a pleasant surprise it was. She smiled and nodded back to him before turning her attention to the Captain.

Hayley looked thoughtful. "I assume we've not seen any public disorder or security concerns raised?"

Melody frowned for a moment. "The information Starfleet sent over raised some questions. There was some research, apparently done by the colony medical staff but it's incomplete and very basic. Almost as if they gave up on trying to find out where the disease came from. They do know the disease is not airborne and there are indications that it came from the colonies water supply. The question is how? the planet is not geologically active and during initials surveys for the colony site, there was nothing detected in the water that would cause something like this." Answering the Medical question first. She then turned to Hayley "Communication from the colony has been almost non-existent, apart from the initial distress call which raises concerns in itself. There were no reports of unrest or any other problems in the distress call. The colony is mainly human with a few Vulcans, Bajoran, and a small number of other races."

Melody took a breath. "Something is not right here. I don't know what, I've just got this feeling." She turned to Rejal. "When we've established orbit, you will lead the away team down to the surface number one. isolation suits might be recommended Number one." she added with a wry smile. "First of all, we need to find a treatment for this disease and also find out what's causing it. I want you to take a marine detachment with you to assist with containment and treatment. They'll work closely with medical on that." She turned to Kyhl and Anya "Speed is of the essence here doctors. While no fatalities have been recorded yet, we do know that the disease causes a coma in the most severe cases, so that information could no be out of date. While we can beam down to the planet, I will not risk the safety of this ship by beaming anyone infected onboard until we have a much better understanding of the disease and where it came from."

Miles sat straighter in his chair, "That sounds like a solid idea. While isolation suits may be offputting, we can't afford to put our team at risk as well. On the off chance that something from outside the planet is the cause, I would suggest that we have several fighters ready for launch."

Scarlet somehow managed to sit even straighter at the mention of the marine detachment. "We'll be at the ready sir."

Anya had been listening intently but so far the crucial information, at least from her perspective was lacking. She shifted in her chair, a little uncomfortable in taking the lead but they needed to cut through the flannel.
"Sir, if I may... Do we know the infectious nature of this disease... have the medical facilities gleaned anything thus far?"

"All the data they sent is in the main computer and I'm afraid there isn't much." Melody replied.

"Does this mean they have a projected mortality rate?" the questions just kept coming and Anya pressed on.

"I've had a look at when was sent. As I said, it looks like they were interrupted or they stopped their research for another reason. It's damned odd if you ask me." Melody said.

"What is the current 'R' rate and have they determined if it is viral or bacterial... something other than that?"
Anya was feverishly jotting notes down on her PADD oblivious to the eyes now focused on her.

"All they know is that it's still spreading and they haven't been able to isolate the cause."

"How soon can we have an established link with the colonies central medical database... the sooner we can get a jump on their medical data the better prepared we can be!"

She looked up, noticing eyes on her after all she was the unknown in the room in regards to most of the senior officers. "My apologies, I hope I have not overstepped!"

Kyhl smiled and did her best to hide the chuckle that had been growing as Doctor Anya started tossing out questions. "Not at all Doctor, these are questions that will need answers. One of us had to ask them."

Looking down at her padd for a moment, Kyhl thought to herself that this confirmed what she'd come to believe. Once the brief was over, she'd have to hold Anya back for a chat with the Captain.

Miles looked at the medical team, "Ladies, is there any specialized equipment we should plan on taking with us, that way if we get cut off from the Merlin we have the tools we need on hand?"

"At this point, we do not have enough information to go on... We will get back to you closer to the time!" Anya offered to the gentleman who had addressed both her and Kyhl

"When we reach orbit, we should be able to set up a data link with the colony's medical database. I still want the away team to take every precaution." Melody interjected.

Caroline was surprised that Melody wasn't wanting to go on the away mission but glad as it meant she and Rejel didn't have to try to talk her out of it for a change. "What do you want counselling to do?" she asked. "There will be people and families down there affected by this."

Melody nodded "Sounds like a good idea Caroline. Also, they might need counselling as part of their recovery."

Hayley interjected at this point; "If I may Captain, I strongly suggest keeping the initial away team to bare minimum essentials only. We don't know the situation on the surface nor do we know the virility or lethality of the contagion. Endangering substantial members of the crew is a needless risk at this stage. Commander Rejal, a couple of medical personnel, and a squad of marines should be more than sufficient for an initial landing party. Once Commander Rejal has made his observations, we can augment the team with whatever specialisations are necessary for the task at hand."

With the presence of a team of marines, it negated the need for security personnel to attend in the initial team. Whilst Hayley wasn't exactly thrilled by the idea of being kept out of the original landing party, it was the Captain's call on which resource was used. Marines could do grunt work just as competently as a security officer. If security were needed, it could be provided later.

Mathias was taking notes as well, "I would like to add myself to the list of the away mission." he spoke up. "Might be something there that might not be noticed if I were just to utilize the scans when we connect with the medical base."

Zoey continued making notes on her PADD, hearing Mathias, she looked up, "Science is ready to join as well if that is needed. I will have supplies ready to take samples and we will be ready to start running tests as soon as the samples are received. We can help isolate if it is a natural attack on the water supply or if it is person made."

Sav was adding up figures and requests in her head. She now asked, "So, as we need to keep the Merlin Isolated, yet have a working team with all needs on the surface, is the plan that will we have a Runabout configured as a Medical Research Vessel, another for security Contingent, and a third for Medical Triage and Care? Or just the first two? And, then, any supplies could be beam back and forth, and if the transporter seems to interfere with getting a proper sample, a fighter or shuttle could be on standby for taking supplies back and forth?"

Melody nodded. "Sounds like a good plan Commander. Can you draw up a possible rotation for the support craft and have it ready before we reach orbit?"

Sav's eyes opened as her ears focused on Melody. She asking what was in place, and now what she had asked about was the plan. A smile of acceptance and gratefulness crossed her muzzle as she answered Melody, "Yes Ma'am, it will be ready." She glanced over at Hayley and Kyhl. "I will work with Security and Medical for what their specific needs are and put into place the appropriate craft and personnel."

Melody looked at the rest of the senior staff "I know you'll all give your very best, as you always do. We'll be arriving at the Colony in 3 days, plenty of time to go over the information we have and get medical and marine teams organized and ready. If no one has anything else, dismissed."

Sav stood up at the head of the table and asked, "Commander Godding, Lieutenant Ch'rehron, could you please send me your schedules or some times you believe you will be available for a meeting about the base of operations to be setup planetside using support craft? Commander Miller, if you think an aux shuttle for counseling or traumatic event handling should be on planet, with the Captain's blessing for it, I would love for you to be there as well." She glanced at the others and added, "And, Please, anyone else who believes they have insight or experience in this, please ask to join as well. Thank you."

Rathburn had been silent as she listened to the talk around her as she took notes. Brows furrowing as there seemed to be way more questions than answers at the moment. While she enjoyed puzzles as much as anyone, when it came to life and death situations she seemed to get a little edgy. A ripple of fingers against the back of her Padd a moment as she gave a glance to each of the others, studying them and their expressions also to make sure she wasn't the only one uneased by this.

Scarlet grabbed his padd from the table and glanced across the empty seat toward Lt. Commander Rejal. "I'll prepare a squad for the mission and submit the roster to you." Without a word to anyone else in the meeting, he stood up and walked briskly out of the room to get to work.

Miles looked at Scarlet, "David, can you send me with marines that also have medical training. That might help us keep a smaller contingent on the ground, and might help in opening more peaceful negotiations with whoever is in power."

Kyhl cleared her throat. "Captain, I would ask that you and Doctor Anya stay behind after the meeting for a few minutes." She smiled a little, hoping to show both women that this wasn't a bad thing.

Melody nodded. "Of course Doctor."

Mathias looked at Rathburn, he did have some unease as well, then turned to the others, "We'll get things figured out, and hopefully not uncover even more questions than answers." He rose from the table as well, "Guess we need to get our thinking caps on and get the preparations started."

Miles looked over at Melody as though weighing something in his mind, then shaking his head he turned, "Hayley, would you please modify my phaser to stun settings only. The fact that I'm Cardassian is probably going to shock some of the folks at the colony. Hopefully having a phaser that will only stun might help assuage some of the negative feelings I may encounter, regardless of what uniform I am wearing. Besides, I'll have marine backup in case I get into trouble."


●●● Save'ena Tillatix
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Breana Rathburn
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Kyhl Ch'rehroni
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin

| 1st Lieutenant David Scarlet
Marine Company Commander
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin

●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

○●● Lieutenant Commander Marbim Rejal
Executive Officer
USS Merlin

●●● Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin

○● Lieutenant JG Nir’anyar
Assistant Medical Officer
USS Merlin

○●● Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin

○● Lieutenant JG Zoey Hawkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin


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