Welcome to the USS Merlin!
"Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen."
It has been nearly a decade since the Hobus star exploded destroying Romulus and causing various factions, including the Klingons, to prey on the fractured empire. The year is 2395 and the USS Merlin has been launched at a time of great instability. The Merlin is an Excalibur class ship designed as not only a command carrier, but, as a deep space explorer as well (referred to by her crew lovingly as a warp capable starbase). The Merlin has been outfitted with everything she and her crew will need, from defense forces to the latest scientific equipment to the largest diplomatic area that could fit on the ship and even carries a compliment of civilian specialists. This beautiful giant has been given a twofold assignment; the first to protect an unknown area of space at the farthest borders of the Romulan Empire; recently acquired in the Federation treaties. The second to keep the peace, with a renewed focus on exploration and discovery.
Here on the Merlin we strive for 1 thing: to have fun writing. We do this by making sure our stories and writing is the best we can make it. None of us are professional writers, however, we still reach for that excellence. As you look around and think about joining what has become our online family, remember, you won't be joining just the Commanding Officers sim, you'll be joining the crew's sim and it will become your sim too, because it is not just one person who makes a sim, but the simmers who make it a sim. So, look around and read our stories then slip into a uniform and jump in!
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Captain Melody Jones Commanding Officer USS Merlin | Lieutenant Commander Ras th'Zaanaq Executive Officer USS Merlin | Lieutenant Nir’anyar 2nd Officer/Chief Medical Officer USS Merlin |
Home of the Golden PADD 2018 Winner |

Latest News Items
» Happy Easter
Posted on Sunday 24 March 2024 @ 18:03 by Captain Melody Jones in General News
Hi all
Apologies for my lack of posting over the last couple of months. It has been down to several factors, one of which someone (Who shall remain nameless) has intoduced me to Star Trek Online (16th Fleet has a presence in the game and my ship is the USS Merlin)
So I'm hoping to kick off a new mission but I do have several options for the new mission:
1. The Seal of approval - The Merlin returns to Megaptera to check on the newly formed colony of Humpback whales, the first off-world colony of a non-human species from Earth. Their mission... To check on the colony's stability and check in with the locals. Also, they will introduce a colony of seals to the planet.
2. Moopsy Mania - Leaving Starbase 185 after repairs, the Merlin receives a distress call from Deep Space 3, A scientific research lab. When they arrive, the crew finds most of the research team dead, only their skins left. Only one researcher is left alive and he has a horrific tale to tell. The project they were working on has been stolen and if perverted into a weapon, could spell disaster for the Federation. But who would steal it and why?
The trail leads the Merlin to a remote planet.
Can they recapture what the scientists were working on…. Or is it already too late?
3. Second Contact - After 5 months at slipstream velocity, the Merlin arrives at the home The 37's. A group of humans who were abduced by the Briori and now reside in the Delta quadrant. First contact was made by the Starship Voyager and now the Merlin has returned to offer assistance and to get to know this distant colony of humans better.
4. USS Merlin – The wrath of Fox
Amelia Fox from the mirror universes is serving time in a federation penal colony. She discovers that the baby she thought she lost was stolen from her and vows to take revenge on those she holds responsible – Namely Melody Jones and the Amelia Fox from this universe. Breaking out of the penal colony, she manages to steal a Federation Starship and embarks on a mission of pure feral vengeance, only stopping when either Melody is dead… or she is. (This mission will have a heavy Wrath of Khan feel to it)
I am, of course open to any suggestions for side missions and I'll be putting a poll on Discord to see which mission is the most popular choice.
» Next Mission
Posted on Monday 12 February 2024 @ 13:03 by Captain Melody Jones in General News
Hello all.
Here is our next mission summary:
Moopsy Mainia!
Leaving Starbase 185 after repairs, the Merlin receives a distress call from Deep Space 3, A scientific research lab. When they arrive, the crew finds most of the research team dead, only their skins left. Only one researcher is left alive and he has a horrific tale to tell:
The project they were working on has been stolen and if perverted into a weapon, could spell disaster for the Federation. But who would steal it and why?
The trail leads the Merlin to a remote planet.
Can they recapture what the scientists were working on…. Or is it already too late?
I hope this sounds exciting to everyone and gets their creative juices flowing :-)
» Update
Posted on Sunday 29 October 2023 @ 11:28 by Captain Melody Jones in General News
Hello all.
So the plan today is I’m going to kick off some more jp’s.
We have a rescue mission leaving Starbase 185 to find the Merlin.
Since time does not exist in the Nexus, I’ll start a post where the rescue team starts to infiltrate the Nexus and try and talk people into coming back.
If anyone is lost or unsure or just wants to have a chat please don’t be a stranger.
All the Best
Captain Melody Jones
» New Writer
Posted on Saturday 2 September 2023 @ 11:43 by Captain Melody Jones in General News
Hello all
I'd like to introduce our new Chief flight Officer, Ensign Arthro Tridi. I hope they enjoy writing with us.
Captain Melody Jones
» New Mission
Posted on Saturday 2 September 2023 @ 08:37 by Captain Melody Jones in General News
Hello all
So we're kicking off a new mission on the Merlin:
The Search
In their previous mission, the USS Merlin suffered some extensive damage to their beloved Excalibur class ship. Luckily they managed to get to Deep Space 21 for some repairs and upgrades and some much needed rest and relaxation for the crew. A must for the crew they found themselves laughing and finding new ways to enjoy themselves so they could go back to work recharged and refreshed.
It has been a while since they departed DS21, their mission one of exploration. However a faint call cut short has led to the Merlin being detected adrift, their power dangerously low and in need of assistance. The ship itself devoid of life, where are the crew? Why is the ship adrift? What happened?
Can you be the one that makes the discovery that finds them? The officer that saves the day and the crew from the unknown? Time might be running out, you’ll just have to join and save them before it's too late!

Latest Mission Posts
» Like Mother, Like daughter Part 2
Mission: Moopsy Mania
Posted on Saturday 8 February 2025 @ 11:41 by Lieutenant Commander Ras th'Zaanaq & Captain Melody Jones & Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones & Civilian Jacob Carson
Melody entered and came to a stop as she saw her XO, Mr Carson, Sansa and..... Sansa.
"Good evening Number One, Jacob, Sansas" She addressed each one. "Does someone want to fill me in?"
A small frown passed over Sansa's features briefly. "Mom..." She gestured to the other Sansa,…
» Like Mother, Like daughter
Mission: Moopsy Mania
Posted on Wednesday 20 November 2024 @ 11:48 by Civilian Sansa Draxx-Jones & Civilian Jacob Carson & Lieutenant Commander Ras th'Zaanaq
Jacob was finishing restocking some of the shelves when he noticed Sansa walk in. "Ahh, good evening Miss Jones... Or should that be Doctor Jones? I saw they published your latest paper in the Starfleet scientific journal. Very impressive for someone so young. Now, what can I do for…
» Before the launch
Mission: Moopsy Mania
Posted on Wednesday 30 October 2024 @ 11:24 by Captain Melody Jones & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Commander Ras th'Zaanaq & Lieutenant JG Zirvell Khen & Ensign Tridi
Captain's log supplemental: We are preparing for the 1st trial run of the new experimental shuttle. For this, we have picked an area of uninhabited space en route to Irwin station. Once Commander Seklar is satisfied that the new shuttle is safe, finally I might get a chance to…
» Making Friends Part 2
Mission: The Search
Posted on Saturday 5 October 2024 @ 17:41 by Lieutenant JG Zirvell Khen & Commander Caroline Miller & Lieutenant Commander Theodore Walker Theo
The news of Anya's transfer had struck him like a bombshell. Though he'd had a chance to wish her well and tell her goodbye, Zirvell was very anxious about meeting his new boss. There was still quite a bit of prejudice against his species within Starfleet and even though hard…
» The cat's out of the bag
Mission: Moopsy Mania
Posted on Wednesday 25 September 2024 @ 06:06 by Captain Melody Jones & Ensign Charlie Cooper & Commander Seklar
Melody entered main engineering with a spring in her step. She had been following the progress of the shuttle team and the simulations had been very encouraging. It was now time to try the real thing.
"Commander Seklar, Ensing Cooper. I've been following your progress on the shuttle. Well…

Latest Personal Logs
» Not a good start
Posted on Monday 13 December 2021 @ 00:12 by
I've been aboard for several days now and all I have done is read over intelligence updates and catch up on the mountain of paperwork that was left over from the last Intelligence officer that was aboard. I was beginning to feel somewhat sleepy and stood up to go over…
» Mixed feelings
Posted on Saturday 9 October 2021 @ 12:52 by Captain Melody Jones
Captain's log: Mission day 3, 0700
It's with mixed feelings that I make this log entry. Sansa has just departed last night on the USS Santa Maria with Lieutenant Teague and Fay to help settle what hopefully will be the first group of Humpback whale colonists. I must admit…
» What now
Posted on Monday 4 October 2021 @ 19:03 by Lieutenant Marbim Rejal
"Well, she's gone. Who I thought was the love of my life, and who I wanted to spend my future with has left. We'd had no argument, no disagreements, all I found was a note and the promise items I'd given her. She has also blocked my ability to communicate…
» The Rams Head
Posted on Sunday 3 October 2021 @ 22:16 by
By the Gods!! I am looking forward to begin construction on the Rams Head and get her up and running. It will be designed on a quaint English country side pub. Nothing to big or fancy, Just a place where one can go to unwind with a few friends and…
» A Moment of Helplessness
Posted on Saturday 17 July 2021 @ 12:42 by Gunnery Sergeant Alexander Beck
Personal Log, Gunnery Sergeant Alexander Beck.
Okay, shit just got real.
I just found out that Marika is involved in an away mission that suddenly went sideways. Granted, I taught my wife how to defend herself. It comes with being a mom, part of the territory. She's good with a…