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A Call for help

Posted on Wednesday 24 February 2021 @ 21:01 by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal & Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding & Lieutenant Breana Rathburn & Lieutenant JG Zoey Hawkins & Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Major David Scarlet & Lieutenant Ricardo Draxx

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: USS Merlin
Timeline: MD 1 1000
3104 words - 6.2 OF Standard Post Measure


Melody was going over status reports in her ready room. The ship was in final preparation for departure when her comm system came to life. "Captain, we're receiving a hail from Starfleet Command for you."

Melody sat up "Put it through."

Admiral Hollins appeared on her Monitor. "Captain, we've received a priority one distress call from our colony on Ceti Beta 4. It seems an unknown disease has started to spread through the colony and they need our assistance. You are to proceed there immediately and render assistance. I'm sending the full details. God speed Captain." And the screen went blank before begin replaced with a load of information o the colony and the nature of the distress call.

Melody studied for a moment before heading on to the bridge. She addressed the lieutenant on duty "Get the senior staff up here right now, our departure schedule has changed." she then opened a ship-wide comm channel "Bridge to all hands, we're responding to a distress call from Ceti Beta 4. All hands to departure stations."

She then switched to a discreet channel to engineering. "Jones to Rathburn, Starfleet has received a distress call, we've been ordered to give aid. I need this ship ready for departure as soon as possible, if not right now!"

Breana had been going over engineering since she'd been back, running test and making sure everything was as ready as she was. While time home had been great and interesting, she was ready to explore once more. As the last of the diagnostic test finished up she smiled, of course that smile was short lived as she comm message from the Captain. "Your timing was perfect, Captain. We just finished the last of the test and she's ready to roll."

Melody replied "Acknowledged engineering. Good work."

Waving Doyle over as she ended the message and caught that she was needed on the bridge. "You're in charge down here, Lieutenant. Tests are done, we will likely be warping out soon." Rathburn told him as made sure he was up to date on what she'd just finished. It was her way... updating whoever was taking over as she then hurried off to make her way up to the bridge after getting the okay from him.

***Stellar Cartography***

Miles had slipped into the room without the two technicians seeing or hearing him. He watched as they argued about the placement of a planet, "According to our records it's over here by this nebula!" (The computer moves the planet to the new location). The second tech almost yelling in his peers' face, "The Vulcans say it's over here by this Red Dwarf!" (again, the computer moves the planet). Miles stepped in and said something aloud in Cardassian. The planet moved to a new location new a small-yellow primary, and took on a rotation similar to Earth. Now that both technicians were staring at him, he smiled, "Neither the Vulcans nor the Earth's databases are 100% on anything. I know that world. There are some very nice landscapes, and archaeological sites to be visited. Now, why don't you both close your mouths and..." The ships comm system blared out, "Bridge to all hands, we're responding to a distress call from Ceti Beta 4. All hands to departure stations." Sighing, Miles looked at the two men. "Ok you two. Play nice until I get back, then we'll start discussing my new pet project." As he turned to head to the turbolift he tapped his combadge, "I'm at the bottom of the Merlin mam, but I'm on my way up now." Entering the turbolift Miles frowned as he stated, "Bridge." Thinking to himself he muttered, "I wonder what's up now."

"On my way Captain." Kyhl responded immediately. She grabbed her PADD from her desk and rushed out of the office. Medical was running smoothly and most of the staff was just working on restocking supplies.

A short jog to the turbolift and the doors opened for Kyhl. She smiled warmly at the occupants. "Bridge as well?"

"Heading right up there too Captain," Caroline responded. "You will be needed too," she grinned at Mathias.

"Oh right, I am not in Science anymore." Mathias giving a laugh. " Okay, guess I need to get my brain a bit more focused on where I am to be. Chief Operations officer." he had to focus on what was going on. Perhaps he was slightly distracted due to seeing Caroline nearby.

Hayley had been down in the security office when the summons had been broadcast throughout the ship. Preparations for departure had, fortunately, been extremely efficient and organised. Therefore, they were able to complete their very hurried departure ahead of schedule. Acknowledging the summons, she tapped her comm-badge; "On my way Captain."

Moving out into the main security area, she spotted her number two - Lieutenant Franklin - and summoned her over. "Looks like we're responding to a planetary distress call. Not sure yet what we'll be facing, so prep the teams for just about anything. I want to see readiness reports sent to me on the bridge within an hour of departure. In the meantime, have our teams by the airlocks secure for departure stations and make sure they notify Ops once the doors are sealed. I'll be on the bridge."

"Aye ma'am." Franklin said, moving to carry out the instructions.

Hayley headed up to the bridge and arrived pretty quickly, since the turbolift recognised her comm badge as a member of the senior staff heading to the bridge and therefore the lift didn't stop at every deck on the way up like it usually would. Once on the bridge, she moved over to the tactical station and relieved the Ensign manning the station, who moved to the aft security monitor. She logged into the console and brought up her preferred layout. "Tactical ready for departure, Captain."

*** San Francisco Redwood Preserve ***

As Miles had to get to the Merlin for answering a call for the XO, Sav had gone to the preserve where she had the run-in with the Snipe hunting game. After Miles, Hayley, and her running into some of the participants and her consequential overcoming Mr. Thompson's implanted 'Uniqueria' personality, she was needing to gain some stability with tree roads in a place where she had been trying to protect others. However, her high altitude tranquillity had been sundered by the call of the captain of the Merlin. =^= Senior Staff, Bridge Merlin, emergency departure imminent, return to Merlin =^=. Sav tapped her wrist computer, =^= Merlin, CFO, Acknowledged, on my way. =^=. In a sparkle of transporter activity, Sav left the verdant green and appeared on the Merlin. She nodded towards Chief Petty Officer Morlinsky, "Chief Flight Officer requesting entrance onto the Merlin." Tormand answered, "You have permission. Welcome aboard Commander Tillatix, the bridge is expecting you."

Sav smiled and sent the 'ok' sign with her hand as she rushed out the transporter room doors and into the nearest Turbolift. It was the space of less than a minute for her to get to the bridge.

**Science department - Botany**

Zoey was discussing a new hybrid project with the lead botanist who was very excited about the project when the call came for all hands on deck. "Thank you, I will read your notes a little later" Grabbing her Padd she headed out to the turbolift to get to the bridge.

*** Bridge, USS Merlin ***

Sav entered the bridge while stating, "Command officer of the watch, Chief Flight Officer, taking station as commanded." She proceeded to the Helm to exchange duty information with the ensign manning the helm.

Stepping off the turbolift, Miles looked around. Watching his fiance move to her seat, made his heart swell. Looking at the Chief of Ops station, Miles instead moved to his new chair to the right of Melody. "Morning Captain, did someone lose another century-old ship again?" Once he is seated, Miles begins bringing up information from all over the ship...

Stepping off the Turbolift Zoey walked over the science console "Science is ready for departure Captain" Logging in and pulling up all the information she could on Ceti Beta 4. Her fingers flew over the console as she made sure to get all vital information to keep the crew up to date which she could relay to the away team when needed. Zoey placed a hand on her stomach, trying to quell the butterflies that were having a massive party in there. A deep breath and she concentrated on her console, this was her first mission as head of her department, she was not going to mess this up.

Mathias had made his way to his bridge position, to the right, his mind just whirling about being here. It filled him with energy, anticipation and a firm resolve to do his best. He took his seat and turned it to see the rest of the crew. When he had first come aboard the Merlin, he had just had a small taste of it, being at the area where science was located. He looked towards that station and blinked. There was someone there, vaguely familiar. Someone that his sisters had known maybe? He blinked and went back to looking at the display on the console, marking the statistics of each piece that used power. He looked back to where the command trio were and would be seated. He smiled towards Caroline then back to his duties. So far the ship was operating at full capacity, it looked like it would be a green light all the way.

"Ship is ready, Captain." He stated.

Melody smiled and nodded at Mathias in acknowledgement.

The intercom chirped before the typically dry and matter of fact tones of Doctor Nir'anyar filtered through.
"Captain, sickbay standing by... May I ask the nature of the emergency and projected number of casualties that we may be expecting?".
Anya possibly was overstepping her mark by contacting the bridge but they would need as much information as possible to be prepared for what lay ahead and it was right the Doctor Ch'rehron was on the bridge, this left her to ensure everything was prepared.

Melody replied, "Can you send the Doctor up to the briefing room, We'll be having a mission briefing as soon as we're underway. In fact, this mission is going to need a lot of medical resources. Can you attend the briefing as well?"

"Aye sir. Sickbay out!" came the clipped reply from Anya.

The turbolift doors slid open just as Melody finished speaking and Kyhl stepped onto the bridge.

"I'm here." Kyhl gave a quick nod to those present and made her way to the briefing room. If this was a medical issue she'd need to get the information and get it back to her staff as soon as possible. Doctor Anya could handle whatever was thrown at her, but a bit of a warning of what was coming would be nice.

Melody looked around with a satisfied smile as all the senior officers assumed their positions. She moved over to Sav at the helm. "Commander, we've been given priority departure clearance. Take us out and lay in a course for Ceti Beta 4, engage at maximum warp."

Sav heard Melody come over to her station. She briefly turned to look up at Melody with a smile and nod before paying close attention to the helm and its indicators. She answered, "Aye Aye, Sir. Taking us out of the starbase, ETA to maximum Sustainable Warp of 9.99 in 12 minutes." Sav cleared the moorings and then shifted the ship away from the docking station. The Merlin now turned 90 degrees and went upwards towards the egress of the Starbase while threading through traffic.

Melody came back over to Rejal. "Did you have a good shore leave Commander?"

Miles looked over at Sav, "I had an extraordinary shore leave. I would like to make a complaint though, my new roommate appears to be a blanket thief, do you have any ideas about how I can manage that?"

Melody laughed for a moment. "A blanket thief you say..." she glanced at Sav. "Surely all that fur and that massive tail are compensation enough for lack of blanket Commander?" Melody asked as she raised an eyebrow.

Sav merely churred at the banter as she was full into getting the Merlin out of the Space Station. She began performing circles along Merlin's axis to get the Merlin up and through docked ships and traffic. Once she was even with the bay doors, she moved ahead and through as the Merlin had priority. Once out, she tumbled the ship, waggled the warp nacelles, then proceeded at high impulse towards the safe point past the moon to enter into warp. It would not be long now.

Miles grinned at Sav's back, "Yes mam, thank's for the advice."

"Don't worry commander," Melody added to Rajel as she settled in her chair. "I don't intend on keeping you in the dark. We're going to have a full mission briefing." She turned to Caroline. "And how was your vacation Caroline? Did you spend some time with your grandfather?"

"I did and the whole family. It was a lot of fun. Very relaxing," she smiled. "Oh Captain you look to have had a nice event happen too. Is that a forth pip I spy?" the blond said happily for her superior. "Congratulations."

"Thank you Caroline." she replied, trying to suppress a grin. "At least somebody noticed. We'll have to organise some kind of celebration. Nothing too extravagant though and I have heard rumours about someone planning a baby shower...."

Caroline cleared her throat. "Is that a big hint? I will see what I can do."

The Merlin reached the proper gravity point in the Solar System and she engaged Warp. "Entering Warp, Factor 3..5..7.... 9... 9.3... 9.5... 9.7... 9.9... 9.95... 9.99. *Pause* Steady at max cruise speed of 9.99 Captain."

Melody acknowledged Sav's report. "Thank you Commander."

Once the ship was safely at warp Melody stood. "Would the senior staff please join me in the briefing room, also.." She paused before adding "I'd just ask that no one brings any coffee into the briefing. It seems the mear smell of it causes me to..." She gipped slightly just talking about it. She recovered and went on "Well, let's just say it's not pleasant. Lieutenant McFarlane, you have the bridge."

Sav nodded over to the Flight Control Officer she had relieved earlier. He had stayed on the bridge in case a meeting was called for Senior Staff. He came over and relieved Sav at the helm. She went into the briefing room and sat down, the replicator lighting up and then a cup of liquorice spice herbal tea came floating over to her. She smelled of the scents in the room, feeling happy for Melody in her pregnancy, the thought of kitlings running through her mind.

Closing down his station, Miles followed the group, hitting the replicator up for a tall mug of earl grey tea, heavy cream, sugar, and with lavender essence added. He then takes the spot on the other side of Sav. Once seated he reaches out and holds her hand.

Scarlet adjusted his uniform before walking into the briefing room. He looked around the room and saw a couple of empty seats. There was one next to Rathburn. Nope. Instead, he walked around the desk and sat next to Commander Tillatix.

Sav smiled towards David and whispered, "Hey, great to see you, thanks for sitting by me."

Mathias, heeding the call to the briefing room, had followed in after Scarlet, he raised an eyebrow at Scarlet's actions and decided to go sit down by Rathburn. The sight of Scarlet also reminded him that he'd not spoken to Scarlet since they had first met on the hull of the Merlin. He'll have to remedy that. And he's also not been down to the area where the Marines were living.

"Did you have a good time on your shore leave?" he quietly asked Rathburn, taking a seat. "And glad that you had come to the.. performance."

Bree wasn't blind and had also noticed Scarlet's detour for a chair away from her. For a cute guy he clearly wasn't smart she decided, then again maybe she was just the wrong sex? Yes... she decided that was just it. That's why he'd shot Doyle, so he could spend time with him down in the Brig. Yep, she figured it out, an odd grin touched her features before she looked to Mathias and nodded. Speaking softly in response. I'm pretty sure it was needed, and just so you know that bartender was nice, walked me to the hotel room and then met me for breakfast and a bit of site seeing after."

"It wasn't lost on Caroline either David avoiding sitting with Bree. She groaned inwardly. And also for Bree. For someone who refused to admit she liked the guy she was immediately offering information to try make the stubborn Marine jealous.

Once everyone was seated, Melody took a sip of her carrot juice and then tapped the table gently to get everyone's attention. "Welcome back onboard everyone. First, I'd like to introduce our new Chief Science Officer, Lieutenant Hawkins. There'll be time for you all to get to know her. Right! Let's get back to work, shall we?"

TO BE CONTINUED IN "A Call for Help - The Briefing"


●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

●●● Save'ena Tillatix
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Merlin

○●● Lieutenant Commander Marbim Rejal
Executive Officer
USS Merlin

○●● Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin

| Marine 1st Lieutenant David Scarlet
Company Commander
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Kyhl Ch'rehroni
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin

●●● Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Breana Rathburn
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Merlin

○● Lieutenant JG Nir’anyar
Assistant Medical Officer
USS Merlin

○● Lieutenant JG Zoey Hawkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin


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