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Let slip the dogs of war

Posted on Friday 23 April 2021 @ 23:00 by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Save'ena (Sav) Tillatix & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Marbim Rejal & Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding & Lieutenant Breana Rathburn & Lieutenant Nir’anyar & Lieutenant JG Zoey Hawkins & Major David Scarlet & Gunnery Sergeant Alexander Beck

Mission: A Cry from the Darkness
Location: Ceti Beta 4 / USS Merlin
Timeline: MD5 2300 Local time
5383 words - 10.8 OF Standard Post Measure


USS Merlin

Melody was sat in the Captain's chair, staring at the monitor but her eyes were heavy. Officially, she should have left the bridge two hours ago.

What was it with these infernal Jones women?! Hayley thought to herself, clearly appreciating where Sansa got her more stubborn streak from. "Captain, whilst I appreciate that it is a new phenomenon for you to be staying behind rather than leading the away team, you are allowed to get some sleep. Especially in your condition. You do realise you have officers who are capable of acting without you sat there?"

Melody stifled a yawn. "I suppose you're right Commander. I'll be in my quarters. Let me know if there is any change." Melody stood and was heading for the turbolift when an alarm went off at tactical.

Hayley's hands were a blurr over the console as she checked the readout on her screen. "A probe has just appeared on sensors that literally appeared out of no-where." She reported, noting that Melody had now stopped beside the console. "It's scanning us."

Melody headed back to her chair, frowning as she went. "The colony knows who we are, why would they send a probe to...." She was interprupted by another beeping from tactical.

"Transmission from the probe..." Hayley started to say before the lights and consoles began to flicker and the lights died quickly, all bridge consoles began to flicker as they powered up and down. "It's transmitting some kind of virus into our computer!"

Melody spun to face Godding "What?! Shields up! Red Alert! All senior officers to the bridge. See if you can block the transmission." As if to answer that, monitors all over the bridge started to flicker ominously.

"We've lost shields, weapons, sensors, communications, propulsion... it's going for our key systems! We're utterly defenceless! Internal sensors are offline..." Hayley reported in earnest, but before she could even absorb what was happening, the red alert tone changed from its normal to the deep pulse of the Intruder Alert tone.

"Intruder Alert! Multiple decks! I can't narrow them down as sensors are offline... forcefields are down..." Hayley reported with a tone of considerable concern. "Permission to leave the bridge, Captain?"

Melody nodded "Go. Sound general quarters first. I want the corridors cleared of all personnel. I don't want them taking any prisoners. Find out who they are and what they are doing, and get someone to report back to me. If you can't contain the situation..." Melody didn't have to finish that sentence. They both knew that Melody would not let the ship fall into hostile hands.

"Acknowledged ma'am." Hayley said, and tapped her comm badge; "General quarters, General quarters, all hands man your battle stations. Security teams to muster points." With that, she moved off to the turbolift where six armed security personnel were just coming out. She grabbed one on his way past. "Collins, whatever you do, you stand next to the Captain and you do NOT let her out of your sight for a moment. At all costs, you must protect the Captain."

"I understand Commander." Collins swallowed and quickly moved down to the command circle to stand next to the Captain.

With that taken care of, Hayley entered the turbolift. "Main armory!" She barked as the doors swished closed.

Melody opened up the weapons locker near the tactical station and spoke up "Everyone else, grab a phaser!" She pointed at an ensign "You! Get down to engineering and tell Lieutenant Rathburn to purge that virus from the main computer." There was no time for pleasantries.

The ensign nodded and quickly left the bridge.

Caroline sat bolt upright at the general quarters alarm. Years of medic training ensured she could could dress quickly and she headed up to the bridge wondering what was occuring.


Rathburn had nearly fallen off her couch, where she'd thought to grab a quick nap, when the sirens started going off. Not even stopping to check her computer she was bolting out of her office and to the main engineering area snapping orders.

"Chief..." Doyle snapped back to get Breana's attention as he pointed to the flickering computer. "We have a problem."

"Shit." Rathburn blurted out as she saw what was going on. Her brain already going over how to trouble fix everything. Spinning around as the Ensign arrived from the bridge to give her the message. Biting back the rhetorical response, she simply nodded and muttered "Got it" before waving him off so she could get to work.

It was all hands on deck as they worked to stop the virus before it got any worse. Though at the sound of intruder alert, Doyle stepped away to grab some phasers from Rathburns office for them, returning just as quick to her side. After all he wanted to make sure they where all prepared for whatever else was about to hit them. "Start shutting down all the systems, other than life support. Lets see if we can stop this before it reaches that area."

"Lieutenant Potter, try rebooting the coms 3 minutes after shutting them down. Lets see if the age old trick of turning things off and on will help kill anything that started living in the system." Breana said with only a fleeting glance to her officer. One had to start working though the steps in her mind a little at a time, but fast.

Library, Deck 5, USS Merlin

Sav was exploring some of the printed books in the Library. While a lot were in the archive system, many were still printed as holding and reading a book was still enjoyed. While she would have liked to been out and about with Miles, Miles was down on the planet and she had to keep her mind off of that. So, she went to the library. And, she had found an interesting book called the 'Guinness book of Federation Records'. It was a listing of the unusual for largest this, smallest that, fastest time, longest time, etc. She had sat down at a table reading it.

Suddenly, the lights began flickering as she sensed the thrum of the ship stopping. The thrum of the ship stopping... the Merlin was dead and listing in space? She could still feel gravity and life support, so the separated aux systems kicked in, but dead meant, something had to have happened to the main computer. Then, the General Quarters sounded along with man your battle stations call. She stood up and went to a particular section of the library and pulled down a large book volume. Opening it, she pulled out one of the phasers within and returned the book to its shelf.

Making her way to a Jeffrey tube opening, she now headed to the Battle Bridge, her place for when there were intruders. However, that bridge was in the secondary hull and would be a bit to get to through the Jeffrey tubes. Well, good thing she kept in shape and was a tree dwelling race. She was quick and fast, knowing the way from the Library to the battle bridge due to Self Training since becoming CFCO.

Ceti Beta 4, Medical Complex

Ensign Phillps was on the night shift keeping watch over the medical supply which was next to the power generator. She was sat reading when she heard a soft thud and she spun around just in time to see a shadowy figure running and a small, round, grenade shaped device blinking on the floor.

Her face went white and she managed to mutter "Oh Crap!" Before she and the rest of the medical supplies and the powered generator exploded in a massive fireball.

Alex jumped, wakened by the loud explosion. He tapped his commbadge. "Gunny Beck to Bravo! Drop whatever you're doing and shag it to the perimeter! Get it moving, Marines! " he barked, knowing his grunts were already awake and gearing up.

Pelting out of the shelter he'd been staying in, Richards looked around at the utter chaos that was forming around the complex. Weapons fire of various colours and design were hammering the compound as well as explosions. They were still understrength as not all their reinforcements had arrived from the ship yet, but even what they had would be more than enough. He raced over to where Gunny Beck was standing; "Gunny! Get me five solids and have them join me in the complex. I'm going to secure the away team. You take charge of perimeter defence. NOTHING comes into this camp, not even air. Weapons free, Gunny."

"Aye sir! " Beck said. He turned to where his platoon was gathering, weapons ready and ready for orders. "First Squad, Fireteam Alpha, you heard the Lieutenant! Get your asses moving! " he bellowed. "The rest of you, man the perimeter! " he finished as First Squad followed after Richards.

"Let's go!" Richards said to the five marines Beck had chosen for him and they hustled double-time into the main complex building, which was predictably in a state of utter chaos. He turned to the marines; "Spread out and find all our people, get them into the administration building, fast as you can. If they won't go willingly, drag them! I want the XO, CMO, COps and anyone else you can find in administration right now. If you see Lieutenant Scarlet in your travels, let him know I'm setting up a CP in Admin."

With his orders distributed, he hitched up his rifle and double-timed it over to the Administration section of the complex which was the most protected part of the facility.

Beck, after checking to make sure his Marines were where they were supposed to be, summoned his three Designated Marksmen to him. They were all geared up and ready. Without a word, they took off for the Admin building. "We're going to provide overwatch from the roof, like we did earlier. If you see something, call it out. Nothing gets through, not even bacteria. Am I clear? " he said. "Yes Gunny! " they responded. "Let's go to work. " he said as they headed for the stairs.

Pearl's eyes flashed open hearing the explosion, she had taken to sleeping with her boots on, being in a strange area and not feeling the safest. Her booted feet hit the floor, and she pulled on her jacket, heading towards where the others were. She heard the instructions of Richards, and headed towards where the away team were.

Scarlet had always been a light sleeper, and now was no exception. Muscle memory and instinct guided his first few actions as he came awake. Rifle, armor, check. Breather mask adjusted on his face.

He came out of the shelter and tapped his hud to bring it online. Soon it was giving him a readout of the whereabouts of the squad. Catching movement out of the corner of his eye that didn't match up with the hud he leveled his rifle and his breathing.

Sleep had alluded him for hours, So Miles was reading through some reports on his PADD, which also had an image of his fiance, Sav, in the corner. When the explosion occurred, Miles stood up, wearing his workout outfit, he grabbed his phaser, set it to max stun and then grabbed his combadge, tapping it he stated, "SITREP, I need to know what's going on?" Miles moved to the door of his room, and peeked out. Seeing no one, he began moving towards the room occupied by Anya, keeping an eye out for anyone he didn't know, especially if they were carrying a weapon.

Scarlet lowered his weapon a little as a readout of the Commander appeared where he'd noticed the movement. He hurried over to the man and quickly did a sweep around for anything out of the ordinary. "We're under attack sir. Gathering at the admin building for a better defensive posture."

Miles looked around, "Why do I feel like we were lured here? Has anyone contacted the Merlin, I tried but I couldn't get a signal out. Has anyone been injured, we need to do a head count as we move to a more defensible position!"

Mathias woke with a start, being shook out of his slumber by the explosion. He dressed quickly , pulling his boots on to hear pounding on his door where he slept.

"Get up, you need to get to the Admin building now!"

Mathias opened the door to see one of the marines there. "Okay let me get my gear."

"Hurry, we don't know who's out there!" Pearl her voice filled with urgency.

Mathias quickly grabbed his gear and followed after the marine.

Reaching out to touch the marine's shoulder, "Hey, I need to go check on the others."

"Look, you need to get to the admin building, like as in yesterday!" Pearl growled out.

"Not without my sister." Mathias said firmly.

Pearl ground her teeth, "very well, where's she at?"

"This way." Mathias said, moving in the direction where Zoey would be sleeping. When they reached her door, Mathias pounded on it. "Zoey, Zoey, lets go!"

Zoey had heard the explosion, felt it as well. She had been dozing when it happened. Jumping up she pulled on her boots and slipped her top on. Grabbing her gear, her door opened 2 seconds after Mathias pounded on the door. Was she scared? Oh heck yes! But seeing Mathias she took a deep breath and nodded. It was good. "I'm good, I am good. I will follow you, we need to find the rest of the team."

Pearl tapped on the radio, "Richards, its Bijoux am getting some of the others do you copy?"

Responding, Richards replied; "Get as many as you can find!"

"Copy" Pearl replied.

Mirae watched the chaos and smiled wickedly through her green lips. Fleeters were spooked so easily. Like kicking over an ant hill. She motioned for the mercenaries around her to pick targets and begin taking them out. It was time to light this on fire.

Korthos didn't bother smiling or enjoy watching the commotion. He had a job to do. The burly klingon took aim at a pair of fleeters scurrying like frightened petaQ with his disrupter and fired.

Anya had been enjoying a few moments sleep but the explosion had ripped that comfortable feeling away from her in one hard pull. Instead she was dusting the sleep from her eyes while pulling on her uniform tunic and phaser. She needed to get to the medical facility, she may be needed.

Stepping from her makeshift bunk room what she found was far from what she had expected. Chaos. Explosions, phaser fire, marines and thugs running left and right... She put her head down, pulled her phaser and started running, pointing and downing a thug as she went. There was no way she would make this on her own but she needed to try!

Pearl caught sight of another person from the away team, turning to give cover fire for those coming out.

Mathias saw Anya, "This way!" he shouted, then saw motion coming towards where they were at. He leaped in the way taking a bolt to his arm, the searing pain causing him to cry out.

Anya heard Mathias and moved as quickly as she could towards him pulling her medical kit to bear and pulling out a painkiller, she didn't care which one, and applied it to his arm. He needed to be mobile and quickly, she could deal with the rest later!

Miles heard the scream stopped dead. The marine with him kept heading for cover. Miles whirled around, spotted Anya and said, "Oh crap, Mathias." Miles ran towards the pair and the marine heading towards them. Once he got to them he asked, "Doctor, will he be ok. I can carry him if needed, he looks lighter than Sav (the last is said with a slight blush)."

At the moment all Mathias could even think of was the sheer agony that was tearing through him. He briefly glanced up towards Miles and Anya.

"With all due respect Commander, you are a better shot than I am!" Anya said so matter of fact that it could have been a touch abrasive but despite the situation she did offer a smile and a nod in his direction for the offer.

Miles turned serious, and without asking reached out and took Anya's phaser from her. "If you're going to help Mathias then you need both hands. Besides, I can mutli-task," as evidenced by him drawing a bead and knocking down someone running towards them.

Pearl whirled around, blast, one of the away team got hit. She yelled "Where did it come from!"

Mathias groaned and pointed in the general direction biting his lip. Pearl nodded and sent cover fire in that direction.

"Can you walk?" she said to Mathias.

"Yes." Mathias groaned out once more struggling to his feet, with the help from Miles. "Anya, Zoey, Miles, lets go!"

Zoey screamed when Mathias was hit. "Mathias!" Zoey helped him to his feet, putting his good arm over her shoulder to help him. Even though he was taller than her. She looked to Anya. "Stay close!" Zoey had her phaser on her hip as she helped Mathias trying to walk/run.

"Let me bear his weight... you keep us safe!" Anya directed at the women called Zoey as well as the First Officer, not taking no for an answer. This was hell unleashed and without ground fire not one of them would make it to safety.

"Ok, Mathias you and Anya stay behind Zoey and I, we'll clear the path for you two." Miles suddenly draws up and fires both phasers at one target, the figure dropped from both hits.

Zoey nodded to Anya and let her help Mathias as she would keep them safe. Shooting her phaser at the danger. She would not let her family and team down!

"Many thanks, Anya." Mathias replied feeling some relief due to the hypo-spray application, not fighting the switch to Anya.

"Zoey, Miles, make it count!" ignoring that he had just gave the XO an order. Mathias didn't care at that point.

USS Merlin Battle Bridge

Sav exited a Jeffries Tube near the battle bridge. The doorway was still shut and blinking lights showed emergency power was still active. She still didn't know what had happened, but did know that anything taking down the ship would cause the battle bridge to isolate itself. She came up to the door and touched the panel near it. Flowing along the paths, she discovered the Merlin was a black void, the battle bridge totally isolated away from the ship except for direct control conduits, which didn't have any power at this time. As a Department Head, she activated the panel and the door opened. As she went to go inside, she saw lights down the corridor with voices... non she recognized.

'Boarded' was her immediate thought as she lunged into the doorway. Once inside, she shut the door and then muted the emergency power telltales. She locked it, then went to the Tactical console. Well, nothing right now. All she could do was wait for systems to be restored. Now, the hard part... staying at station till she heard news of something happening. This was the Battle Bridge and it needed her as its security in case another command officer was taken and somebody came a callin...

USS Merlin Main bridge

The aft turbolift doors opened and everyone spun around, phasers ready. Melody called out “Hold your fire! It’s Commander Miller. Glad you could join us Caroline.”

"Yes Captain. What's happening?" the blond Counselor asked.

“We’ve got intruders on multiple decks. Commander Godding has gone to deal with them.” Melody went on to explain. “Also they programmed a probe to put a virus into the main computer. Weapons, shields, propulsion and communications are off-line. We’ve lost contact with the surface but sensors did pick up a massive explosion in the vicinity of the colony. Since I don’t believe in coincidence I would bet that someone created this disease and are now attacking anyone researching a cure.”

"Either that," Caroline said, "Or its a diversion to try take over the ship. Hell of a lot easier if you have the bulk of the marines planet side."

“Sorry to interrupt Captain but internal communication has been restored.” One of the ensigns reported.

Melody nodded in acknowledgment. “Good work Ensign. Jones to Godding report.”

"Captain, this is Lieutenant DeSoto, I'm afraid Commander Godding was severely wounded rescuing a trapped civilian on Deck 5. I'm in temporary command." The male voice said. "We're fighting a running battle but we're giving as good as we can, ma'am."

Melody’s heart skipped a beat but she kept her outward emotions in check. “Understood. You know I can’t let this ship fall into hostile hands. You’ve got 40 minutes.”

"We'll do all we can ma'am..." Came the somewhat panicked response.

Melody passed then tapped her comm badge again. “Jones to Rathburn. Any word on getting that virus out of the main computer?”

"Not yet Captain, but we aren't giving up anytime soon." Rathburn responded. Though the fact that they had managed to get something back up and going gave her hope and an idea of what might work on the rest of the systems.

“You’ve got 40 minutes. If you can’t do it in 35, evacuate and get your engineering staff to their escape pods. Jones out.”

40 Minutes.... Breana thought with a cringe, no pressure there. Looking to her crew she repeated that. "30 minutes guys." She told her department, shortening the time by a few. "Lets double time it.

Melody took a deep breath and locked eyes with Caroline for a split second before addressing the computer. “Computer recognise Jones, Melody. Captain. Initiate auto destruct sequence alpha 1. 40 minute countdown from my mark.. Authorisation Jones Gamma 6 4 7 9 Black. Mark!”

The computer responded “Recognise Jones Melody. Captain. USS Merlin. Auto destruct sequence engaged. This ship will auto destruct in 39 minutes and 58 Seconds.”

USS Merlin, Battle Bridge

At the tactical station, markers appeared showing internal communications had been restored. There were telltales of security and marines engaged in chatter, probably due to the boarding parties once the Merlin had lost its shields. Sav was about to hit the communication when the Self Destruct Sequence showed engaged. She watched the Timer counting down from 40 Minutes and knew that was how much time they had. So, she held tight and waited. Melody would know that this is where Sav would head, and if nobody knew she was there but the Command Team, the better.

So, Sav held tight while watching the timer and waiting for power and systems to be restored.

USS Merlin, Main Bridge

The forward turbolift doors opened and a gang of 6 dressed in black burst onto the bridge.

“Those bastards you can shoot!” Melody called out as she took cover behind the captains chair and took aim with her own phaser on the closest target and fired.

The only human in the group, a scar down the left side of his face, cracked a crooked smile. "Kill the others, the mistress wants the fat red-head in the middle. If you have to rough her up to do it, so be it, but take her alive."

"Got it boss." Grunted a Nausicaan who shot at one of the security officers, vaporising her in an agonizing disruptor blast, her scream brief and silenced quickly.

Melody gasped as she saw Ensign Ricky disappear. Unfortunately, there was no time to grieve. "You still with me Collins?" She called out as she took aim at the Nausican and fired. Hitting him square in the chest, he fell to the deck.

The young junior Lieutenant looked pale and held his phaser up besides his Captain. "I think so ma'am..." He said weakly.

A rather grizzled and combat-worn looking Hirogen jumped over the rail between the aft section and the command chairs before either Melody or Collins could react. He had a very nasty looking blade in his hand which he plunged into Collins' neck quickly before removing it and allowing the poor young man to fall to the deck, bleeding out.

"He was not worthy prey." The Hirogen said, in response to the look that Melody had on her face.

Melody stared at him coldly. “He was no ones prey. And neither am I” she uttered as she raised her phaser.

In the distraction of Collins' death, the human leader had vaulted down and came up behind Melody and grabbed her forcefully from behind. "Drop the toy, toots, or my friend will help you loose some weight..." He hefted his own rather nasty blade up against Melody's neck.

Melody froze, feeling the blade against her neck. Weighing up her options and seeing that none of them were good, she dropped her phaser. Holding both her hand up, she slowly turned to face him. She looked him square in the eye, showing no fear. “Now what?” She asked him quietly. “You’re going to kill an unarmed pregnant woman?”

In the chaos that had occurred Caroline had made it to the medikit on the bridge and loaded a hypospray. It seemed she wasn't considered a threat or luck would have it nobody noticed her. She was about to try neutralise him when Melody locked eyes with her and flicked them down where she noticed the blade. Pocketing the hypospray discreetly awaiting a chance it could be useful, Caroline said loudly. "What are your terms? What do you want?"

The human male let out a dramatic over-the-top sigh. "Why do they persist in putting women in charge in the Federation?" He asked, rhetorically. "Honestly, all you're good for is cooking, cleaning and breeding. If you ain't at the stove you should be on your back with your legs in the air..." He licked his lips and eyed up Caroline. "What say you, blondie? Wanna come with? Best decision you ever made, I promise you that..."

“Hey. I’m in Command here. You leave her out of this.” Melody called out, getting his attention back on her.

Caroline took a step forward and locked eyes with him, "I'm too much for you to handle and she would eat you alive. Look at you having to kidnap and berate woman to try impress one. Is that big knife compensating for inadequacies in other areas?"

"Well, either way, my 'terms' and what I want are pretty much what I have." He said, grinning, running his free hand inappropriately over Melody's waist. "Mistress wants red here, I got her." He smirked. "I wonder if I'll be allowed to have a go... pregnant or no..."

Melody looked at him and sneered “Try anything like that and I’ll break it off.”

The word mistress rebounded around Caroline's head. This had to be mirror Amelia. Of course she was going to pop up again. "Try it with me and I will bite it off. Not that I expect there's much there," she informed the pathetic human.

"Come on her ready rooms just over there. Lets see if your complete hot air or not," the blond added unzipping her jacket. It was dangerous but if she could lure him away, she had the means to knock him out.

From behind, a phaser beam reached out and struck near the command area as the security officer who'd been missed attempted to rescue the Captain but had been caught at the last moment by the Hirogen.

Alarmed and realizing his situation could unravel at any moment, he tapped a device on his wrist. "Keevan here. Two to transport."

Moments later, he and Melody vanished in a transporter beam from the bridge.

"Dam it," Caroline said loudly. Realizing she was now in command and all eyes were suddenly on her, she zipped back up her jacket. "Get them in the brig. Get Lieutenant Draxx up here and Sansa," she ordered. "Get me any information on where they have beamed to."

=^=Miller to Lieutenant DeSoto. Report=^=

=^= We're just mopping up down here, Commander. All serious resistance has been contained to isolated pockets. Should have them subdued in the next few minutes. =^=

=^=Try get information from those who are left as to who is their "Mistress" although I suspect I know already and where they have come from."

=^= Copy that ma'am. We'll keep you informed. DeSoto out. =^=

Pressing her comm. badge, she said =^=Miller to Rathburn I need you on the bridge ASAP. We need to shut off the auto destruct."

"Sonofa..." Bree blurted out before glancing to Doyle. "You take over here." With that, Rathburn spun around and took off at a sprint. Pausing only long enough to tap her badge "on my way."

It didn't take long before Breana was stepping off the lift and onto the bridge. "Let's do this Commander, I'm not ready for us to die today." Alright, so formalities might have left when she was down cussing at the computers.

Caroline nodded and addressed the computer. "Computer. Abort the auto-destruct. Authorization Miller 2 2 Beta Charlie."

The computer responded "Authorization confirmed. Additional authorization required."

Butterflies fly wild in her stomach as she listened to Caroline and then to the computer. This was a situation she'd never thought she'd be in, or a part of. Now... Taking a slow deep breath before speaking. "Authorization Rathburn 7 5 Echo Romeo"

After a pause, the computer responded again. "Authorization confirmed. Auto destruct sequence terminated."

"Well that's a weight off. Thank you Lieutenant."

USS Merlin, Battle Bridge

Sav was still watching telltales of communications, but internal sensors were not back online yet, so she held fast. Then, she saw the Auto Destruct counter go silent. "Yay..." Sav mused to herself. Okay, either Autodestruct was no longer needed, or someone was holding top brass hostage and got it cut off. So, to try and find out about the situation, she hit her communicator and stated, =^= Bridge, Sav, I am on station, Sav Out. =^=

She waited to see if she was contacted or not. That would be the tell on who had the upper hand, whether the boarders or the Merlin's crew.

USS Merlin, Bridge

"Ensign call all the senior staff to the ready room. We need to regroup and try find out what's happening," Caroline said.

Bree hadn't left the bridge, no need to with the meeting about to be called. Although when her badge went off with a message from Doyle, she headed over to one of the computers with a glance to Caroline after letting her second know to hold a moment. "Commander, we need to be sitting ducks for a few minutes to fix the virus..."

Caroline nodded trusting Bree in what she needed to do. "Okay make that staff meeting in 15 Ensign."


●●● Commander Caroline Miller
Chief Counselor
USS Merlin

●●●● Captain Melody Jones
Commanding Officer
USS Merlin

●●● Save'ena Tillatix
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Merlin

○●● Lieutenant Commander Marbim Rejal
Executive Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Breana Rathburn
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Merlin

○●● Lieutenant Commander Hayley Godding
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Mathias McPhee
Chief Operations Officer
USS Merlin

Lance Corporal Pearl Bijoux
USS Merlin

○● Lieutenant JG Zoey Hawkins
Chief Science Officer
USS Merlin

●● Lieutenant Nir’anyar
Chief Medical Officer
USS Merlin

| 1st Lieutenant David Scarlet
Marine Company Commander
USS Merlin

((>>> Gunnery Sergeant Alexander Beckt
Marine Sniper
USS Merlin


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